
Dreamless Quotes

Dreamless by Josephine Angelini

Dreamless Quotes
"Despite the pain, she gripped the ledge more tightly with her left hand so she could try to slide her right hand forward."
"Helen cried out in frustration. She had to get off this ledge and go find the Furies."
"Helen was too afraid to let herself go. She bit down on her bloody lip in concentration."
"Tears slid down either side of her face, leaving hot tracks across her chilled skin."
"She would feel better soon, she told herself, crying as quietly as she could."
"The fingers of Helen’s left hand began twitching and her grip gave way."
"When she hit the ground she heard her left leg snap."
"Lying in bed, trembling with the pain of her broken leg and her pulled muscles, Helen waited for her body to heal itself."
"Helen wandered out of Miss Bee’s social studies class, stifling a yawn."
"With a teasing flick of her hair, Helen abruptly faced forward and ended the stare, a grin plastered on her face."
"Long splinters enveloped Helen, forcing her to remain completely still or risk impaling herself on one of them."
"Screaming didn’t help, but getting angry did."
"Lucas couldn’t take his eyes off Helen."
"Lucas felt a physical need to protect Helen."
"He was twice as strong as his father, but his hands stayed passively at his sides while Castor grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him back until he was pinned against the wall."
"Helen ran down the steps, taking a glance back at the widow’s walk on her roof, but she knew it would be empty."
"Helen sat up in bed, listening to the annoying blare of her alarm clock."
"Helen planted her feet in between Claire and the attackers and called up her lightning."
"Helen forced her eyes to focus as three of the four men fell convulsing to the ground."
"Helen couldn’t allow herself to stand around and think about Lucas."
"She didn’t want to be the Descender anymore. For all her suffering she had learned nothing, and she was no closer to freeing the Rogues and the Outcasts from the Furies than she had been when she first descended. She was a failure."
"Helen didn’t just want a friend, she needed one. And she didn’t care if she had to go to hell to find him."
"The strong should rule. That was what nature intended, from smallest microbe to the great leviathan."
"You should know, Daphne, that one of those letters was to the Myrmidon I have nested outside your daughter’s charming little house on Nantucket."
"I will always be behind the door, under the bed, or around the next corner—waiting for my chance to kill you."
"Well, even though you two aren’t close, Daphne wanted you to… DUCK!"
"I’m wearing what I wore to bed," Helen explained defensively as she tugged her hair out from under the coat’s collar.
"I hope you were serious about wanting to help me, because I’ve never needed help more than I do right now."
"The first time you two met, he did save you," Claire said with an indulgent smile.
"That wasn’t what I meant, and you know it," he said as he threw up his hands and made a frustrated noise.
I want Helen to succeed in the Underworld, and rid us all of the Furies," he finally replied, gesturing to the plush prison that he was forced to live in as an Outcast. "She is my only hope.
"It sucks you won’t stay and celebrate, but I can’t say I blame you. I wouldn’t feel comfortable, either."
"I’m not distracted, and I know this is my task. But I’m not getting anywhere on my own."
"I’m not with him," she huffed, nearly breathless with shock.
"She had the sudden urge to walk home instead of fly."
"Because I wanted to take a… Wait, what the hell is going on?"
"The creepy guy that attacked us at my track meet!"
"I thought soldier ants were all female."
"Don’t be fooled, Helen. That thing isn’t a man."
"Looking up and down the dark, cold road, Helen suddenly wished that Hector was with her."
"You’re really afraid of this Myrmidon, aren’t you?"
"Myrmidons have been used as contract killers for Scions for thousands of years."
"Helen tried not to listen in too much while they hugged and said their good-byes."
"I can’t leave my father alone with that thing practically next door."
"I know you don’t want to touch me, but you could still pass out up here."
"Pretty much the only thing she wanted was to touch him."
"The Outcast, marked for death, will bear no more children."
"I’m done fighting with you. It obviously isn’t helping."
"We’ll figure this out, but only if we don’t get narrow-minded."
"If you’re going to kill me, do it now while my eyes are closed."
"But the Furies… they would make even the compassionate twins want to kill Orion."
"Orion, answer me!" Helen cried into the dark. "You can’t die!"
"I’m nearly healed. Follow the water uphill. It will lead you out."
"I don’t want to leave you. You’re hurt."
"Well, someday, I will. But not yet," he groaned.
"She could also feel gusts of air being stirred up by Orion, who was flailing his arms below as he searched for her in the dark."
"Somewhere over Martha’s Vineyard, Helen started crying."
"Helen cried herself out as quietly as she could, but no matter how tired she was, she refused to fall asleep."
"You ask far too many questions," Automedon said.
"Just thinking his name seemed to halt Helen’s spinning thoughts."
"Helen laughed, resisting the temptation to tell him how on the mark his guess was."
"It’s the Furies, Helen thought firmly. It’s instinct, not real emotion."
"Come to think of it, maybe I should be the one to bow to you," Persephone said with the barest hint of a tease in her tone.
"She’d always been like an angel, so beautiful she was almost painful to look at, but in flight Helen really did look like a goddess."
"How do you know I’m hearing voices?" Helen whispered.
"We think you’re dying," he replied quietly.
"Helen knew she couldn’t afford to panic. She shook off the fear."
"I’m going to Ariadne’s, Dad. She and I have this thing; so go to Kate’s. I’m not going to be here."
"A sob burst out of her and she covered her mouth with her hand."
"Helen’s control over the wind began to falter, and she tumbled in midair like a plastic bag in a storm."
"She tasted something very wrong on her lips and looked at her hand in disgust. It was covered in Orion’s blood."
"Helen floated higher to get her bearings."
"This cycle that she was stuck in seemed never ending."
"I can smell your fear," Automedon said, his red eyes shining in the dark.
"The air currents helped her figure out which way led up and out of the cave."
"The Furies were talking to Orion now, guiding him toward Helen."
"Helen stopped breathing for a moment, collected herself, and tried to pretend that her stomach hadn’t fallen to the floor."
"Helen swatted at the empty air with her hands, but there was nothing there."
"Helen’s phone buzzed. She dove for it—Orion!—but it was Claire, asking where she was."
"The sound had come from inside her own mind, but the voice had definitely not been hers."
"I’d so much rather hear about how happy you are than talk about how messed up I am. Really."
"I want you to be insultingly happy for the rest of your life, no matter what happens to me."
"You think I want to feel this? Do you know that I actually prefer being in the Underworld now because at least there I know I’m away from this sickness? How wrong is that!"
"There’s a pattern, a cycle, to everything in our lives, Helen."
"Sometimes, people just get killed. Especially around our kind."
"I’ve literally gone to hell and back looking for a place to dump these feelings."
"What you do here in the Underworld will change many lives, including quite a few immortal ones."
"I hate to lose you, but I love your reasons for choosing to leave."
"What could anyone want more than endless joy?"
"None of us deserve to be born into suffering."
"A desert so dry, with rocks and thorns so sharp I left a trail of bloody footprints behind me as I walked."
"Helen gasped and gripped Orion’s hands tightly in hers."
"You’re the only person in the world I believe would be willing to help me."
"The jury’s still out on the whole ‘it’s better to have loved and lost’ argument."
"We’re here to collect this special water and bring it to three very thirsty girls."
"It’s better to test this with just the four of us. Safer."
"He’s not good," Helen said in a strangely high voice.
"Jason and Ariadne are very talented, Helen. They’ll fight for him. You know that, right?"
"I’ll turn the Underworld upside down and shake it until Jerry drops out if I have to, but he can’t have my father."
"I’m driving, so I’d better go. I’ll call later if something happens, okay?"