
Cursed Quotes

Cursed by Marissa Meyer

Cursed Quotes
"You should know by now that the best stories are never truly over."
"There was something about their cluster of tangled limbs and open mouths, blue-tinged eyelids, and muttered complaints that filled her heart with something close to contentment."
"The worst misfortune of all—the lives taken from these five precious souls."
"I would argue that ‘happily ever after’ is one of my more popular lies."
"To look at a ghost was a bit like looking at a mirage, their outlines shifting and blurring into the air."
"The imagination that had carried her away on so many fancies ever since she could remember… yet had brought her nothing but trouble."
"Serilda loved these five little ghosts with all her being."
"I hope he does," she said breathlessly, tears gathering in her eyes.
"You don’t have to apologize for anything."
"This small mortal has chosen to meet us on this solstice night to deliver a special gift to none other than my new wife."
"The Lady Serilda has only this afternoon taken the vows to become my queen."
"I would never wish to keep my husband from his true love—the hunt."
"My goodness. Mortals really do feel lovely, don’t they?"
"Those children you danced with? They were from Märchenfeld, and he kidnapped and killed them all."
"Serilda, I wish I could explain everything to you, but know that I would have returned if I’d had any choice."
"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to kiss you."
"You have made me your queen, and a queen I intend to be."
"I am useful on the hunts, but this is for sport."
"It would not be appreciated for a human ghost to upstage their beloved hunters before such an audience."
"The wild hunt is most formidable. But even today, the hunters talk of Perchta as if she were still their leader."
"Nobody does. It is a part of the curse on this castle, that the royal family be forgotten."
"The violence was grotesque, and Serilda couldn’t fathom why anyone would wish to see it. There wasn’t any glory here."
"No, child. They intend to put it back in the cage."
"The hounds were too quick, too well-trained."
"The bear hadn’t stood a chance. It had been a beast in a maze, with no hope for freedom."
"You’ll have to start, though. Can’t have you overexerting yourself, walking about the castle."
"We’ll get comfortable, and then I will tell you a story."
"The wild hunt is one of my favorite pastimes."
"You had me convinced that you felt hardly anything for him."
"It was really the moss maidens’ heads that I wanted then."
"You can’t miss someone you don’t remember."
"There is truth to be found in silly myths."
"The moonlit hour has gold in the mouth."
"I just find it unspeakably annoying how everything you say comes with more layers than an onion."
"If you ever cared for anything beyond yourself, help us."
"I would do anything to make reparations to the people of Adalheid."
"I do not fear your nightmares. Show me."
"I should speak with Hulda, who must have made the farmers lazy this year."
"We are the old gods, Wyrdith. The world has gone on without us."
"For there is not a soul alive—even among the gods—who does not enjoy a good story."
"All her life she’d had a complicated relationship with the godparent she’d never met. The god who had cursed her before she had even been born."
"The way star-crossed romances and unexpected villains wound themselves around her heart and made her feel like she was floating above the world as the story wrote itself."
"In the end, reality always crashed back in."
"After her birth, the people of Märchenfeld had grown wary of stories, out of fear of the cursed girl with the golden eyes."
"There is not a soul alive who does not enjoy a good story."
"It is only the gates to the land of the lost. What are you afraid will happen?"
"Every morsel on our table. Every note plucked on a harp’s string. Every star in the sky. To us, it is all precious."
"No matter the shadow, there is always a light waiting to be found."
"Hope leaped inside her, bright as a matchstick unexpectedly struck."
"Be brave, my girl. You were always braver than I was."
"You were always my greatest joy, you and that wild imagination of yours."
"Even in the face of darkness, remember the strength within you."
"In the heart of every struggle lies the power of perseverance."
"Love, once given, remains eternal, transcending time and fate."
"Embrace the journey, for every step shapes your destiny."
"In every tear, there's a lesson, in every smile, a story."
"True courage is facing the unknown with unwavering hope."
"I don’t wish to frighten you, but, oh, my Serilda, if you knew how many times I dreamed of seeing you again. Planned what I would tell you. What I would say—"
"You’re my daughter, too. There are no half gods. That isn’t how it works."
"It has to be this way. I would not have written it differently myself."
"The question is, where does the story go from here?"
"I made my choice. I will take you to the cliffs."
"We are made of flesh and bone. They are made of nothing but darkness."
"I would very much like to help you, but wishes can only be granted on the Endless Moon."
"Do you gods realize that your gifts often end up causing so much trouble?"
"What sort of story would that be, my beautiful, strong-willed child?"
"Of course, you have heard this story, many times, though I would not expect you to remember."
"I thought you were dead. And all this time you were… you were here."
"You’re a trickster god. A liar. This isn’t—you can’t be—"
"The Erlking has searched the cliffs before, but he has not found me yet."
"I’m not staying with you. You and Erlen will go to Adalheid, and I will try to find Wyrdith."
"I know you wouldn’t recognize me, but I would have known you anywhere."
"Great gods, Am I…? What does that make me? Am I part god?"
"You can’t go alone. The wild hunt is probably searching for Wyrdith as we speak."
"I can’t. I hurt my hands, and I wasn’t good at climbing to begin with."
"What are you waiting for? Another wyvern to swoop in and carry you off?"
"I plan to haunt you until the end of time."
"Whatever is keeping you here, dearest Serilda, I suggest you let it go, before it is too late."
"I thought you were taken by the hunt! We thought you were dead! And all this time you were… you were here."
"It would seem you have a lot of stories to tell."
"What am I going to do? He’s taken everything from me. I can’t win against him."
"I am trapped on the dark side of the veil, but you're not."
"Only a mortal would ask such a stupid question."
"Don't try to be clever. Just follow the plan."
"I trust we do not need to remind you of your role in all this."
"Names have too much power to be given easily."
"I've been waiting to tell Serilda the wonderful news."
"You should have gone on to Verloren long ago, miller's daughter."
"The noise she's making right now is the worst thing I've ever heard."
"Whatever name we choose, I guarantee it will never be forgotten."