
Practice Makes Perfect Quotes

Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams

Practice Makes Perfect Quotes
"I am convinced dating was created by an evil villain to torture humanity."
"It’s so much easier to read about relationships than to foster them."
"Will has perfected the balance between I-will-knock-you-flat-if-you-try-to-cross-me, but my-hands-can-be-oh-so-tender-on-your-body."
"He’s a roguish, wild fiend. A pirate. At least, he is in my fantasies."
"I just keep thinking about how Annie’s entire face lit up and reflected her thoughts."
"For a minute I thought it would be nice to have someone look like that while thinking about me."
"I don’t know how to love—not even sure I’m capable of it."
"It feels like they’re saying I don’t have as much substance as everyone else. That because I’m sweet, I don’t have as much to offer. I constantly feel underestimated, and I’m so tired of it."
"It seems to me, Annie, that you are just waiting for someone to give you permission to be yourself out loud."
"Fake it till you make it. If you want something, pretend you’re the kind of person who’s not scared of it."
"I felt that relentless tug in my chest again. Not because I want the harvest-parties and soccer-games life she mentioned, but because I want the ability to dream of a life with someone like Annie where my immediate thought isn’t: But how is it going to fail?"
"Because the only difference in our upbringing is that he had someone older to take care of him—to make sure he was loved and hugged regularly."
"I want to read every book she has stashed away, and I want more than anything to take her on an adventure she’ll never forget."
"This town has seeped into your brain and turned you into a disgusting hopeless romantic."
"I said barfing at the table. On a date. See, this is why I opt for silence, usually. When you get me going, there’s no filter."
"It’s okay to let the conversation go quiet for a bit, by the way. The ability to be silent shows confidence."
"An apology bouquet... But I want to fix it. I want to make her feel better. So if you could make her a bouquet that you would like to receive, I’d be so grateful."
"Because…because no one has ever said that about me before."
"Your ass is a work of art. Two absolutely perfect slopes of soft curvy sensuality that absolutely kill me, Annie. Your ass kills me."
"I want to change our original terms too... So I was wondering if you’d be the someone to help me practice taking risks with, doing new things, and…maybe finding who I am now?"
"You make me feel different, and I like it. I feel free with you—adventurous and curious."
"I’ve just never known anyone who made me feel safe enough to share that part of myself with them."
"The really sad part is, my parents are doing better now, because after my brother and I were out of the house, they finally got a divorce. They said they had always stayed together for us—and we should be grateful they gave us that time as a complete family unit. How messed up is that?"
"I’ve got so much baggage, Annie…I’m not sure I’d be any good for you. Or that I’ll ever be the marriage type."
"I have this gaping hole in my heart, and I can’t close it up."
"Whatever strange connection we have is a blip on the timeline of our lives."
"I need a faster-paced life. I can’t stay here any longer or…I’ll start wanting things that scare me."
"Long-term loving relationships are built on more than just flutters and stomach flips anyway, right?"
"If you settle for someone who’s going to keep you from [experiencing new things], I’m going to be very upset."
"You’re one of the most passionate people I’ve ever met."
"Don’t try to delude yourself into thinking that you are still happy to settle for an unadventurous vanilla relationship."
"Please just promise me you’ll marry someone who sees you and loves you and who makes you excited and happy—not just someone who looks right on paper."
"I don’t know. I don’t know that I’m even capable of love."
"I do love her. And I’m scared to death."
"I’m not sure who I am anymore, Mabel—and I’d really like my mom to help me sort it out, but she can’t because she’s dead."
"Honesty is a gift, Annie. And if you really love them, too, you’ll be honest with them about who you are."
"I’ve been hiding so much of myself all this time to fit into the mold I accidentally made as a kid."
"But you can’t phase me out. I won’t let you! If you never want anything romantic, fine. But I can’t go through life without knowing you, and talking to you, and holding your hand when I go on an adventure because you promised."
"I’ve been so measured and controlled and careful my whole life, and I can’t bring myself to be that way tonight. I want to be lost for a while."
"Because it's only an insult if I accept it as one."
"You can love yourself and love dressing up in a fancy dress. The two can be synonymous."
"The heart wants what it wants, and there's no talking it out of it."
"What’s going on, Will? I thought you were gone. I thought you’d left town this morning..."
"I would never ever leave without telling you. Never."