
Tweet Cute Quotes

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

Tweet Cute Quotes
"Well, if you do end up calling the fire department, prop me up on the taller counter so I can see the hot firefighters bust in."
"It's not enough to be good, or even great—you have to crush your peers, or get crushed."
"Unlike you, I don’t need any help with my grades."
"I’m competing for Ivy League admissions with legacies who probably descended down from the original Yale bulldog."
"Anything we can do to make them feel more at ease…"
"Well, I wasn’t. But now that it’s on the table…"
"The truth is, it feels too much like letting her down. Both of my parents. Like they’re counting on me to be the kid who keeps this place afloat, the kid who stays."
"When my alarm clock goes off the next morning, it almost feels like a joke."
"The thing that still doesn’t make sense to me is why Paige even came here in the first place."
"The snooze alarm goes off, ending my pity party."
"My mom thrust her laptop in my face and asked for help answering more #GrilledByBLB selfies, undeterred by the backlash we’d gotten."
"It’s enough to make any copyright lawyer do a double-take, if we’re unfortunate enough that this deli really does have some kind of legal position to come at us."
"Big League Burger @B1gLeagueBurger - Replying to @GCheesing - OMG! Finally! The public knows the secret ingredient grandma adds to your grilled cheese."
"It’s pretty much a mash-up of every junk food known to man, baked into a cake. Hence the name."
"And then she’s off—Pooja, Bunny, or whoever she really is—leaving me torn with a new kind of uncertainty in her wake."
"I spend the next few hours attempting and ultimately failing to ignore the texts coming in from my mom and Taffy."
"Girl Cheesing @GCheesing - Replying to @B1gLeagueBurger - still tastes better than unoriginality though amirite."
"I’m still half asleep by the time I get to homeroom, but not half asleep enough I don’t notice Jack and Ethan muttering to each other in heated voices in a corner of the room."
"I pull up the Weazel app, wondering if it’s something from the Hallway Chat."
"I haven’t seen this many people clustered outside of a shop since the damn cronut."
"Ethan’s tweets! Mom chirps. Before I even feel my face start to pinch, she adds quickly, "Both of your tweets. After they went viral, I guess…"
"I’m grateful, suddenly, Ethan busted into the account and kept ribbing Big League Burger all day."
"I’m about to open my mouth and tattle on Ethan like the total yellowbelly I apparently am, but my mom beats me to the punch."
"The place is packed. We have customers out the door and not enough hands in the world to serve them."
"I’m not a narc. I’m really not. If I were, Ethan’s golden-child status would have been knocked down more than a few notches years ago."
"I catch sight of my reflection in the window, my hair all whipped from the wind, my face contorted. I don’t even have the dignity of being able to look angry."
"We’ll talk disciplining later. Sandwiches now. Go, go, go."
"My entire body is covered in brie and honey mustard."
"The rules are: no drawing blood. And… that’s pretty much it."
"There’s something else that fractured between the Big League Burger then and whatever it’s become since."
"I can’t think of anything else I can do."
"I wonder if it’s some kind of betrayal, sharing it with someone outside of the family."
"I’m so preoccupied with what on earth our next tactical move can be I don’t even notice Vice Principal Rucker standing in the lobby of the gym where we hold practices until I hear his unmistakable nasally voice saying, 'Excuse me, Miss Singh, but what exactly am I seeing on your phone screen?'"
"Yuck. I forgot to put sugar in it. I glance around to look for the coffee counter, getting up from my chair and bumping into someone who was coming at me from the left."
"I didn’t believe a grown adult could be this invested in their kid doing something this objectively dumb."
"What’s the point of learning if you’re just doing it to beat someone, you know?"
"You aren’t afraid the impression you’re giving might alienate some of your customer base?"
"Sometimes it feels like I’m—not as—I don’t know."
"My staged food pictures put Martha Stewart to shame."
"I’ve been so wrapped up in tweeting I might have just blown my chances at college."
"Despite Jack stealing my phone, I don’t think Mom has any idea I go to school with the sons of the people running Girl Cheesing."
"Hub Seed reached out to us, I reminded her. And yeah, the retweet showdown was my idea, and we set the terms. They broke them. That’s not my fault."
"The further we take this, the worse we look."
"I’m the CEO. I’m the one who built this place up—the one who turned this operation from a backyard grill to the force it is today."
"I miss my mom when she’s gone, but it is perhaps the biggest mercy the universe has ever bestowed upon me when she calls to let me know she’ll be extending her time in California."
"It’s enough of a shift that, for the first time since I left Pepper on the pool deck, she and stupid Landon are not the most aggressive things on my mind."
You are plenty qualified," she says. "I wouldn’t put you in charge of it if you weren’t.
"I’m not a regular social media manager. I’m a cool social media manager."
"This was just the beginning. We’ll go to war on Snapchat next."
"I didn’t want to get away, or anything. I want to be here."
"We built that together. You, me, your dad, Paige. Made something better than I could have ever made on my own."
"I think we need to take a bus and go to Philly."
"You don’t think an Uber will go that far?"