
The Three-Body Problem Quotes

The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin

The Three-Body Problem Quotes
"Physics has never existed, and will never exist."
"To achieve moral awakening required a force outside the human race."
"The feelings from that terrible night two years ago when she cleaned her father’s body in the mortuary would resurface."
"The world was still only darkness, but the noise grew more and more real."
"The entire universe was a huge block of ice, and she was the only spark of life within it."
"This is a defense research facility. The research conducted here needs your specialized scientific knowledge."
"Every time they spilled all of their blood, it would cool faster than a pile of cow dung, and not be as useful."
"The gigantic antenna on top of Radar Peak rose once again, giving off a cold, metallic glint."
"I have no direct connection with the Frontiers of Science, but it is famous in academia."
"They all involved the question: What is the limit of science?"
"If we send him, he’d be a meat dumpling thrown to the dogs."
"The way you speak is not appropriate for a good police officer."
"Their minds have made irreplaceable contributions to humanity."
"I think I would be much safer than you in such situations."
"War has everything to do with the army."
"I have to confess that I’m not feeling very sharp today."
"Then most people have lived fortunately."
"The world is full of unpredictable factors, yet you have never faced a crisis."
"The entire history of humankind has been fortunate."
"Don’t worry about Shi Qiang. That’s just his personality."
"The laws of physics are invariant across space and time."
"The laws of physics that could be applied anywhere in the universe do not exist."
"To accomplish something in theoretical physics requires one to have almost religious faith."
"I know what I’m doing is irresponsible. But I have no choice."
"The universe would flicker like a fluorescent tube that’s about to burn out!"
"The universe was an empty palace, and humankind the only ant in the entire palace."
"The more transparent something was, the more mysterious it seemed."
"The universe itself was transparent; as long as you were sufficiently sharp-eyed, you could see as far as you liked."
"The entire sky flickered, as if the universe was but a quivering lamp in the wind."
"This kind of thinking infused the second half of my life with a conflicted mentality: Sometimes I thought life was precious, and everything was so important; but other times I thought humans were insignificant, and nothing was worthwhile."
"We cherish all that we have accomplished. But our world is still flawed. Hate exists, as does prejudice and war."
"A Type II civilization can marshal the energy equivalent to the output of a typical star—10^26 watts."
"In the dead of the night, I could hear in my headphones the lifeless noise of the universe."
"Human societies are working hard to resolve the difficulties and problems they face, striving to create a better future for Earth civilization."
"Sometimes I thought it sounded like the endless winter winds of the Greater Khingan Mountains. I felt so cold then, and the loneliness was indescribable."
"The world, based on the European High Middle Ages, was chosen by the software based on his ID."
"You’re late. The meeting has been going on for a while," the gold-crowned, red-robed man said.
"Eastern scholars tried to understand the secrets of the sun’s motion through meditation, epiphany, or even dreams. Utterly laughable!"
"The reason why the sun’s motion seems patternless is because our world has three suns."
"Burn him to death," the pope said impassively.
"You lack basic scientific training," Galileo said, shaking his head.
"The world has ended! The world has ended! Dehydrate! Dehydrate!"
"Civilization Number 183 was destroyed by a tri-solar day."
"My life is in danger," Wei said, his face wooden.
"Your derivation is so fast and instinctive that you can’t even tell how you got the answer."
"The human race is hideous. I’ve spent the first half of my life unveiling this ugliness with the scalpel of literature."
"The world of Three Body, or Trisolaris, really does exist."
"But suppose that of the thirty million soldiers forming the computer, each one is capable of raising and lowering the black and white flags a hundred thousand times per second."
"Civilization Number 184 was destroyed by the stacked gravitational attractions of a tri-solar syzygy."
"No matter what the Trisolarans are like, their arrival will be good news for the terminally ill human race."
"Everyone waited for the results as if waiting for Judgment Day."
"We have definitively proven that the three-body problem has no solution."
"If even an extremely simple arrangement like the three-body system is unpredictable chaos, how can we have any faith in discovering the laws of the complicated universe?"
"God is a shameless old gambler. He has abandoned us!"
"Yes, God is a gambler. The only hope for Trisolaran civilization is to gamble as well."
"This civilization seems to have developed to a very advanced state."
"Our world is nothing more than the sole survivor of a Great Hunt."
"We must leave the Trisolaran stellar system and fly into the wide open sea of stars."
"The only path left for Trisolaran civilization is to gamble with the universe."
"The ultimate goal and ideal of the ETO is to lose everything."
"With the best of intentions, we look forward to establishing contact with other civilized societies in the universe. We look forward to working together with you to build a better life in this vast universe."
"Everything you see before you is the result of poverty. But how are things any better in the wealthy countries? They protect their own environments, but then shift the heavily polluting industries to the poorer nations."
"The entire human race is the same. As long as civilization continues to develop, the swallows I want to save and all the other swallows will go extinct. It’s just a matter of time."
"If there were more men like him, even just a few more, things would have turned out differently."
"The first priority is to guarantee the existence of the human race and their comfortable life. Everything else is secondary."
"You probably know that the American government just refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol.… The entire human race is the same."
"One-tenth the speed of light is only their maximum speed, but they cannot cruise at this speed for long before decelerating as they approach the Earth."
"They are sealing off the progress of human science. Because of the existence of these two protons, humanity will not be able to make any important scientific developments during the four and a half centuries until the arrival of the Trisolaran Fleet."
"If they can cross the distance between the stars to come to our world, their science must have developed to a very advanced stage. A society with such advanced science must also have more advanced moral standards."
"Is this all there is to my life? Yes, this is all there is. All that you have in this life is the endless loneliness in the tiny space of this listening post."
"The fate of Trisolaran civilization was now tied to these slender fingers."
"Without hesitation, the listener pressed the button."
"Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!!"
"We cannot share the Earth with the people of that world. We could only destroy Earth civilization and completely take over that solar system."
"I am tired of Trisolaris. We have nothing in our lives and spirit except the fight for survival."
"The history of the past two hundred-some cycles of civilization proved that civilizations that relied on these two states as their spiritual core were the most capable of survival."
"The bugs have never been truly defeated."
My sunset," Ye whispered. "And sunset for humanity.