
Same Time Next Summer Quotes

Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan

Same Time Next Summer Quotes
"It’s like I went out into the world and grew up, and he’s still right here. Right where I left him."
"No more surprises, no more broken promises. Just people doing what they say they’re going to do."
"The beauty is that there’s never any kind of misunderstanding between people; you never have to wonder. If we tell you that you need to score eight on some scale and you score seven, you’re fired. We can literally point to the chart that made the decision, so no hard feelings."
"Something’s off as we meander through town, specifically the fact that no one’s meandering. There’s a disproportionate number of people who aren’t in bathing suits and cover-ups. They’re wearing messenger bags and moving quickly."
"The beach was for following crazy ideas wherever they led."
"Her body felt so right in the summer that it stretched and grew until the straps of her bathing suits left deep marks on her shoulders."
"Something was happening to her, and it scared her, mostly the fact that her body acted of its own accord around Wyatt."
"The feel of him, warm and dry, pressed against her wet body, was shocking. It had never occurred to her that another person's skin against hers could make her feel like she was melting."
"It was strange, she thought, how distracted she could be by his body in that T-shirt when she spent half the day with him in no T-shirt at all. Wyatt shirtless looked great, but Wyatt in that T-shirt was obscene."
"I'm pretty sure I've loved you my whole life. But not like this, like I do now."
"The idea of being there in the dark with her friends and then watching the sky brighten first thing gave her the feeling that she was taking summer to a whole new level."
"Wyatt wished he had his guitar, as the sound of everyone talking, mixed with the breeze coming off the ocean and the crackling of the fire, brought a tune into his mind."
"He wanted to be a person who could just pick up a guitar and play for people without worrying that it was no good."
"My future was in music the way I knew the sun was coming up tomorrow. But then again, I had thought my future was Sam too."
"Something as tiny as a Bug or Jess Landry’s fertilized egg could change the course of a person’s life."
"It’s kind of nice when someone in show business tells you the truth. It’s rare and can save you a lot of heartache."
"It’s beautiful out here, even if it’s full of ghosts."
"The feel of Wyatt’s hand in mine, the water at my ankles."
"The way we felt that summer, it changed me."
"If what we had didn’t matter, then my whole life is based on nothing."
"Thinking it wasn’t real, sort of acting like it was a dumb teenage obsession, was the only way I could get through it."
"Try everything. Wyatt’s worked really hard to make his dream happen, and I’ve worked really hard to create a life that requires I try nothing."
"I want to make room for surfing. I want to try things, wobble and fall down."
"What I’ve created is not beautiful. It may even be a mess. But it’s something."
"People’s interest, as you know, in my work was waning. All I was creating were flat versions of something that once worked."
"You cheat because you think it’s going to make you someone else, that it’s going to save you from your own damn misery."
"Maybe this is possible, this whole impossible group."
"I have not thought through how my family is going to perceive this, but I don’t really care."
"You’re the cake that looks normal until people dig in and find out it’s spectacular."
"I wish you were staying. This really feels like the last night of summer now, and I hate the last night of summer."
"Safe is great. There’s just a balance between safe and free, and I think you’re a person who might like to be a little more free in your life than you are."
"Sometimes you have to walk away from all the things you don't want to make room for the future."
"I have just made the first step toward getting reacquainted with myself."
"I breathe in the salty smell of her hair as her head rests heavy on my shoulder."
"I’m done writing songs about how much I loved you when we were kids."
"I love you, Sam. I’ve loved you my whole life. There’s no risk."
"It feels like if you were starving to death and found out you could create a cheeseburger with your own hands."