
All The Stars And Teeth Quotes

All The Stars And Teeth by Adalyn Grace

All The Stars And Teeth Quotes
"Nothing can compare to the lavish trinkets of hungry suitors."
"I am Amora Montara, Princess of Visidia and heir to the High Animancer’s throne. There is no ship I cannot sail. There is nothing I cannot master."
"The power of Arida is within me. You will obey."
"Magic has a way of making a person greedy."
"The more someone has, the more they tend to want."
"Magic is a strange thing, my boy; it’s not something that simply disappears when neglected."
"But as long as we don’t break our vow to practice but one magic, and so long as we have a capable animancer who’s strong enough to maintain the beast’s power and master its magic, Visidia will forever remain safe."
"I’ve dedicated too much of my life to be the first."
"I’ve heard that Zudoh’s advisers turned on Father during one of his visits to their island, and a fight ensued that left him severely injured."
"I am not the fragile, breakable thing he believes me to be."
"The sight of it quickens my heart and makes my throat thick with desire."
"I’m afraid we don’t accept pessimism aboard this ship, Princess. Come help!"
"It’s the loveliest ship I’ve ever seen."
"I swear I’ve been here for no more than two minutes, yet the shores of Arida are at least a hundred feet away."
"They want the end of the Montaras. They want to abolish the monarchy, and practice however many magics they’d like."
"I am Amora Montara, Princess of Visidia, and I will be the future High Animancer."
"I’ve no magic, remember? I’m perfectly aware that you could kill me in a second flat if you chose to, and I quite like myself alive."
"I am the right choice. The only choice. And I will protect my kingdom."
"I draw in a breath and lift my chin toward Bastian. ‘I’m in,’ I tell him, much to Ferrick’s protest."
"It's only a glamour. You won't feel a thing."
"I'd no idea enchantment magic could do this."
"I can't tell if I'm drunk, or if that's the weirdest magic I've ever seen."
"If your clothes are aboard that ship, please allow Karin to escort you to—"
"We need to be more careful moving forward."
"You should eat something with iron tonight."
"Perhaps you don’t have any time to trade, but the princess might."
"No matter how hard I try to push away Ferrick’s words, they sink into my gut."
"Our economy will thrive. More ships will be produced with Zudian wood. More homes."
"I was led here on this journey for a reason, and Ferrick’s words won’t stop me from believing that."
"But even so, knowing what I must do, I can’t help but think of the stories whispered at night about Zudoh."
"How long has it been since you were in Zudoh, Bastian?"
"I’ve been living on Keel Haul since I was ten."
"It’s been a long day, and we’re all tired."
"You said you sensed a curse when you stepped aboard this ship."
"Bastian’s magic’s somehow been cursed away; that one’s a given."
"But as I stumble into the cabins behind Vataea, I can’t help but wonder—what’s the third curse?"
"My head hits the pillow, but every time I shut my eyes, I can’t help thinking that Keel Haul is too still."
"The fate of Visidia depends on these next few days."
"There’s a quiet rustle of clothing flapping in the wind, and I turn to find I’m not alone."
"Please do. It’s been ages since I’ve had another woman to talk to."
"About two seasons. And before that, a year on Curmana."
"I’d like to feel the sun on my skin for more than a few minutes at a time."
"Magic is power, it's respect. How good of a life can I give you without that?"
"I'm Amora Montara, the Princess of Visidia."
"I am a monster, and if you stand in my way, I will destroy you."
"We’re more than our blood, both of us. Doing what we can now is all that matters."
"Everything Father ever told me about this magic and our duties was a lie. And I believed it because I trusted him more than anything."
"You have to trust that the others will be safe out here."
"I thought I knew every inch of this island, but thank the gods I was wrong."
"It’s time to get rid of everything but your soul magic."
"It's time I take back what belongs to me."
"If we promised to take care of Kaven and restore this island, would you consider rejoining Visidia?"
"I'm just as bad as Kaven. I’ve taken as many lives as he has, if not more."
"We don’t need your help," she growls decidedly.
"I can’t imagine the emotions he’s going through."
"I hardly know what I’m doing. My body is three steps ahead of my mind, acting on the angry impulse writhing within me."
"You will forget my name," I snarl, pinning him to the ground.
"You will forget my face, and that anyone ever loved you."
"Never did I think it possible to curse a person directly, but with this vicious power I’ve gathered from the cursed bands around my wrists, I’ve done just that."
"The people of Arida will forget what I did to them."
"I give it my memories. I fill the knife with the story of this past year, and drop it onto the shore for the waves to bury."
"As Sira, I understood curse magic perfectly—you decide what you want people to see, and curse an object with that image or story by connecting it with your blood."
"I don’t know how long I sit in the cavern, letting the truth sink in."
"I’m fine," I say shakily, turning my attention to Kaven."
"You’re not as strong as you think." My body trembles as I slide the edge of my blade over Ferrick’s severed arm, coating it with Kaven’s blood.
"Visidia deserves better than what they’ve gotten, and it definitely deserves more than this man."
"But that doesn’t mean that I have to be like them."
"Kaven only shakes his head. "I want to fix the damage he’s created, and lead this kingdom on a new path."
""Without my magic, I’m useless." The words tear through me. "I have nothing. I am nothing."
"But I’ve wasted too much time already. I drag Bastian behind me and snatch a torch from its holder on the wall."
"I wouldn’t have to answer so many questions with lies."
"I clench my fingers on the arms of the throne as Mother offers me a crown."