
Alice Quotes

Alice by Christina Henry

Alice Quotes
"Just a silver sliver, almost close enough to eat."
"When they found her all she would say was, 'The Rabbit. The Rabbit. The Rabbit.'"
"Her face had been flayed open when they found her, and she couldn’t say how or why."
"The hospital where Alice had lived for the last ten years was in the Old City, so her sister was wrong. Alice did belong there."
"Alice hardly recalled when she was new and whole. That girl seemed like someone else she’d known once, long ago and far away."
"Alice’s hand moved automatically to cover her scar; then she remembered she was lying on that side of her face and he couldn’t really see it anyway."
I killed a lot of people with an axe," he said. "That’s how I got my name. Hatcher.
"It’s like there’s this haze over my eyes, black smoke filling everything up."
"Her voice trailed off, her throat full of love and loss and pain."
"Alice dreamed of blood. Blood on her hands and under her feet, blood in her mouth and pouring from her eyes."
"She blinked away the memory, brought on by the moon and the sound of his voice."
"Alice found she was not as distressed about this as she ought to be."
"Sleep little butterfly, sleep little butterfly, soon the morning will come."
I see them," Hatcher said in a low voice. "Over here.
"Hatcher grabbed her hand to keep her from stumbling forward into the empty air."
"Alice opened her mouth to scream, but he could not hear her."
"The room was filled with it. Outside the door Hatcher stood hand in hand with something dark and hideous."
"Don’t let go," Hatcher shouted just before they hit the water."
"This was what he could do for her, how he showed he cared."
"We’re not an amusement for him. I’m not a toy."
"We can go forward. We can find our way out."
"I’ve had enough. I’m not moving one step more."
"I’m not a Magician. And I hope you’ll forgive us for the deception, sir."
"I don’t think the roses will trouble us any longer."
"The question you ought to be asking is, are you a Magician?"
"I suppose I always thought he tricked her, that he cozened her with nice words so that she would come back."
"He’s killed people, Alice. Why did you think he was trustworthy in the first place?"
"If we see that centipede again I’m going to feed you to it."
"I am not looking for a pretty girl tonight. I am looking for the Caterpillar."
"You must be careful when you wish. You never know who might be watching."
"You must never say your wishes aloud, or even think them out in the sunlight. Only at night, before you fall asleep. That’s when you wish."
"Her future didn’t have butterflies and flowers and rain followed by sunshine. Her future slogged through a river of blood to find the well from which it sprung."
"If you let the grief in, it might consume you."
"You can do what you were made for. You can destroy the Jabberwocky. Alice, you won’t be alone."
"You are nothing but a child to the universe, a mote of dust drifting in an ocean of galaxies."
"In not being afraid she had frightened him, because a girl who was not afraid was a girl who might harm him."
"It will be as if you never were in the first place."