
The Whiskey Sea Quotes

The Whiskey Sea by Ann Howard Creel

The Whiskey Sea Quotes
"I can’t do a thing to help them," Hawkeye said, speaking more frankly than Silver had ever heard the man speak before.
"They gonna end up like their mama, and that’s what Della didn’t want."
"Could love reawaken an almost-dead man and save two young lives?"
"Life had whittled out a little place for him and painted the sea beside it, just as he’d wanted."
"Some people have that inner pride inside that no amount of hard knocks can ever beat out, and this girl had it in barrels."
"The older girl didn’t move or utter a word, and yet there was something different about the light and evening breeze picking up."
"All he could think to do was send into these fathomless stars above an urgent plea: Let me do right by them."
"Her feet flying again, she yelled over her shoulder, "Leave me alone, please!""
"Frieda ran as if she could crush the day’s revelations on the shell-strewn street."
"The warmth of the earth seeped into her bones."
"He looked at her now as if he could see the buzzing bees of her thoughts."
"The light of understanding still shone in his eyes."
"His sad gaze told her that all the words he wanted to say lay in scattered piles in his mind."
"She swallowed back her sadness and stared hard into his eyes, where she could see the apology."
"Don’t you worry," she said. "I’m going to take care of everything."
"The sun had also emerged, like a promise of better days."
"Despite her emotional exhaustion, she walked down to the docks."
"She hadn’t worn a dress in two years or bothered with her hair."
"He had the pointed, squinty, farsighted eyes of a good sailor and didn’t talk much unless he’d been drinking."
""Don’t do it," was that the last advice he would ever give her?"
"She was preparing to go buy parts when Hawkeye told her that a man named Dutch wanted to talk to her."
"Nothing could tamp down the pure, sweet joy of this day."
"The sea had gone silent for a moment, but now it resumed its ins and outs of life, its breathing upon the shore."
"I hope," he began, as his eyes misted over, "that someday you know the pain of loving someone you can’t have."
"Human beings have a natural tendency toward ignorance," he said with a smile. "I don’t want to interfere with that too much."
"She told herself that his offer to escort her home was nothing more than what his sort of gentleman offered to do for a lady."
"I know every inch of my way around this town."
"She forced herself not to turn around and instead let the first brightening violet light of dawn touch her face."
"Frieda couldn’t sleep. Instead she reviewed everything about the night."
"Tonight she had done nothing to improve the upper class’s impressions of working-class people."
"Was that enough of a surprise for you? Enough danger and excitement?"
"An old soul is one that has been reincarnated many times, gaining a certain amount of innate wisdom from past lives."
"Now you’re going to analyze me. After all, we’ve been acquainted for years."
"He’s not like that. He’s not mean. He’s not."
"But that’s love, honey child. You always worry about the folks you love."
"You’re full of goodness. You’re soft and tender inside, and I admire you."
"I believe in the here and now. I believe in people."
"That people show you who they are in the here and now."
"Please don’t paint him as some sort of villain."
"This is not the way everything was supposed to happen."
"I didn’t expect it, either. But this is what I want."
"How sweet it was to escape from the rest of the world within the walls and crystal-knobbed, heavy doors of this house."
"Love is the grand excuse so many people employ for absurd behavior."
"The only safety net I have is the money. No family besides Silver and Bea. No one with money. No connections."
"What good is that money if you’re dead at the bottom of the sea?"
"I don’t want to embarrass her sister by her appearance, and she didn’t want to stick out today."
"The earth had continued to rotate on its axis, oblivious to the agony on its surface."
"Just because something didn’t last, it didn’t mean it had no value."