
Medicine Man Quotes

Medicine Man by Saffron A. Kent

Medicine Man Quotes
"The sun was out, and the day was bright. It was fucking miserable."
"Yeah, I remember everything about that day. Every single thing. But that’s not the worst part."
"We own a boutique clothing store called Panache on Madison Avenue."
"There’s nothing willowy about me. I’m not delicate or graceful or tall."
"Except for the legendary silver hair, I don’t possess any of the Taylor qualities."
"Something dark and shadowy, with long claw-like fingers."
"It pains me to say this because I want to hate everything about this place."
"Away from this stupid hospital that creaks and shakes at night."
"Medicine is in his blood. Like illness is in mine."
"Grief is not something I can fix – not medically."
"Because I wanted to be better than the man who killed my mother."
"I hate that he gets to feel the rain whenever he wants, and I can’t."
"It’s intimidating. It’s terrifying to fight every second of every day. To wake up, tired and exhausted, knowing that you have to do it all again. It’s easy to give up, isn’t it?... Because we’re born fighters. We come into this life, kicking and screaming, bursting with all the energy. There’s no shame in having to fight. There’s no shame in having to kick and scream. There’s no shame in being a warrior. It’s the most honorable thing you can do for yourself. Pick up a sword and fight."
"The only reason I don’t do it is because I can’t take leaving something behind."
"I thought she had what I wanted. I thought I wanted that. I wanted to be that, the dead body. It was something I was aspiring to. I wanted to achieve death. But I couldn’t let myself have it. I wouldn’t."
"What keeps you up? Recently, the never-ending repairs."
"I don’t want it. Like I don’t want Heartstone or my father’s legacy."
"You think I’m saving you and I think I’m the only one who can save you. It’s all fucked up, all right? We can’t do this."
"Life is long. I know people say life is short, and in some ways, it is. But it is too long if you’re living it alone."
"Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Don’t think that you’re weak just because you stumble. Everyone stumbles."
"I’ve been fighting to save my life ever since I was born. I don’t need him to save me. I need him to kiss me."
"There’s nothing wrong with being a fighter. You’re not less than anyone."
"Because if someone wants to fuck me, then he should have the courtesy to tell me that himself. I have pride, you know."
"But I love strawberries, Mommy. And I’m not afraid to throw up because of them. It’s kinda fun."
"I think he’s just come from hiking, what with how worn and mud-streaked they are, making him look tough and manly."
"Can you imagine, him living next door? So freaking cute and sexy. Ugh, I’m dying."
"It’s not an act. You just don’t get it because your mind’s always in the gutter."
"I love the things that are wrong and harmful and maybe even toxic and deadly."
"First of all, age is just a number. You’re not what your age is. You are what you’ve gone through."
"Ignoring her, I keep going, 'And secondly, he’s handsome. Why wouldn’t I look at him?'"
"Just because he’s a moving guy doesn’t mean he deserves to be belittled."
"My sister, Fiona Elizabeth Moore, is an Instagram celebrity."
"While Fiona thrives on attention, here I am, totally okay being invisible."
"Honestly though, it’s not as if they’re giving me any attention anyway."
"I mean, someone has to be lacking so people can appreciate beauty, right?"
"‘Go Lions. Not wolves.’ ‘Right. Go Lions.’ I lick my lips again."
"‘Because no one else wants the bad ones,’ I say."
"‘Because everyone wants something pretty,’ I blurt out."
"‘Something that’s fresh and beautiful. Something that’s perfect. But then, what about the things that are imperfect?'"
"They’re not wanted. But I do. I want them. So they don’t feel rejected."
"Bukowski said to let the thing that you love kill you."