
Hunt For Jade Dragon Quotes

Hunt For Jade Dragon by Richard Paul Evans

Hunt For Jade Dragon Quotes
"That which doesn’t kill you only makes you taller."
"If someone was listening to us they would have already died of boredom."
"We’re especially glad to see you alive."
"That’s like saying Cuba and the United States are the same country."
"The world’s dark. Or didn’t you notice?"
"The metal mesh protects the building’s wiring from electromagnetic pulses."
"If I can do anything for you, or you just need to talk, I’m here."
"We’ll have fun at the reception tonight."
"The first rule of success is to never underestimate your enemy. Vey’s no idiot."
"I can’t understand you, carrottop. I don’t speak moron."
"What are you doing here? Vey's no idiot."
"That’s epic, man. That reminds me of that time at the X Games when Zeus shocked that..."
"They’ll find out soon enough. Unfortunately, you won’t."
"Thanks for the lift, Florian, but I can’t really help myself. It’s in my nature."
"One of the last things your father said to me before he died was to keep you safe. I haven’t done a very good job at that."
"Is it better to be safe and worthless, or valuable and in danger?"
"It's not about the shopping, it's the looking."
"I love to sleep. It's like being dead without the commitment."
"I think the odds are definitely not in our favor."
"Sometimes I just like to hear you say it."
"You've got to take the bad with the good."
"They'll spend all eternity as rat food."
"You can't blame yourself, Son. You're only fifteen. You've done what you were told to do by Simon."
Ninety-seven," he said. "Thank you, Son. This will definitely help. We’ve got to save her before they find out you finally know the truth.
"Every country has them. Until you are certified as a non–security risk you cannot have free access to the plant."
"If a problem has a solution, to worry is no use, for in the end it will be solved. If a problem has no solution, there is no reason to worry, because it cannot be solved."
"I suppose that was one of the benefits of being friends with Ostin. You didn’t always have to explain things."
"I think you’ve got that backward, Q-bert."
Do not be too sure of it," Ben said. "I have made American-style breakfast.
"They’re like a six-foot barrier of fish."
That’s for sure," I said, pulling my upper body into the duct. "She’s on our side.
"A one-out-of-three chance is better than nothing."
"The three boats are the shells; the fishing boat is the magician’s hand."
"I’m totally going to kiss you on the lips when this is over."
"They’re putting distance between them and the Volta’s guns. They’ll head out to sea, then turn south and head to our dock."
"Boring sounds nice. You know, I’d like to live on a ranch. Someplace rustic. Maybe even without electricity."
"We got her. Just like you said we would."
"Wade would have liked Taiwan. He would have wanted to learn how they make those dumplings we had."
"Did you know that he wanted to be a chef?"
"My parents would take her. I was adopted."
"We need to see what they’ve done. If Hatch has done this, I swear on my life, that either he dies or I do. We will avenge them."