
You Quotes

You by Caroline Kepnes

You Quotes
"You can’t just bum-rush a girl after a concert, especially when the band’s music is ambient techno electro shit."
"It’s not about time. It’s about how you live your life."
"People want to find their families; I wanted to find the thief."
"Nobody ever remembers the name of the cab company."
"It’s not surprising when he bails on you and cheats on you and pulls that weird Daddy shit."
"Life did go on. Though the New School isn’t as prestigious, the teachers and students like you well enough."
"A poet is different. A poet transforms the world with such small hands."
"If you go in a nursing home, this here book will be your tome."
"You sound like such a girl, but I haven’t heard from Benji."
"Spontaneous trek to the ACK. New inspiration, new flavors with the help of a lovely companion."
"But you’re not a beat-up BMW, you’re not his to give away."
"Joe, I can’t take a test on a book I haven’t picked up since high school without being amply caffeinated."
"That’s great. That’s something to be proud of."
"I own every book Stephen King has ever written."
"I got books to sell. Be on the south steps of Union Square. Center. 8:30 sharp."
"Yeah, I don’t have a Yale degree but my bullshit detector is excellent. Top drawer, even."
"You don’t need to do that," I say. I try to keep him calm. I am kind.
I’m all right," I say. "You got an early morning so you better get in there.
"It smells like body odor and Febreze and baby shit and farts and meatballs and nail polish and more baby shit—doesn’t anyone get a babysitter anymore?"
"You can tell when something is right because most things are just plain wrong."
"MOST people think that Stephen Crane wrote The Red Badge of Courage about war. But he didn’t."
"But Benji had the ultimate privilege; he died with an opening heart, an improving mind."
"It’s easier to make sense of things at sea, in a river that could kick your ass if it wanted to."
"Happiness is believing that you’re gonna be happy. It’s hope."
"Life is aggravating when you’re alone in a costume on a party boat with people who are all together, in costumes, on a party boat."
"Every time I approach an exit, I want to pull off and find a gas station and change out of this musty costume. But I don’t. I am paralyzed behind the wheel."
"You were supposed to tell me all about your dad, no matter how ashamed you were."
"The kid in the backseat disobeys his father and turns around and you know what I know about that kid? That kid will wind up at Choate Rosemary Hall (alumni sticker in the rear window), and that kid will be smoking dope and popping pills before his thirteenth birthday."
"I am probably already an anecdote in the hopper in your head, fodder for a story, a thing of the past, just another suitor."
"You will never forgive me and I need to never see you again."
"You finish sending a text and relax your arms and lower your legs and when animals open up like that, they want to fuck."
"Remember: Doing something trashy does not make you trashy."
"Living is harder than dying, Beck, and I’d give anything to eat pizza with you."
"You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved."
"This is about you and me against the world. That’s how it is. That’s how I like it."
"The thing about life is that you have to choose your own path."
"Sometimes, the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."
"Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
"You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."
"It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."
"We’re living on each other and we don’t need sleep."
"On Day Nine, I catch you using my toothbrush."
"On Day Fourteen I realize that I have lost track of time."
"I could fall off the ladder and crack open my skull and it wouldn’t matter."
"Everythingship (n): a meeting of the minds, bodies, and souls."