
Stalker Quotes

Stalker by Lars Kepler

Stalker Quotes
"It wasn’t until the first body was found that anyone took the film seriously."
"To get the tights to sit comfortably she took long strides over imaginary obstacles and did several squats with her legs wide apart."
"The word stalker has existed since the early 1700s. In those days it meant a tracker or poacher."
"Almost 10 percent of the population will be subjected to some form of stalking in the course of their lifetime."
"The forensic post-mortem later that week concluded that she bled to death as a result of the multiple lacerations and stab-wounds that were concentrated, in a display of extraordinary brutality, around her throat and face."
"The light from the room reaches beyond the leaves of a rosebush, casting a slight flare across the top of the lens."
"A woman who’s been for a run, and is now eating ice cream and watching television."
"The future lies in shadow, but the planets are approaching dangerous alignments. Right now her fate is floating like a razor blade on still waters."
"The perpetrator wants to highlight something about this particular woman, or a certain type of woman. Perhaps it’s about all women, the whole of society."
"The audience is booing and whistling at the judges’ decision."
"It’s already dark outside the glass atrium of the National Police Authority."
"Her hair is the colour of pale, polished birchwood, and is pulled into a thick plait down her back."
"Her ears are roaring as her shoulders relax and her muscles soften."
"She can’t remember a summer as hot as this before."
"You need both hands when you’re playing."
"He wants to communicate something. He wants to make a point."
"Sometimes I think that our idea of justice is still in its infancy."
"I’ve tested for allergens, and it turns out that I’m allergic to mindfulness."
"I didn’t believe it when they said you were in the building."
"It’s just been confirmed that this knife was the murder weapon."
"We console ourselves with work and routines, but every so often we have to turn our regulated lives upside down, if only to prove to ourselves that we are free."
"I'm not sure I'm any good at relationships."
"There's nothing bad about making mistakes."
"Sometimes you just have to pretend you're grown up, and do what you're supposed to, say the things that grown-ups say…"
"Walk across the dead without a sound. Walk across the dead and hear their murmuring resound."
"We can't let him play at being a detective."
"I'm just trying to say that this feels too easy."
"I can wake up in the middle of the night and remember a day twenty years ago and write it all down, then when I read what I wrote a week later it feels like I made it all up, like it never happened … and of course I don’t really know … It’s the same thing with my short-term memory, half the days disappear, I take my medicine, play billiards, talk to some idiots, eat lunch, then it’s all gone." - Rocky Kyrklund
I may look slow," Joona says. "But I’m going to take that knife and break your arm at the elbow … and if you don’t lie still after that, I’ll puncture your right lung.
"It’s not worth it," Erik whispers, his heart pounding in his chest.
There’s no danger here," Erik says, as calmly as he can. "You’re quite safe, you can talk about everything that happens.
"That’s all empty flattery," she smiles, shaking Joona’s hand.
I ignore the strippers on the main stage," Rocky says. "I ignore the dealers, because what I’m looking for …
The murders are following each other like a string of pearls, a ring of roses," Joona thinks. "The order of death is ordained long before anyone pulls the trigger.
"Dear God in heaven, have mercy on my soul, dear God in heaven …" - Rocky Kyrklund
"If you can just tell me Olivia’s surname, I can find her," Erik says, meeting Rocky’s gaze.
"Katas and shadow-boxing can never replace sparring and real-life situations, but they’re a way to get the body used to the movements, and, by repetition, train the body to think that certain movements belong together." - Joona Linna
"A human being isn’t dead until it’s both dead and warm."
"No paperwork, no investigation, no Interpol, the body gets buried as an unknown, and the resources are used elsewhere."
"The final stage of the decomposition process leaves the skeleton entirely exposed."
"Some are never found, some are found many years later ... and some are found but never identified."
"The only place that’s at all like your description used to be out in Barkarby."
"If it’s possible to buy heroin there, I’d know about it."
"I knew a thousand idiots, and practically all of them would have killed their own brothers and sisters for a couple of wraps."
"It sounds like somewhere for heavy drugs ... a fairly large place, given that there’s a stage and a lot of prostitutes."
"I'm not prone to paranoia ... but I’ve met all three victims."
"I was the one who recommended he be let out on supervised excursions."
"Unless Rocky returns to Karsudden Hospital soon, so that Erik can question him properly, they’ll have to make a public appeal for information about him."
