
Lover Unbound Quotes

Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward

Lover Unbound Quotes
"I’m just thanking you for doing something cool. No BFD."
"Thank you for this meal made by thine hands."
"You would make a wonderful hellren, Phury."
"You always look ruined after you see her."
"I wanted to know conception and birth physically."
"Your destiny is mine. I know not your path."
"He tried to think of Butch and decided it probably just depended on who you were with."
"He wasn’t sure he’d made the right decision to save himself that time he’d jumped."
"Females like her always found the way to his rack."
"As for protection, I could have used it three hundred years ago. Not now."
"You shall do your duty and do it well or I shall cast you out."
"The survival of the Chosen and the order I have established herein are of the only significance."
"In the initial meet-and-greet, V took a ham-handed smash to his jaw, the kind of punch that made your brains slosh around in your skull."
"V liked to grapple. And he was good at the ground game."
"Man, if an intestine had been nicked, things were going to go bad, fast. So it was time to put the fight to bed."
"On the chessboard of his godforsaken existence, the pieces were lined up, the play preordained."
"Forget his mother and her drama—he needed to become the Primale for the Brotherhood. He owed the legacy he served."
Running down the center of the facility was what the medical staff called "the chute." The chute was strictly for trauma admits...
"The waiting rooms were full of the others who were affected: husbands, wives, parents, children."
"In the face of that summer-night sultry expression, Jane’s brain took a vacation."
"John followed Zsadist’s lead. The paths they took each night were different and felt random, but they always ended at the same place, a short-stack waterfall."
"You talk to Blay and Qhuinn about that."
"Literacy was not of value in the warrior camp, as you couldn’t kill with it."
"You used this wisely only when you beat him with it."
"What do you do back here? Read other tomes?"
"These things he cared about were about to be destroyed in some fashion."
"For him, there was now no utility in emotional connection, only an eventual agony when it was crushed."
"The realization made all V’s pain go away. Just like that."
"His father would destroy anything and anyone V cleaved to for comfort."
"Vishous picked up the books he’d cradled in gentle hands for hours and hours and faced his father."
"Take them there. Burn them there. As it is winter, the heat is of value."
"He said, ‘Your eye, your eye, what has been done?’"
"I am my father’s son. Therefore I am capable of anything."
"Mayhap this Primale arrangement would be well after all."
"If the stories about that male were true, even those who fought nobly could be cruel."
"With his hands on his hips, he paced back and forth, back and forth, at the end of the bed."
"The patient stared at her funny, Jane did a quick check of her clothes, wondering if anything was hanging out."
"He strapped on his chest holster, slid two daggers in, handles down, and popped a SIG Sauer on each hip."
"You weren’t at First Meal," she said. "I was teaching," he replied.
"Her head eased to one side, her hair falling farther down her shoulder."
"If you’re keeping something from Z, anything…you need to tell him."
"He’ll be tight. For you, he’ll stay tight."
"The blood of my enemies. I don’t want it on you."
"I love your scent right now. Makes me want to do more than just get in your head."
"There’s another reason I can’t be with you. I bite, Jane. And I wouldn’t be able to stop myself."
"I know what your ID tells me, but who are you really? Who’s your family?"
"You won’t bail on someone who requires medical attention. It’s not in your nature, true?"
"This was like having a crystal vase in a locker room full of rugby players."
"I’m scared of mice and spiders. But you don’t need to use that gun on your hip to blow a hole in a wall if I run into one."
"I know you’re right. I just want to protect him."
"No. I know I can." (In response to fixing someone's face)
"That hadn’t been the first time Zsadist had needed that kind of release."
"By some miracle, the two neurons in John’s head that were still working rationally pointed out that the best thing for him to do was go home."
"Fuck you—I’d do it anyway. And before you go all UFC, I’d like to point out that if our roles were reversed, you’d do the same goddamn thing. Admit it. You so fucking would. We’re friends. We back up. ’Nuff said. Now cut the shit."
"I’ll be okay," he lied, leaning to the side for his bag of red smoke and his rolling papers. He spun a thick one up fast, lit it, and the false calm came right away, like his body had been trained well."
"It was like nothing she’d ever known. It was sex to the millionth power."
"As they stayed like that, linked by their hands and their eyes. Until, without warning, she brushed his lower lip with her thumb."
"I love seeing you eat. Makes me ecstatic. I want you to keep going until you’re so full you fall asleep in your chair."
"I’d carry you to this bed without waking you and watch over you with a dagger in my hand."
"He was the virgin he’d never been, clueless and weak-kneed."
"Her trust brought him to his knees. And he needed to return the faith before she left."
"I’m fine," he said, bringing his hand up so he could rub his good eye.
"I love you. And I’m going to keep loving you even after you don’t know I exist."
"No one should have their innocence raped from them. But if they do? They get to pick how they deal with it, because it’s no one else’s biz."
"You’re absolutely positive you don’t want me to go?"
"Shut it, cop. I’ll be here with the Goose when I get back."
"Even though it might not be fair, he resented the hell out of what was under that splendor."
"Is she to your liking?" the Scribe Virgin asked dryly, as if she knew that the female was utter perfection.
"Underneath the hood, Cormia was in a state of desperation."
"As the ritual progressed, V frowned and leaned forward."
"He eased back in the throne. Shit, he hated the ancient ways. Hated this whole fucking thing."
"For if she were small, their eyes wouldn’t find her. If she were tiny, she could hide amongst larger things…disappear from all of this."
"She waited for the Brother’s response, praying for some warmth within it."
"Oh, for the love of God." He pushed a gloved hand through his dark hair and started pacing.
"Was he allowed to ask her that? Was he—What was she thinking? He could do anything he wanted. He was the Primale."
"I’ll come back after I leave him, okay?"
"I’ll come to you, or we could buy another place, somewhere remote where we could spend days off. We’ll make it work."
"You’re going to have to let go of him, Jane. If you want to find peace, you’re going to have to let go of him."
"You don’t have to be religious to believe."
"And I shall then at least be able to tell them that I lay beside you."
"You’re going to not think about that. Besides…there’s a way to slow that down."
"There is no balance in this! No price given!"
"Your love will not change the outcome, nor will your facility with the Omega’s remnants. This is forbidden!"
"This it is not just about balance," the Scribe Virgin said. "Some things are forbidden."
"I don’t want to let go of him," she said to no one.
"Letting go meant you accepted what couldn’t be changed."
"You shall condemn her ever after. There will be nowhere for her to go but to the Omega, and you will have to send her there. She will be evil and you will have to destroy her."
"You were right," she said against V’s chest. "I do believe in God."
"Life…well, it ends okay, it really does."