
The Witches Are Coming Quotes

The Witches Are Coming by Lindy West

The Witches Are Coming Quotes
"It’s as though the PC police don’t even care how much LarryBarry likes that song! Or how important it is that he continue his ongoing research into the worst ways to move the human body!"
"This court, independent of, but in agreement with the advisory sentence rendered by the jury does hereby impose the death penalty upon the defendant Theodore Robert Bundy."
"He’s the boss who thinks you owe him something; the date who thinks that silence means 'yes' and 'no' means 'try harder'; the stranger who thinks your body’s mere existence constitutes an invitation to touch, take, own, and destroy."
"We’re tearing down old systems, but we haven’t built new systems yet."
"I don’t want to live in a world where straight white men in their forties with mustaches can’t go to the queer POC dance night and nonconsensually grind on lesbians they don’t know without people getting weird about it!"
"Art didn’t invent oppressive gender roles, racial stereotyping, or rape culture, but it reflects, polishes, and sells them back to us every moment of our waking lives."
"We can bring reality back to reality if we change who makes the choices."
"We have to start living in the truth. We have to start calling things by their real names: racism is racism, sexism is sexism, mistakes are mistakes, and they can be rectified if we do the work."
"We cannot achieve racial equality until we stop giving twenty-two-year-old male comedians who believe in 'reverse racism' as much credence in the 'discourse' as we give black scholars and academics."
"I hate conservatives, but I really hate liberals."
"Sexism is a male invention. White supremacy is a white invention. Transphobia is a cisgender invention."
"The whole society is not for single girls, you know that."
"Joan fell into so many traps that society sets for women, and her failures and frailties mapped those pits so that those who came after could avoid them."
"There is something irresistibly endearing about Guy Fieri, perhaps not in spite of his gaucherie as a broadcaster but because of it."
"Inevitably, in any critical analysis of pop culture like this, there comes a point when one party throws up his or her hands and asks, Why aren’t we allowed to just have fun sometimes?"
"Every person is, to varying degrees, a fixer upper."
"But there’s a reason why these memes are almost always made by white people about white people."
"We are not about to get in the nasty business of throwing stones at each other—don’t ask us to cause we won’t play that way."
"I thought he might inadvertently kill me." - Christine Blasey Ford
"I want to make a show about a fat woman where at no point does she step on a scale, look down, and sigh." - Author
"To approve? I do not approve." - On responding to social injustice
"If we lose either way, why the fuck shouldn't we just let our anger out?" - On expressing anger against injustice
"This is the time." - On taking action against climate change
"How would you like to live ... forever?" - Randy, the Uber driver
"What’s the alternative? To approve? I do not approve." - On disapproving societal norms
"But what’s the alternative? To approve? I do not approve." - On challenging societal expectations
"The society this culture created is well fortified." - On the challenges of changing societal norms
"I keep vowing to never write about internet trolls again, but unfortunately my country’s hard dick for ignoring the screams of the marginalized has made internet trolls not just culturally relevant or politically relevant but historically relevant." - On the significance of addressing online harassment.
"Care can be florid and romantic or bureaucratic and dry; it is maintenance and stewardship and only sometimes love."
"Climate change is real. Universal health care is an objective public good. Corporations are stealing your money and your future."
"Political parties do tell you what they are and what they think a society is for, maybe not in their words but always, always, always in their actions."
"The purpose of a society is to take care of people."
"We did not actually know what will happen when, though I believe it is dire and soon. Regardless, we cannot go back in time; all we can do is start right now."
"Do not despair. Despair is the death of action. Go, act, fight."
"The problem with America is that we refuse to look at the problem with America."
"Tomorrow is that day if we start telling the right stories, start living in the truth, and holding the line even when it hurts."
"We've won this war before, and we will win it again."
"The witches are coming, but not for your life. We’re coming for your lies. We’re coming for your legacy. We’re coming for our future."