"Margot switches the video off, and has a strong feeling that she’s being watched."
"‘Being nice is a good thing, surely?’ Margot points out."
"She feels worried for herself, because she keeps forgetting all the things that normal people know."
"‘Just give me someone to shoot,’ she says wearily."
"Margot opens her bag and takes out her powder compact, looks at herself in the little mirror, and puts some more powder on."
"‘You look nice,’ Margot says, tilting her head to one side."
"‘I have actively sought out sin, but I am forgiven,’ he says wearily."
"‘What did you want?’ Jenny asks, picking at her armpit."
"‘The murders are characterised by a high degree of risk-taking, forensic awareness and excessive brutality,’ he reads."
"‘I thought I was the bad guy?’ Margot says."
"‘I have sinned,’ he says softly. ‘But I—’"
"‘Time to die,’ the man with the gun pants."
"‘Shut up! I don’t give a fuck – you need to do three more customers,’ he says."
"‘I’ll shoot you in both knees unless you come with me,’ he says."
"‘You want me to tell you things,’ Rocky says. ‘But all I remember from purgatory is that I was sitting in a little monkey cage … and there were long wooden poles with glowing ends—’"
"‘Each family is a kingdom,’ Thomas says. ‘Ingrid is my queen, the girls princesses.’"
"‘But I put my life in the Lord’s hands and was baptised in the Holy Spirit,’ Pasi goes on. ‘Now I am the drop of blood running down Christ’s cheek, I am the drop of blood …’"
"‘The preacher is jealous … just like God,’ he whispers."
"‘It’s just that Katryna doesn’t like being at home on her own,’ he confesses."
"‘The sickness of sin was raging in me …’"
"‘Katryna will stay here until the forensic examination of the scene is complete.’"
"‘I’m sorry, I can’t tell you how sorry I am.’"
"‘I don’t know, I don’t know anything … Margot—’"
"‘I’m not going to sit here and listen to—’"
"‘The helicopter rises up and the clattering sound is deafening.’"
"‘We were at home,’ Thomas’s wife says in an amiable voice."
"‘Katryna’s still in there,’ Adam pants."
"‘They just keep repeating things we already know …’"
"‘Let’s hear him out,’ Margot says curtly."
"‘I’ll get it,’ Ingrid volunteers, and rises to her feet."
"Everyone’s upset. Obviously, we want to make it easier for him to hand himself in, and naturally, he’ll get a fair trial—"
"Assuming he doesn’t hang himself in his cell before then."
"Before we go on I want to say something. Like you, I believe that Erik is the murderer, but if we all take a step back … Can we even entertain the possibility that we might be wrong, that Erik is actually innocent?"
"I’ll be in touch when I’ve found the real killer."
"You do your best, you come home, nice and quiet, but … nothing’s good enough anymore …"
"I don’t understand how I could have ended up in this situation. Everything I’ve done has only made things worse."
"You can’t hear me, and you can’t smell me. I was born before you and I’ll be waiting for you when you die. I can embrace you, but you can’t hold on to me."
"I see the old priest … With rouge over the stubble on his drooping cheeks … the lipstick, and his stupid expression, morose and silent …"
"The light is the color of chalk. Falling through the windows in the deep alcoves … Against a gold-leaf ceiling hangs the defeated savior … together with the other criminals."
"You’re walking along the edge of the water, towards a headland. The wet sand feels solid under your feet, it’s easy to walk on, warm waves lap around your legs, grains of sand swirl round …"
"It’s too late for that, it’s too late for everything now, I just want to give myself up without being killed!"
"A strong impulse to just lie flat on his stomach and give up, hand himself over to the police overwhelms him."
"The calls are drawing nearer, a hunting team surrounding their prey."
"He’s so out of breath that his throat feels raw, and he knows he has no chance of outrunning the dogs if they’ve been set loose."
"Dry pine cones crunch beneath his feet. Flowering heather brushes his legs."
"When he’s finally at the top he lies down, flat out. His heart pounds against the rock beneath him."
"Erik swims, keeping his head low and trying not to disturb the surface of the lake too much."
"It’s over, I haven’t got anywhere to go."
"He carries on round the next bend and stops in front of a map of the nature reserve."
"He makes his way up on to the rocks on unsteady legs, then collapses."
"‘I love adventures,’ she says sarcastically."
"‘I understand how you feel,’ she interrupts. ‘But doesn’t it just get even worse the longer you wait?’"