
The Younger Wife Quotes

The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth

The Younger Wife Quotes
"Game face on, Tully-girl. Smile, be courteous, keep it together."
"The catharsis of a shower cry could not be overstated for a woman in her thirties."
"It was a form of self-care, really. Like personal training. And botox."
"Sometimes, when she wasn’t concentrating, Tully had been known to smile a bit too hard."
"The superpower that rendered all men, including her own father, putty in her hands."
"She wanted to know what is happening. Did Pamela hit Stephen with the candlestick?"
"The strangeness of this flirtation sent a mild electric shock through Tully."
"That’s just the meaning society attaches to it."
"A day that required her game face and blow-out."
"You have to love her with your whole heart but do so from arm’s length."
I like cosy," she said. "Cosy and comfy, that’s my style.
"He’s an awful man. I don’t know how I ever put up with him."
"Her teeth belonged in a movie-star’s mouth."
"She was as powerless to stop it as the body that needed oxygen."
"He drove the speed limit, he refused to park in No Standing zones, he waited his turn in line."
"She could have had her pick of the men!"
"Stephen’s technological capabilities were pitiful."
"Getting close to her was like trying to get close to a helicopter."
"When he looked at her, and when she looked at him, she got so high she didn’t need to think about stealing."
"Ninety-seven thousand, three hundred and seventy-two dollars."
"That sounds great. Do you think you can rope Tully in?"
"Honestly, I have no idea. She would have had to be putting away her housekeeping for her whole life to save that much."
"Keep it, Rachel. Tully has plenty of money. If anyone deserves it, it’s you."
"If you ever embarrass me like that again, I’m going to kill you. Do you understand?"
"I haven’t got the faintest idea who you are."
"Hey, you don’t look sick. You look great!"
"We’re not getting ingredients. We’re getting cakes."
"Gratitude to the lady for her kindness."
"The person in the room beside her was ‘loud as fuck’."
"But Rachel’s new mum didn’t seem to mind the hand-holding."
"Mum glanced away, not interested in the slightest."
"Mum’s reaction to this question, unlike the last, was palpable."
"I think we need to give up on any idea of what is normal or expected. That horse bolted for this family long ago." - Dad
"Everyone needs to talk sometimes. It's amazing the things grief can do." - Heather
"It’s like no one knows me at all." - Dad
"You can’t really believe that I would hurt your mother, can you?" - Dad
"I’ve made mistakes, but you can't really believe that I would hurt your mother, can you?" - Dad
"It’s like the body was tricked into thinking it was pregnant." - Doctor
"I’m sorry things have been strained between us these past few months. I should have told you about Fiona. I wish I had." - Dad
"It’s a good time for our family. There’s only one thing that would make it even better." - Dad
"I’ve never felt less rested, more agitated, than I do right now." - Narrator
"It’s hard to rehash something that you’ve only just learned." - Rachel
"We are all products of what we experienced as children." - Mary
"It wasn’t the first test, after all." - Heather
"The jury was in... and she was clearly crazy." - Heather
"It’s not like I took a dump on the rug!" - Tully
"There’s so much in this world that we will never know, Rachel."
"More than anything I’d love to hear you say that you believe I’d never hurt your mother."
"This was her life, Heather thought. This was her life."
"The falls, the trips, the miscarriage – they were accidents."
"But there’s no point in lying now, is there?"
"I’m a baker. I’ve got some pictures of my cakes. Would you like to see?"
"Just because we can’t prove it doesn’t mean it isn’t true."
"It’s time to start trusting our instincts."