
The Bands Of Mourning Quotes

The Bands Of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson

The Bands Of Mourning Quotes
"I just want to do what is right. Why is that so hard?"
"Our society is strewn with individuals who have extraordinary abilities—this would simply be one more variety."
"It's a natural thing to wish for, to make stories about."
"Just because he might have created something doesn't mean he did."
"It would be foolish for the Lord Ruler to create weapons someone else could use against him."
"Nobody does. It’s completely alien to us, unrelated to any Terris, Imperial, or other root."
"He claims to have seen them, though his camera bore no image of the actual relics. I’m inclined to trust his words."
"Our numbers are set. The Thirds like ReLuur… they’re our parents, our exemplars. Our leaders. He is precious."
"A man doesn’t have to like his duty. He just has to do it."
"The purpose of life is to push our bounds, to shatter them, escape them."
"That sort of attitude had annoyed him when he’d lived in the Roughs."
"It wasn’t that Steris acted traumatized—but she’d changed."
"I've increased my weight while moving," he said slowly. "It doesn't do anything—all things fall at the same speed, regardless of how heavy they are."
"Conservation of momentum," she said. "Lord Waxillium, when you store weight, are you storing mass, or are you changing the planet’s ability to recognize you as something to attract?"
"I slow down—I’m so much heavier that it’s harder to Push myself forward."
"You are lord of your house," Steris said absently, still reading. "You have political and economic obligations."
"Either that," Wax said, "or he thought you were pretty."
"Soda water," she said. He held it up to the light. "It’s yellow."
"Devlin Airs," Steris said with a nod. "Informant. You’ll find his sort at any party."
"Lord Waxillium, it’s my job to know whom to trust."
"The safest place to be is most certainly not near me, Steris," Wax said.
"You got that preparin’-your-bags-early thing from me, didn’t you?"
"I’m not along. Wax can only get into so much trouble without me."
"I may have accidentally let them implicate us in Lady Kelesina’s murder."
"Framed for murder!" Steris called to her. "It’s on page seventeen of the list I gave you!"
"Everyone looks at the chest first," Wayne said, "even women, which is kinda strange, but that’s the way it is."
"Clothes is fun to play with. Ain’t no reason that can’t be manly."
"I could get used to having you around, Steris."
"Well, I’m not right sure," Wayne said. "By all accounts, I should be dumber than a sack full o’ noodles."
"Hopefully," Wax said, "not start a war. But I can’t say for certain."
"Not yet," Wax said softly, climbing into the stagecoach. "But let's see if Harmony dares try to give me one."
"You could be bored by her, confused by her, or frustrated with her—but hate her? Impossible."
"I wish I’d spotted it that easily. Should have. I spent my childhood tattling on other children for every little thing they did."
"It’s not the treasure hunter that made you decide to go to Dulsing. It’s the detective."
"Going to Aradel would have been the mature, prudent move, but I have to find the answers."
"You don’t want your eldritch devices turning on accidentally."
"I’ll try not to lose it," Marasi said, tucking the device away. "We’ll need to study it later, find out how it works."
"It’s someone else’s metalmind, but I can use it."
"What kind of eldritch device," Steris said, "has an on switch?"
"There’s so much to ask. Why did you come back? Rusts… why did you leave, Waxillium?"
"I’ll kill them all, Waxillium," she whispered. "Each and every one of them."
"People are people. Hell, even kandra act the same, in our own way. Life then was like life now, only you have better street food."
"This doesn’t hurt," she said. "But it’s not particularly pleasant either."
"Love is always a foolish emotion. That’s what makes it work."
"Every person I pass has similar depths, and if there’s any way to avoid the mistake of judging them so shallowly that I’m rocked when they show their true complexity."
"The trouble with Hemalurgy is in its limitations."
"The definition of a lawman is easy. He’s the man who takes the bullet so nobody else has to."
"The day of kings has passed. The day of mighty men to be worshiped has gone."
"I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry for what you did, what we had to do. But I am not sorry for making you do what had to be done."
"The only way to stop me is to shoot me. Let’s do it."
"I cannot steal what was not owned, Captain. By right of salvage, I claim this relic and that ship."
"Being near you is generally the safest place."
"How do you suggest, otherwise, that they are to return to those they love? Is that justice?"
"It’s time I admitted that. And you ... well, you’re incredible. You truly are."
"It almost feels like this entire experience was a dream."
"Look how it follows patterns. Rich areas more lit, roads all in lines. Beautiful."
"I thought you were dead, mate. Really thought it."
"The Bands are drained, mostly, but we could probably recharge them by compounding."
"The mists were out, curling around outside, though the skyscraper was tall enough he thought he could see stars and the Red Rip through that mist."