
Messenger Of Truth Quotes

Messenger Of Truth by Jacqueline Winspear

Messenger Of Truth Quotes
"Good morning, Miss Bassington-’ope. Come on in out of that cold." - Billy Beale
"Thank you, Billy, that will be just the ticket, it’s brassy out there today." - Maisie Dobbs
"There was a camaraderie between the investigator and her assistant that intrigued the visitor." - Narration
"Maisie smiled graciously. It was not a broad smile, not in the way that the assistant had welcomed her, but the woman thought it indicated a person completely in her element." - Narration
"I have come to you in the hope that you might be able to help me…" - Georgina Bassington-Hope
"Might that person have been Dame Constance?" - Maisie Dobbs
"My brother died several weeks ago, in early December. A verdict of accidental death has been recorded." - Georgina Bassington-Hope
"I believe Nicholas was murdered. I do not think he fell accidentally at all. I believe someone pushed him, or caused him to fall deliberately." - Georgina Bassington-Hope
"Maisie closed her eyes, pausing for a few seconds before speaking again. 'You were very close, it seems.'" - Narration
"Oh, yes, we were close, Miss Dobbs. Nick was my twin. Two peas in a pod." - Georgina Bassington-Hope
"Just a moment longer, Detective Inspector."
"I am used to questioning the examiner; it is what I am trained to do."
"I wonder what else they might be ‘in keeping’ with?"
"Nothing like the marshes to brittle your bones!"
"Just remember to put that little motor to the lee of the cottage."
"I hope no one really thinks this is all my fault."
"Always behind, always on the edge, that’s Harry."
"Her sense of confidence was being undermined by doubt, though she did not know whether it was her ability that she doubted, or her relationship with Georgina and the other Bassington-Hopes or the case itself."
"It was as they drove through the village of Chelstone that a single word came to Maisie with such power that she almost said it out loud. The word was doubt."
"I do not trust her. Yes, that was where the doubt was rooted, in a lack of trust."
"Danger and hardship ne’er can alarm us. Ready at England’s call are we, The Arts of Peace themselves shall aid us, We fight for Queen and Liberty."
"She’s burning up and fighting to breathe—and you say you couldn’t find the nurse or the doctor?"
"And it seemed as if everyone wanted to dance the past away."
"I’ve come to the conclusion that liking a person we are required to have dealings with is not of paramount importance, Maisie. But respect is crucial, on both sides, as is tolerance, and a depth of understanding of those influences that sculpt a character."
"And when she was comfortable, you’d find that their curiosity had waned, and someone you thought to be your true friend wasn’t, after all."
"As experience taught Nick in the trenches, people do not always like to see what is so, especially if they see themselves reflected in the brutal honesty of the artist."
"I’m not the kind of collector who will buy anything just for the heck of it, Miss Dobbs. No, I have to like the piece I’m buying."
"Nick didn’t just serve up blood and guts, no, he could touch the…the…essence of the scene."
"Every time a picture was born of his memory, it was as if something dark was laid to rest."
"Things are rarely as they seem, and when they are, we tend to overlook them."
"That mastery over circumstance when I am working makes me feel safe, gives me battlements and a moat."
"I would rather draw everyday life here and now than bring those scenes to mind every time I put brush to canvas."
"I reckon we can put a bit by, me and Doreen—it’ll be easier when we ain’t got the extra mouths to feed—and we’ll go over there."
"First of all they all got stuck in and put up the main part of the exhibition, which was easy, to a point."
"He was a bit like his brother in that regard."
"I reckon about eight. Courtman wanted to get going, had a ladyfriend waiting somewhere."
"I thought to myself at the time that one day he would push Mr. Svenson too far."
"The mother is very talented, of course."
"Mind you, he always drew his neck in a bit with Mr. Bassington-Hope."
"The last thing I want is to break my painting arm, Arthur."
"If you were there, you’d’ve probably thought it was an accident too."
"I haven’t been really inspired since the peace conference in 1919."
"I wish I could say that you had. In fact, I welcome any disturbance."
"I think I need a war to write about, to tell you the truth."
"I imagined a mural of star-crossed lovers with my face depicted alongside Randolph’s."
"I haven’t said as much to anyone else—I thought the whole thing was strange."
"No, not stolen as in a ‘rotten little tea-leaf ’aving it away with ’er Ladyship’s tiara.’"
"There will be no more deliveries for a while, if at all."
"I’ll be in touch soon, Georgina. Expect to hear from me within two days."
"I ran my finger across the condensation on the window pane."
"Reckon by the weekend. The ’ospital talked about convalescence somewhere on the coast—you know, fresh air to clear the lungs."
"Of course, if Doreen’s brother-in-law ’adn’t decided to throw in ’is lot to come up to London, we could probably ’ave done it, but not now."
"Maisie said as she pulled a collection of thick sketchbooks from a drawer."
"Of quarto dimension, they were each numbered in the same manner as the crates in which Nick had identified his masterwork."
"It was midafternoon before Maisie and Billy arrived at Svenson’s Gallery, opening the main door to a flurry of activity."
"I didn’t mean to hurt you, Nick, didn’t mean for this…but you couldn’t be allowed to do it, couldn’t be allowed to dishonor your own flesh and blood…."
"I heard a terrible, terrible thud as he hit the stone floor."
"It’s because it’s the beginning, and also the end."
"I reckon, Billy, that there’s such a thing as serendipity, that if you are meant to move on, you will."