
Call It What You Want Quotes

Call It What You Want by Brigid Kemmerer

Call It What You Want Quotes
"If I could get my hands on a magic wand that would put him back together, I’d do it."
"A year ago, we had everything. Now we have nothing."
"It’s not often that blue-collar kids go to an Ivy League school—on a full lacrosse scholarship, no less."
"I’ve always been someone people call nice. Well, until last spring, when people started calling me cheater."
"We don’t all have a college fund waiting for us."
"Everyone knew me. Everyone wanted to be me."
"Sometimes I wish I’d gone to a private school. Not because I’m a snob—though I probably was, if I want to get technical."
"I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to run."
"It’s a tough balance being able to take care of Dad and still put in a full day’s work."
"It’s been a long time since I did that."
"I care about my grades. You can’t slack off on this."
"I get good grades. I was great at lacrosse."
"I don’t know. I’m just trying to keep my head down and graduate."
"What’s going to happen to her scholarship?"
"I don’t carry a grudge, but I have a functioning memory."
"I feel like I’m at a disadvantage here."
"You will get in this car or I will drive to that school and question every boy I see until I find the one who did this to you."
"She said it’s the first day she woke up without a fever."
"You’re kind. And honest. And thoughtful."
"Sometimes I do hate him. I don’t know. He was my best friend."
"My father wasn’t a good man. He hurt a lot of people. I have to look them in the eye every day."
"I didn’t know what he was doing. I didn’t."
"I didn’t realize until tonight that even Bill thought I knew."
"I don’t know if I could run a race. Not with a bunch of other kids."
"I have a blind spot in my right eye. I see spots in my left."
"I didn’t mean to screw it up for everyone else. I didn’t."
"I’m pretty sure a blind spot that keeps you from driving would also keep you out of basic training."
"You want me to get out so you can take a swing, too?"
"Until this very minute, I had never really considered why Owen was poor."
"I remember it because she said, 'Be glad you boys don’t have to wear these wretched things. Nothing gives me a headache faster.'"
"The weight that drops off my shoulders is almost tangible."
"Carolyn. My mother, who lost more than anyone and deserves nothing but kindness."
"My eyes find Connor, standing on the front porch with his parents. He’s in boxers and a T-shirt. His father looks furious. His mother looks shocked."
"What puts you in the position to determine the best use of what you were planning to steal?"
"I can’t take it. I’m stuck here, because otherwise I lose what little I have left."
"You get to run out of here when Dad is too much for you, but I’m the one left behind."
"I know what night you’re talking about."
"I never wanted to hurt you, Robbie. I love you."