
Body Of Evidence Quotes

Body Of Evidence by Patricia Cornwell

Body Of Evidence Quotes
"I know you've been missing me, Beryl. But I'm always watching over you even though you can't see me. I see you."
"Bet you've been missing me, Beryl. Soon, Beryl, soon. I'll be coming for you soon."
"When I closed my eyes I saw the colors of Key West. I saw bright greens and blues and sunsets so gaudy only God can get away with them."
"Money can't buy eternity, but it can buy a certain degree of security."
"Women carry Mace in their pocketbooks. They’re assaulted and the Mace never enters their minds until after the fact because defending themselves isn’t a reflex."
"She was a one-way street when it came to other people's business."
"You’ll never guess who I saw the other day."
"What I remember is he nearly killed you, Katie."
"A bad time? No worse than any other time."
"I doubt he’ll be inclined to look at something that’s already been examined."
"Whenever there’s a particularly brutal case I refuse to discuss, suddenly every reporter in town wants to know where I went to college."
"The manuscript they found isn’t the one you’re talking about."
"He knows how to slide through without a snag."
"You aren’t likely to find much, if any, delustering particles—you wouldn’t want a traffic vest to appear dull."
"I just don’t want you ending up like Leon Jones."
"I think he really loved her and didn’t have the smarts to know what he was up against."
"It’s always struck me as miraculous the Feds were able to get so much cooperation in the Wayne Williams case."
"I had not conjured up the images in years, his lips on mine, his hands, the urgency of our hunger."
"She was distant and white-hot like a star."
"Beryl wrote well, her prose sometimes breaking into song."
"She ended up with some guy in med school. Women like that look for certain types."
"Generalities often got interpreted literally, and at one crime scene the cops walked right past a bloody upholstery needle in the victim’s living room because I had said that the weapon was 'consistent with' an ice pick."
"The snow was coming down harder and it was sticking."
"You’re telling me you actually talked to Harper at the tavern tonight?" I asked in amazement.
"The Harper family is at the end of its line, overbred and barren. There will be no one after us," she said.
"You will find your personal history drawing you back into familiar rooms where, ironically, events occurred that set into motion your eventual estrangement from life."
"It is easier. That’s all I can say. It is easier."
"Beneath the milky swirl of snow the drive was a solid white blanket, with barely perceptible tire tracks left when the damn cops had driven off without me."
"The forget-me-nots will be in bloom. The bowling green will be pale blue with them. It is so lovely, my favorite time of year."
"I don’t know a single cop who’s seen an autopsy and still eats liver."
"I was going to leave Miami for college. In an era when women were teachers, secretaries, and housewives, I was going to be a physician."
"When anything is possible, nothing is impossible."
"One plus one does not equal three. Or does it?"
"Sometimes he snitches a little, other times he zips his lip."
"I'm not clairvoyant, if that's what you're asking."
"Even those classified as insane have their own reasons for why they do what they do."
"Virtually every heinous event that occurs in this world was first conceived in thought."
"We aren’t good or bad, one or the other."
"You have such pretty blond hair. Is it real or do you bleach it, Kay?"
"It’s like I wasn’t there. But it was funny. Something told me to hang in there with her."
"I asked her what she liked to drink. We started talking about different kinds. It sort of loosened her up, caught her interest."
"It’s real hard to know these days, that’s for damn sure."
"There was something about his family situation was sad. But then, I suppose you could say the same thing about most all the patients at Valhalla."
"It’s screwed me, too, PJ. It’s totally screwed me, too."
"She was something. I’d never met anybody like her before, and probably won’t again."
"The damn bastard. Excuse me. But it still upsets me."
"The only individual he ever inflicted harm upon, to my knowledge, was himself."
"You got that straight. When she wasn’t frapping around with the two of us, she was working on that damn book."
"His idea of raising a son was to beat him into manhood."
"The color he said radiated from his soul."
"I don’t know how I can. Why the hell’s it screwed you, other than causing you a lot of trouble?"
"I have to say there was often validity in his perceptions, and this was one of his problems."
"It was after we heard about it. I don’t know. He changed, Walt did."
"It’s funny, but it got to where she was sort of like our sister."
"I mean, that was almost ten years ago. And all I got left is this dump."
"No matter how tough the going gets, the tough keep going."
"You should try reading. It's wonderful."
"I was not sorry I had killed him. I was sorry he had ever been born."
"Reading is wonderful. You should try it sometime."
"The way it’s looking, is Frankie hit Richmond a year ago October. Least, that’s how long he’d been renting his crib on Redd Street."
"I won’t allow my life, my career to be disrupted like this, and I refuse to be intimidated any longer."
"I think she was obsessive about that damn alarm system she had installed after she started getting the threats."
His eyes were on mine. "I told him we had dated in a former life. I wanted him to turn you over to me. And he did."
"Drink your wine and watch the moon rise over Key West. That’s the best way to respond."