
Georgie, All Along Quotes

Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn

Georgie, All Along Quotes
"Twenty-seven hundred miles on the road and I’m not ruminating any less about what’s happened to my life over the last month, a sort of slow-motion reverse reinvention that’s left me jobless and homeless and entirely without a plan for myself."
"I reach for my phone, too late remembering that I’ve already made more than a dozen pledges over the course of this cross-country drive to check it less, to stop treating it like it still needs to be superglued to my hand."
I did go," I say, and for the first time I’ve let an edge of annoyance slip into my tone. "It’s good-natured, I know, this teasing about my dad’s legendary tall tales and exaggerations, but it’s always chafed me, enough that I’m willing to exaggerate a little myself.
"I’m not going to spend the next two months this way—a topic of conversation or a target of well-meaning but rudely executed excuses."
"I’m going to fill it up; I’m going to figure it out."
"Somehow, this time, when I leave Darentville, I’m going to be well and truly different."
"And I know, deep down, that we still fit now."
"Back then, I wasn’t only a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type. I was the type to have intentions."
"Once upon a time, I told a story about myself."
"I need time to figure it out, to fulfill the promise I made to myself in Nickel’s, and I need the confidence to believe I can."
"‘Just kids’ isn’t a thing. Important stuff happens to kids. Kids do important stuff."
"To figure out who I am, and what I want."
"It’s a bucket list, except you’re doing it to start something, not to end it."
"I’d been feeling, for once, like I was full of wanting."
"Seemed I only ever could think about the day I was on."
"I’ve never felt this fragile and firm at the same time in my whole life."
"She thought unicorns were a real animal, like a certain kind of horse. Rare and expensive."
"I let go of the embarrassment over last night and focus instead on the way I’d felt walking up to Levi."
"You know me, Hed. I keep things steady in my life. Simple."
"Maybe I am the missing piece; maybe I fit right in."
"I notice how it feels to be out here waiting for her."
"I’m caught up in her, everything about my senses dialed way up."
"Every prominent family needs a square peg, a black sheep. I’m that, for the Fannings."
"I hated how all he cared about was the way things look."
"Bright and rare. A little mysterious. That’s you, Mulcahy."
"I want to be the me I was before I got pregnant."
"I plan to tell him a hundred times, a thousand times, infinite times, even though I think he already knows."
"What’s frustrating about waking up and not having every single problem solved by a man being in love with me, by my being in love with him?"
"I’m not the same Georgie who showed up here a month and a half ago, lost without a boss to tell her what to do, desperate to find something to fill all my time so I wouldn’t have to think about my future."
"Instead, I’m the Georgie who’s been working on it; I’m the Georgie who knows that building a wall around Levi’s heart and making a list of grievances on his behalf won’t be enough to make me whole."
"That thing you always think is a liability. You not making plans. You not always knowing the exact thing you want for the future. It’s wonderful."
"There’s only one person I know who can solve problems the way you can, Georgie, and that’s because you’ve never lived your life ten years into the future."
"But what Bel has said—that I’ve always lived for making things better in the moment—I think it means that what I’ve really been waiting for is something from my present."
"That I’ve been waiting to realize I’m okay, and that I’ve probably always been okay."
"I want to be myself. The in-the-moment myself."
"You’re thinking about yourself, going to work and coming home and never being anything but this cleaned-up version of Levi Fanning who won’t ever put a foot wrong again."
"After Georgie, I’m soft all over, my shell peeled right off my skin."
"You’re the strongest person I know, Lee."
"I need help for loving someone the way I want to love Georgie. The way she deserves to be loved, forever."
"You’re the one for me. I’m pretty sure you would’ve been the one for me back then and you’re the one for me now and I know you’re going to be the one for me forever."
"I’m glad you’ll love me no matter what the answer is."
"It’s made something better inside me, this birthday."
"I don’t have to be any kind of small, not anymore."
"Thank you for all the ways you remind me why it matters."
"You are a ray of sunshine in my life and an absolute powerhouse in publishing."
"I cannot count the ways I was lost before you—you are a ray of sunshine in my life."
"Your patience and enthusiasm saved me at so many points during the writing of this book."