
Tiny Little Thing Quotes

Tiny Little Thing by Beatriz Williams

Tiny Little Thing Quotes
"You can’t drown out the ocean when it flings itself persistently against your shore, wave after wave, only fifty yards past the shingled walls of your house, no matter how jazzy the trumpets backing up Mr. Sinatra."
"The first photograph arrives in the mail on the same day that my husband appears on television at the Medal of Honor ceremony."
"You’d be slipping the vodka into your lemonade in no time, trust me."
"A plain manila envelope, letter size, of the sort they use in offices: I flip it back and forth between my fingers, while my heart bounds and rebounds against my ribs."
"This nation presents to you, Major Caspian Harrison, its highest honor and its grateful thanks for your bravery, your sacrifice, and your unflinching care for the welfare of your men and your country."
"The French doors crash open from the terrace."
"Just imagine spending the summer in the same house with her."
"A shadow drifts in from the terrace: Constance’s husband, Tom, wearing his swim trunks, a white T-shirt, and an experimental new beard of three or four days’ growth."
"You watch yourself with him, ma’am. He’ll charm your socks off if you’re not careful."
"We’re all just doing what we have to do out there. Nothing heroic about it. The real heroes are the men I left behind."
"You fat, satisfied pigs who give medals to fucking murderers—"
"Everything seems to have turned out all right, after all."
"I’m saying he could have done worse. A lot worse. I assure you."
"Don’t you fling those dirty four-letter words at me."
"You want to be happy? Marry a man who can take you places."
"A good wife belongs at the candidate’s side, well-groomed and smiling."
"We’ll put our best foot forward tonight. The lovely wife. The wounded cousin."
"It isn’t just an algebra of components, is it? It’s the whole package. It’s how you hold it all together."
"Tears never got you anywhere in the old Schuyler apartment on Fifth Avenue."
"Here’s the thing about drought: when the rain comes again, you’re not quite sure what to do with it."
"I’m not going to get in the middle of your marriage. I’d never do that."
"You’re the most important thing, Tiny. We’re a team, aren’t we?"
"You could use your body, you could push and punish your muscle and bone and hone them into something magnificent."
"I’m such a small and insignificant creature."
"I need to concentrate on this, my marriage, the two of us, Frank and Tiny."
"You know how it is when you’re speaking off the record, in a social setting, for background only."
"You’re okay with this, aren’t you? You’re sure?"
"I sent him the letter, didn’t I? No turning back."
"I just don’t want you to think I’m throwing myself at you."
"I know you have a life of your own. I’m not asking for anything more."
"Take my picture again, since you can’t seem to help yourself."
"You’re holding all the cards. You can make Frank or break him. Don’t let those bastards make you think you’re the one caught in the corner, here."
"I’m leaping, Caspian. I’m leaping off the ledge."
"I’m going to leap off the ledge, and I don’t give a damn what lies beneath."
"Because I missed you, missed you worse than I missed my leg."
"I’m not going to stand down this time, I’m not going to fade away."
"How much did they pay you? Did they give you permission to sleep with me first?"
"I’m standing before the door of my house on Newbury Street. My wedding gift from the Hardcastles."
"I’m standing in a telephone booth on Cambridge Street. I don’t know how I got here."
"So what are you going to do about it, Mrs. Hardcastle? You’ve got a pretty big decision to make."
"It’s not easy, when the great ambition of your life stands in perfect one hundred and eighty degree opposition to the natural urges of your own body."
"I thought she’d be happy. That she’d found her true calling."
"What a mess, what a goddamned mess. She should have seen it coming."
"A genuine imitation Chippendale, upholstered in green and smelling of old roses."
"Just beginning to get a little impatient with the past, with all the old habits."
"Hospitals, like sexual fidelity, were terribly middle-class in those days."
"I could kill you all, sometimes. What you’ve done to her. All of you."
"She just wanted you to be proud of her. Just a little bit, that’s all she asked."
"You charmed them, you won them over. Like you were born for it."
"I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you. I mean that."
"I want to give you everything. Everything you deserve."