
Arctic Chill Quotes

Arctic Chill by Arnaldur Indriðason

Arctic Chill Quotes
"Why do they make military trousers like that for children?"
"I am felled to the ground, frozen and cannot be freed."
"Shouldn't we say he's an Icelander until we find out otherwise?"
"Yes, I think so. I shook him but nothing happened."
"We need to establish whether he might have been climbing up between the balconies."
"He was really sweet, that boy, polite and well brought-up. He was the only one who thanked us for inviting him to the birthday party and he wasn't noisy like the other kids."
"His mother was really quite embarrassed about it."
"He was good at maths. Way ahead of his classmates."
"I think he really enjoyed playing football."
"He's the nightmare I can never shake off."
"It was an old horse-track skirting north of the Eskifjördur River, inland along the ridge Langihryggur, up the river Innri-Steinsá through Vínárdalur valley and over Vínárbrekkur slopes to Midheidarendi, and from there up to the Urdarflöt plateau and along the cliffs of Urdarklettur to the boundary of the Eskifjördur district."
"He's scared,' Gudný said. 'Who wouldn't be scared in her position? If she's run off, it's to protect her only surviving son. That's all she can think of at the moment. She doesn't trust you. That's obvious. She trusts herself. She always has."
"There can never be any bloody trust between people who start a relationship against that sort of background."
"It's as if they're plotting something together. Could they be involved in a scam?"
"That woman shouldn't still be alive,' Erlendur said. 'All the indications are that she's committed suicide. The phone call was completely at odds with the whole scenario up to now, with every aspect of it."
"I don't know what you're doing or have been doing for a long time and that's fine with me. It's nothing to do with me. You were right. It's none of my business."
"It was not until after New Year that Erlendur met his ex-wives and asked them what they thought could have happened. One received him at her home in Hafnarfjördur; her husband was abroad on business. The woman was eager to help Erlendur with his inquiries, eager to tell him what a shit her ex-husband was."
"He was lost for words. He did not know how to say goodbye, could not find a way to express a last farewell. What was there to say?"
"I reckon we ought to organise our search on that basis. She's turned to the people she trusts best for protection, her own kind."
"It's bound to be tough and I think it's very hard for us to put ourselves in their shoes. Racism may not be an everyday occurrence here but we know that not everyone's happy with the way society is going."
"Bits of rock don't give you this sort of bother."
"Do you think Elías's attacker was of Asian origin?"
"I know plenty of eighteen year olds who couldn't even spell Weimar Republic."
"No one's allowed to open their mouth. Everyone has to be so diplomatic."
"It's just... when you work with that stuff, day in, day out, you long to hear about something different."
"Life. All that long life, only to end up alone and abandoned in a hospital bed."
"It was never your responsibility. You have to understand that."
"I keep wanting to talk to you but you're never home."
"People adopt children every day of the year."
"It's only a question of time. We'll catch him."
"I don't understand how you can connect the two incidents."
"You can't drive it away. Sooner or later the truth will out."
"It's as if he's been forced to do a disappearing act at short notice before."
"It's too well prepared somehow, too premeditated."
"It's none of your business what I do," Andrés said, turning back to the glare of the television.
"There was nothing here but self-destruction."
I haven't a clue," Andrés said. "I'm not going to help you with this. Do you understand?
I believe he's capable," Andrés said. "Maybe he already did. Years ago.
"You're not getting any more out of me. Get out of here. This is my affair. I'll sort it out."
"Fuck off and leave me alone," Andrés said.
"He never ceased to be surprised by what people threw away."
"I'm sure you could cook yourself a proper meal if you could be arsed," Eva said.
"Because I know he's still up there somewhere lost and alone, with nothing to look forward to but death."
"We'll make sure nothing happens to Niran."