
The House Of Eve Quotes

The House Of Eve by Sadeqa Johnson

The House Of Eve Quotes
"My grandma Nene always said that early was on time, on time was late, and late was unacceptable."
"My cousin had more excuses than a hoe going to jail, and I didn’t have time to entertain her colorful tales this morning."
"Potential without focus and full commitment bears no fruit."
"Art is the friend that you can always return to. It will always be there to heighten your feeling of aliveness. Keep going."
"If I could keep you, sweetness, you know I would. But Nene’s getting old, and she the only mother you got. Be patient with her."
"Everyone needs a break. It’s good for the soul."
"You can serve them quickly, but they can’t hang around and definitely can’t sit at my counter. You know that, boy. My old man must be rolling around in his grave."
"If they were such good friends, why didn’t he invite her?"
"I think it’s important to remember where we came from."
"Well, sweet people usually come out of tight communities."
"It’s perfect," she said with a smile. It really was.
"That was magnificent. The best I’ve ever seen. Thank you."
"It’s my pleasure. You seem as big a fan as I am."
"Don’t stay too long and appear desperate for his attention."
"I’m glad you came, Ruby. I like talking to you. You’re different."
"You just have this confidence about you. I feel easy around you, like I can be myself."
"That’s old guard D.C. for you. William’s family is the heart of the who’s who."
"But I’m not, Sugar, so you gonna have to trust that God’s gonna see you through."
It’s all right," he whispered in her hair. "You’re my girl.
"Can’t let nobody steal your joy, sweetness, or you gon’ live a miserable life."
"I pay taxes just like you. Next time watch where you’re going."
"She’s carrying my child, but even if she wasn’t, we’d still get married."
"Well, then we’ll have to move quickly. People in our circle talk, but I’ll take care of everything."
"Perhaps we should get the marriage annulled and fix this whole mess."
"The way to a healthy marriage is to hold on to those pieces that make you you."
"What’s happening? Is everything all right with the baby?"
"I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve failed you."
"What difference does it make? You are the heir of our family. How could you bring such dishonor to our name?"
"I’m going to start with administering Pitocin. Thirty drops every minute to get labor started." - Dr. Avery
"It’s an unexplainable act of nature. Don’t blame yourself." - William
"It really is for the best, dear. Do consider your future." - Mrs. Shapiro
"You grown enough to open your legs to a Jewish boy, you woman enough to make a decision." - Aunt Marie
"Stay poor like the rest of us, or climb, scratch and claw like hell to get out." - Aunt Marie
"Forgive us our sins." - Group prayer at the House of Magdalene
"It’s what I want. This must stay between us." - Eleanor
"I’ll do whatever it takes to lift this sadness from you." - William
"We are going to bring a baby into our home and love it." - William
"You are unfit to raise a child, Clara. You have no job, no husband and cannot support this baby." - Ms. Jeanne
"When we meet again, you better be ready to sign those papers." - Mother Margaret
"How come he got to go on living his life footloose and I was stuck in here dealing with our consequences?" - Ruby
"Ain’t no excuse. You at least need to check in." - Eleanor's mother
"I just can’t wait to hold my first grandbaby in my arms." - Eleanor's mother
"Thank goodness, her mother hadn’t required much more than an 'uh-ha' and a 'you don’t say' to keep her going."
"Now, I know you had two false starts, Sugar, but don’t let that spook you. The third time is most definitely the charm. You hear me?"
"I wish you could come home for the funeral. It would be good to see you, and I’d love to rub that baby in your belly."
"This might be our last night together without any interruptions."
"We are living in a construction zone right now, with the baby’s room being set up."
"Worse than nothing. Wishing and hoping for something that I can’t have."
"His goal was to finish up as close to the baby being born as possible."
"I see why Bubbles ran away. I wish I could do the same thing."
"I’ll take good care of you. Don’t worry."
"I better get some sleep since I have to report to the hospital in a few hours."
"Try to rest," he said, before turning and walking out the door.
"Sometimes when I would look at your father from the side, it was because my own eyes had gone crooked."
"You don’t care about me, Rose. With just the two of us here, you can be frank."
"Why are you here, Rose? Just spit it out, please."
"How can you say that? My son loves you. He has done all of this for you."
"I know you think I’m a monster for orchestrating the adoption. I just wanted what was best for my son. And for you."
"Sometimes a woman just needs to go home. Been there a time or two myself."
"This was my grandmother’s. I wanted to pass it down to my daughter, but I only had boys."
"It’s all gonna be fine. Just trust your mama on this."
"You won’t have to struggle like the rest of us, out here trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents."