
The Inn At Eagle Point Quotes

The Inn At Eagle Point by Sherryl Woods

The Inn At Eagle Point Quotes
"Her bedtime reading was a lot more challenging than what Caitlyn and Carrie chose."
"I’m not about to stop Gram from cooking up a storm."
"It’s a grandfather’s privilege to do a little spoiling."
"I’m almost a hundred percent certain it works both ways."
"I’m not taking sides. This is all about fixing things between you two. That’s all good. You’re happy. She’s happy. In fact, with any luck, she’ll be so happy, she’ll stay out of my hair at the inn." She beamed at him. "If we do this right, this will definitely be a win-win all the way around."
"That’s exactly right," Trace said, giving Abby a pointed look. "Your mom and I are very old friends. But she is right about one thing, I do need to go back to work."
"I’ve learned that answers aren’t always simple and that the first ones that come to mind may not be the right ones," he told her.
"I did love you," she said, frustrated by his determination to use old news to manipulate the present.
"Which is one reason I’m so grateful to be living in New York," Abby said. "I like the anonymity."
"It’s too late for that, Jess. You know the terms we agreed to, so that the bank wouldn’t foreclose immediately."
"Heaven’s not the least bit interested in your love life," she told him, then grinned. "But, lucky for you, I am."
"You may feel better, but you’re not a hundred percent well."
"No way is a conversation about that man ever going to be boring."
"I’ll remind you of that next time you start trying to push us together."
"I could have sworn I could have strangled him with my bare hands."
"Then I’ll expect to see you for dinner one night this weekend, so I can look you over and see for myself that you’re doing okay."
"It’s a good ad," his father admitted, his tone grudging.
"You really must be more considerate," she scolded.
"I have no idea what you mean," his father claimed.
"You could never be a nut," he said, brushing her hair away from her cheeks and tucking it behind her ears. He grinned. "Of course, even if you were a little flaky, I’d still be crazy about you."
"You feeling okay to drive? I can take you and have Jess or someone give me a ride back later."
"Thank you," she said softly. "For?" "Being around when I needed you."
"You didn’t really need me. You had it all under control. I was just backup."
"It’s been a while since I’ve had backup, Trace."
"I’m not going to hire a private investigator," he soothed. "I’ll just look into a few things."
"Don’t let Jess drag you into her drama, whatever it is. You know in the end it’ll backfire on you."
"No, I wanted to wait for you. We need to talk."
"Don’t start stirring up all sorts of ugliness now, Wes. I’ve never brought up the women in your life since we divorced, but I do know all about them because the twins have mentioned a whole long list of Daddy’s friends."
"She adores them," he said, a smile lighting up his face. "You should see her with them. It’s as if they’re her own children."
"I never stopped loving him. I just couldn’t live with him—or without him, to be more precise—any longer."
"I’ll be fine. The drive will clear my head," she assured him.
"Okay, we’ll get it," she said decisively. "Let’s find that salesman and make the arrangements."
"They’re really amazing, you know. You’re clearly a great mom."
"Then end it," he told her. "Find somebody else."
"I’m going to meet with the new chef," she told Abby as she headed out at midmorning on Monday.
"You make it sound as if I’m trotting a whole parade of women in and out of their lives. It’s not like that, especially lately."
"Then I’m quite sure if we put our heads together we can come up with a solution. I’ll give it some thought."
"I’ll do everything I can to see that it is. And if I’m not formidable enough, just wait till your father and the rest of your family get wind of this. The O’Briens are a mighty force when they’re united."
"Sometimes those stars up there do align just right, and when they do, anything can happen."
"I suspect it was more than that. They were probably wondering how much you knew about whatever’s going on."
"The best defense is a good offense. If anything comes of what Caitlyn and Carrie heard, we’ll be prepared."
"You ever see that many stars at once in New York? There are too many lights."
"I can’t imagine how I went so long without you."
"I’ve missed you, Abby. For all these years, I’ve felt as if a part of myself was missing."
"No matter what happens between your dad and me, you will always get to spend time with him."
"You can’t keep them from me. You know how this kind of thing gets swept under the rug."
"I’ll be happy to get in a few good shots at your ex-husband."
"Don’t worry about that. I told you, I’ll cover your back, Abby."
"In the end, though, she knew she couldn’t let anyone else step in, not without making one more attempt to get this right herself."
"It had been pure instinct years ago with Jess, but now it was a way of life."
"Despite the heat, the sand at the edge of the water was still cool between her toes, the water cooler still."
"It took her fifteen minutes of cajoling and a conversation with a supervisor to get the commitment that the carpets would be picked up later in the afternoon."
"They’re going back," she said before Abby could say a word.
"It finally sank in that you and I are on the same team here. I’d turned us into adversaries."
"I swear I only bought them for the rooms where the carpet seemed particularly boring."
""I never looked at it that way. As soon as we’re in the black, I can think about ordering these rugs again."
"They’re too perfect. How can we let them go, knowing they might not be available when the budget frees up some cash?"
""This is my big night, and I don’t want her here."
""Just look at how this rug sets off everything in this room. It pulls everything together."
"I’ve already booked a flight to New York for this evening and scheduled a meeting with my attorney for first thing in the morning."
"You can always count on Mick, Bree, Connor and Kevin, too," Abby reminded her.
"I’d never even try. For better or worse and despite my own low opinion of him, he’s their dad and that bond is unbreakable."
"I hear a couple of rowdy little girls who sound much too wide-awake," he announced as he entered their room.
"I’m not about to lose you again over something as ridiculous as which city you like."
"I’ll handle it myself. I know what they were asking for that place. You have enough for a down payment?"
""And then you’ll be back with us full-time?"