
The Christie Affair Quotes

The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont

The Christie Affair Quotes
"It’s a particular feeling, the urge to murder."
"Anyone who says I have no regrets is either a psychopath or a liar."
"The world had never been innocent. But I had been innocent."
"Sometimes you fall in love with a place, dramatic and urgent as falling in love with any person."
"The only person who can really hurt you in life is a husband."
"Sometimes hard truths needed to be stated plainly."
"As long as there was life there was hope."
"It’s a simple matter of weaving together what we know, what we’ve been told, and what we imagine."
"When something unendingly dear to you is taken away, with no hope of return, wails can’t help but ensue."
"This is preposterous, Thomas. Surely you can trust the man to see to his business on his own."
"I drove slowly enough that I saw the young police officer from Godalming heading home, no doubt relieved to be rid of Archie from his passenger seat."
"In those days, doors were seldom locked anywhere outside London. Since the War ended, there was little to fear."
"I regarded her sternly as she stepped back from the door, blushing at being caught eavesdropping."
"Once I became her stepmother, I’d encourage her to be the sort of person who folded her clothes and put them away, who attended to her own discarded wrappings."
"But don’t you ever wander off like that. Your mum and dad would miss you terribly."
"Your mum and dad would miss you terribly."
"This is all some damnable stunt. To punish me. To punish you. To get your name into the papers."
"She might be distraught, but I knew she would never commit suicide."
"Show me an unemotional sort and I’ll show you someone dangerous."
"He kissed me, deeply, and I kissed him back."
"I could scarcely see which direction we were headed or which shops we passed."
"It’s like a miracle, isn’t it? You’re like a miracle, same as ever."
"Megs and I had walked the same way and still our sister was gone forever."
"He reached out and took my hand. Brought my palm to his lips, three beats of a kiss."
"His body moved and for a moment I thought he’d answer, but instead he coughed, shaking, dry coughs that didn’t bring him to consciousness."
"You must think of what’s best for the baby, dear," his mother admonished.
"My senses were heightened from being held in Finbarr’s arms."
"Mrs.," I corrected him, then smiled too stiffly. I could feel the edge of my lips stretch unnaturally.
"I don’t care how much the wedding cost or what people will say. I can’t go on. I simply can’t!"
"You must wake, Bess," Kitty called, and Bess tried like mad to wrest her eyelids open.
"Of course it’s no accident they have us sleeping where we can hear them."
"I cleaned my plate, having learned during the War never to waste food."
"If I’d been able to look ahead and see this moment, I believe I would have acted differently."
"I could never leave England. Not even with Finbarr."
"It’s important to work. To go through the motions."
"We can’t have you lying in for weeks like a queen, can we?"
"People can certainly be beastly about the things that affect them least, can't they?"
"Isn't it awful? And beautiful, in its way?"
"They were star-crossed, Mrs. Marston told me. Longing to be together for ever so long."
"There’s a Chinese legend called Yuè Lǎo, have you heard it? When we’re born, the gods tie an invisible thread around our little finger, which connects us to our one true love."
"It’s so sad and awful that they would die like that, right under our noses, right when their threads finally found each other."
"Nothing in life unfolds the way you think it will. Does it?"
"A mother is a mother still, the holiest thing alive."
"You can declare a wish granted but that doesn’t make it so."
"We can’t have a second offender staying on too long, contaminating the rest of you girls."
"For all I know, Susanna spent her whole life at the Magdalene Laundry."
"The nuns know best. He’ll have a better life than I could ever give him."
"Tell me, I’d say, in the moments she looked about to crumble."
"Tomorrow, I said to myself, day after day."
"How fat and rosy she is!" the nun exclaimed.
"Oh, is there a more glorious sound in the world than a baby’s first laugh?"
"Your baby is gone. To the nicest family, Nan."
"I’ll pass Genevieve through the bars of the gate, lay her on the grass, then squeeze myself through."
"I already have one of my own," I said out loud.
"What a fool Nan is. Any woman with her wits about her would run away with him the moment he asked."
"I don’t want to. Agatha, don’t you want your husband anymore?"
"I can live without him. You can live without her, too."
"I’ve seen that missing lady novelist with my own eyes."
"Come have some wine and cheese, come have a dance. For who knows what tomorrow will bring?"
"Smoke from the manor’s chimneys should have given us away—four lovestruck outlaws."
"If I’d walked right off the road into another world, it wouldn’t have surprised me."
"For want of a nail the kingdom was lost."
"To see we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at."
"If we leave, you and I. Together. Today. Let the disappearance last a lifetime. Why not?"
"As readers our minds do reach toward the longed-for conclusions, despite what we know to be true."
"The rage that lingers, when one thinks of war."
"A mystery should end with a killer revealed, and so it has. A quest should end with a treasure restored."
"A tragic love story must end with its lovers dead or parted. But a romance. That should end with lovers reunited."
"Indulge yourself instead, and close this book on a happy ending."