
Sky Raiders Quotes

Sky Raiders by Brandon Mull

Sky Raiders Quotes
"Castles in the sky sit stranded, vandalized."
"If people were handing out free candy, why not take advantage?"
"The teachers had been against it. Cole had been against it too—except when it was with Jenna."
"Everything had changed at the start of sixth grade."
"After all the buildup, I was expecting granite tombstones with actual human skeletons."
"It costs me little to answer a question or two."
"Traveling with an unmarked person is a dangerous business."
"He couldn’t do anything from where he was hiding. He needed to either risk moving in closer or try his luck finding the village of Keeva."
"He could not wander off into the night alone and abandon his friends. It was his fault they were stuck here."
"Cole had never been the fastest runner, but he was a confident climber."
"Everything was upside down. 'I don’t know the laws here.'"
"You only had to keep the laws you knew about? I’d spend my life traveling, and I’d stay as ignorant as possible."
"You’re lucky. You only had the bondmark. Some of us still have the chains."
"The more seniority you gain, the better it gets. You can even earn your freedom. The catch? You might die tomorrow."
"Being careful, smart, and quick can help you survive."
"Fiddler came up against something no man could have outrun. His death showed the crew that an unfightable predator occupied the castle. His sacrifice saved lives. It’s noble work."
"This is how you start. There are no other choices. Last long enough, and someday you could become a partner, wealthy and comfortable."
"More than half our scouts survive their first ten missions. Maybe one in twenty survive all fifty. But the odds of coming home the first time are reasonable!"
"I’m an orphan. Nobody knows when my birthday is."
"I’d rather survive than have a sparkly rock."
"Things tend to go bad right after you set foot on castle grounds or just after you enter a building. Always have an escape plan."
"The days aren’t trustworthy either. Most days are around twelve hours, followed by twelve hours of night. Without warning, they can be as short as four, or as long as thirty, though the extremes aren’t common."
"Almost always just one. It usually rises in the east and sets in the west."
"You’re sweet, but you can’t let that get to you. She wasn’t real."
"We never go hungry here. Some food comes from the castles."
"It’s safer inside the walls of the salvage yard than out in the open."
"Thank me for almost getting eaten by a plant."
"If something is going to get me sooner or later, sooner might be a mercy."
"The man unwilling to brave the test has already shown himself to be much more craven than the man who fails."
"I’m a shaper," Durny said. "Semblances are somewhat vulnerable to me."
"My spine is broken. I have crushed organs. It also bit me twice. I neutralized the toxin and reshaped my insides to buy some time."
"You speak like a coward but act like a hero. I can respect that."
"All raiders know the risks. I interviewed Lyrus, as did Rowly. We failed to ask the right question."
"This mission is our biggest disaster in years."
"Few castles resist airborne intruders. This one resists them staunchly."
"Of course there is. I’m holding on to life for a reason."
"Protect her with that same courage, and she will be in good hands."
"The more advanced shapers have ways to slow the aging process. They can live for hundreds of years."
"The High Shaper hates me, and he hates the people I know who might help you."
"We’re talking about four hundred trained soldiers."
"The castaways return! I had a feeling you might resurface."
"If you can spare five times her value, surely you could offer ten."
"Do not imagine you can abuse the legion, sir."
"The High King would prefer this to be handled with civility."
"Fifty times the value of a common slave? I suspect that could be arranged."
"That's a generous offer. Seems almost too good to be true."
"I have to pee. When you have to, you have to."
"Obviously, the master wanted to stay hidden. Otherwise why live behind the cloudwall with lots of guards and a giant whirlwind to vacuum away any visitors?"
"Welcome," the man said with a graceful half bow. "It has been too long since we have enjoyed the company of visitors."
"Asia takes the defense of this castle very seriously."
"Look at this place," Jace exclaimed breathlessly, eyes wide.
"They’re not our guests yet. They’re potential enemies."
"I’m right here," the pig said. "And you’re charming," Jamar said. "A cozy, swinish pillow."
"I’m not big on unnecessary risk," Twitch answered.
"Well, you have uncovered our little secret, haven't you? Happens on occasion, but not often, not often."
"We're with talented shapers," Mira said, patting Jace's elbow. "They can produce all sorts of strange semblances."
"Your nickname should be ‘Granny,’" Jace said.
"Who knew when he would get a good rest again?"
"The flail is linked to Mira and will only respond to her."
"It would be difficult to go abroad marked as slaves."
"I have studied this question, as have others."
"In a dream, if you get into trouble, you can eventually wake up. You will not wake from this."
"If you get hurt, you will suffer. If you get killed, you will die."
"Remember that, and your trek should start out fine."
"If they still want to reach Middlebranch and don't mind a risk, Brady's Wilderness would be an option."
"First priority? Survive today. Second? Survive tomorrow."
"The bird told us we're ahead of them. It's time for breakfast."
"They're probably stale. The milk has to be spoiled."
"It's easier to check the right place when you look everywhere."
"We have better gear than ever. We'll be working together."
"He must have shaped something that killed him."
"Nobody wants to do battle with milk and cookies."
"Don't worry, if you think you're real, who am I to contradict you?"
"You have them in your world? You must be braver than I thought."
"But if he sat still, the monsters would seem farther away."
"Let's hope the roads have held together enough for us to pass."
"You kids shouldn't wander off like that," Bertram scolded warmly. "We have places to go."
"Nothing draws trouble quicker than flashing money around."
"Use less and spread them out," Twitch said. "A few ringers in one boot, a few in the other."
"Don't let others control you," Mira said. "Don't let them prod you into making stupid moves."
"Let them have the meaningless victories. Let that stuff go. Think bigger. Play to win."
"Forgiving some poor guy who didn't know who he was messing with doesn't have to hurt your self-respect."
"My life is mine to risk. I can't stand the thought of bringing you all down with me."
"Be careful what you wish for because you might get it."
"Nobody back home would care. His parents didn’t remember him. There would be no mourning, no grave. It would be like he had never existed."
"You belong to me," Mira said. "You were taken from me."
"You’re part of me. You’re not whole. Neither am I. We need each other."
"I collect," Carnag maintained. "You can’t collect people."
"You’re not anything!" Mira said angrily. "You’re phony! You’re made of stuff you found! Dirt and wood and junk!"
"I can be whatever I want," fake Mira said. "Whatever I need to be. We all shape ourselves. I’m just better at it."
"You’re my shaping power!" Mira shouted. "We’re not meant to be separated. How would you like to lose your shaping power?"
"Taking what’s mine," Mira said. She spread her hands apart, and fake Mira tore in half with a burst of light. When the flash was gone, so was all evidence of Mira’s semblance.
"You have no idea what you’re tangling with," Quima spat.
"This was one small piece of a much larger puzzle."
"Those who practice shapecraft have done so quietly for longer than you can guess."
"Our time is nearing. You'll learn plenty before long. Be warned—what you don't know can hurt you."
"Without us, your father would be the least competent in a long line of High Shapers."
"I'm no less dedicated to my cause than you are to yours."
"I had control! I should have taken full control."
"Staying with me will definitely lead to trouble. Maybe even death."