
Just One Damned Thing After Another Quotes

Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor

Just One Damned Thing After Another Quotes
"There have been two moments in my life. Moments when everything changed."
"Madeleine, you cannot let your home circumstances define your entire life."
"I can help you. Last chance, Madeleine. Yes – or no?"
"You must learn to assimilate, edit and present information."
"I always said my life began properly the day I walked through the gates of St Mary's."
"If hitting someone doesn't cure the problem, then drinking tea will."
"We’re St Mary’s. If hitting someone doesn’t cure the problem, then drinking tea will."
"The more extraordinary things he told you, the quieter and calmer you became."
"History will not permit anything to change events that have already taken place."
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
"We all have to look after each other, hence the welcoming committee; to show support and to talk them down."
"We do a lot of work for film and television."
"It's not all bad news, I suppose. There’ll be drapery and togas and tunics, of course."
"I shall be watching your progress with great interest."
"Only the best of you will complete your training."
"You don't walk away from blind men struggling in the mud. You should, but you don't."
"Sex is a bit like scratching a rash – it’s nice when you stop."
"It's not always all about work, you know."
"Nothing is what it seems, least of all me."
"You are not there to interact. Observe, document and record. Don’t get involved."
"I'm about to make the biggest speech of my life and you're just not here!"
"He was upright and walking, so I guessed most of the blood wasn’t his, which left ..."
"We’re going to live with the dinosaurs!"
"If you can’t even get to an appointment in your own building on time they argue, you’re not going to have much luck trying to find the Battle of Hastings."
"I'm sorry; this must be a bit of a shock for you."
"Try and stay safe, Max. I have plans for your return."
"Jump initiated," and the world went white.
"Hope you've got your rot-proof knickers on."
"We grinned at each other in excitement. 'Let's do this thing!'"
"I opened my com. 'Report to me, please. At once.'"
"He was my partner; we’d been together nearly four years."
"I certainly wasn’t going to put it out for Sussman to mock."
"I wish to God I could have this day again and do things differently."
"I’m busy at the moment. Remain where you are."
"She wore Paris. I’d never noticed before."
"The tape runs out about thirty minutes later."
"The assignment was all over and I could relax."
"It’s because I’m shallow. I can only do one emotion at a time."
"Is there another problem, Miss Maxwell?"
"I suppose I thought I was entitled to a little gentle cherishing."
"The world premiere in Hawking was a huge success."
"I don’t know why the Boss always carried on as if they were the Antichrist."
"We’re all special and we’re all the best there is."
"I’ll bring him back without a mark on him."
"We have to get our heads together for our report and presentation."
"We were the first humans, the only humans, ever to see all this."
"All right, we weren’t at the bottom of the sea, which was good."
"You appear to have dealt with the situation with your customary aplomb."
"I’ve got my presentation to Thirsk coming up."
"We were so tired even I was sleeping like the dead."
"Computer, emergency extraction ... Now!"
"I've been trained to deal with catastrophe. First rule. Deal with the now. Deal with everything else later."
"You think anyone would ever have done this sober?"
"We’re St Mary’s – we don’t leave our people behind."
"If I don’t come back, someone will need to tell the Boss where I’ve gone and why."
"This world is not yet ready for your offspring."
"I'm sorry, but you've just become an honorary historian, which means you rank somewhere between blue-green algae and the duck-billed platypus in the scheme of things."
"You may not think so, but you were saving us long before you arrived with just a bad attitude and a photo to remind you of what I look like."
"Nothing's moving and people are leaving in their droves."
"I could not have said anything worse but I was hurt, frightened and fighting rising panic."
"They're dead. All of them. All thanks to you."
"We’re St. Mary’s. We never, ever, ever leave our people behind."
"For two pins, I could have ripped her head off there and then."
"You took my life. I was the one with the golden future."
"Something burst inside me like an angry sun. I just wanted to hurt somebody and here he was. Legitimate prey!"
"I do know my world is full of grief and loss and pain and that nothing will ever be the same again."
"I'm not responsible for all these people. We can all sort ourselves out."
"You can’t just order people to get along. You’re not children."
"And if we put doors at each end then the plant, equipment, whatever, rolls on and then rolls off. No reversing."
"Imagine what we could do if we put our minds to it."
"I honestly thought I was going to faint."
"I lay in hot water for an hour, wondering if I’d missed anything."
"Everything went wrong. Right from the off, everything went wrong."
"Leonidas was betrayed by that bastard Ephialtes, who led a Persian contingent through the mountains to fall upon the Spartans from the rear."
"You see, people think it’s easy, living in the past. You turn up with a big bag of gold and enough foreknowledge to ensure you back the right horse, or the right king, or the right dot com companies and retire to count your money."
"Life on the fringes of society, any society in any time is tough. I should know."
"The sky began to lighten. Dawn was happening behind the mountains. And with the sun would come the heat again."
"Ronan smiled unpleasantly and raised his weapon. ‘Not any more you don’t. Open the pods.’"
"Hatred crackled between them. I could feel it twisting the air."
"I tried to lift my head, but nothing was moving. Everything had stopped. I felt no pain."
"‘I’m fine, sir. Another hour and another bottle of glucose drink and I’ll be back out there.’"
"‘For the time being, Miss Maxwell, yes. But no, I’m sorry, it’s not over."