
The Gray Wolf Throne Quotes

The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima

The Gray Wolf Throne Quotes
"You serve, you find happiness where you can. In love or not, you find a way to continue the line."
"All of us are prisoners of our own hearts in some way."
"You don't want to get involved with me. My advice is to run the other way."
"Sometimes the only way to confront your enemies is to face them head-on, no matter the cost."
"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."
"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
"A life without challenges is not only unimaginable but unlivable."
"We are the sum of our choices, and our bravery defines us more than any destiny."
"Sometimes inaction demanded more strength from a person than action."
"You’re like juniper. You seem to thrive in the worst weather, and I’d guess you’d be impossible to uproot once you’ve set yourself."
"If you concentrate, you can feel the connection all the way back through the Gray Wolf line."
"Healers are braver than the most valorous warrior, because they make themselves vulnerable. They open channels between them and those they treat."
"Two threads spun together are stronger than one of double thickness."
"You’re saying I’m tough, prickly, and stubborn."
"You must fight for the throne. You must fight for the Gray Wolf line."
"Killing should never come easy, not even for a warrior princess."
"Sometimes you must choose duty over love. Do not forget duty. But choose love when you can."
"Don’t waste my time. What do you know? When was she here, and who with?"
"It was as if he’d wandered into a cold cave without a map, bumping into memories and emotions in the dark."
"An elegant blond-haired lady cradling a newborn baby, singing a lullaby in a high, clear voice."
"Han swam in a sea of emotions—bone-deep guilt. A longing for home. An aching sense of loss that was not his own."
"Minutes passed, and the poison halted its spread. It stayed, quarantined in the flesh surrounding the wound."
"He was a stranger in enemy territory, and instinct told him to hide his serpent amulet from view."
"Time passed. The shadows of the trees shortened, then lengthened again. The snow came, falling softly all around them, shrouding the hard edges of the world."
"He became oddly conscious of his breathing, focused on it, convinced that if he didn’t remember to breathe, he would simply stop."
"He kept one hand fastened on the serpent amulet, the other pressed Rebecca close."
"She’d never felt safer—she’d never felt more alive than when she lay dying in Han Alister’s arms."
"Raisa woke to the sound of women’s voices and the aroma of food cooking slow."
"Her entire body tingled and burned, as if pins and needles were being driven into her skin."
"Something’s happened. Something’s wrong. She would answer. She couldn’t ignore this. She wouldn’t."
"I’m finally home, she thought. Things have to get better from here on."
"He was so focused on solving this puzzle that he was surprised when Ragger came to an abrupt halt."
"I hope you are being careful, Lightfoot. If it was murder, the perpetrators wouldn’t hesitate to kill a troublesome consort, too."
"It’s the rule of law that has brought us here. It seems that those who follow the law become victims."
"She was half Demonai. Demonai don’t cry."
"I’ve been wondering this ever since you disappeared from Oden’s Ford. What happened? Was it Micah?"
"Just be glad you weren’t there, Rai. Gerard is a monster, but the royal family of Tamron isn’t much better."
"We’ll see. They won’t know you’re already named as my captain. They’re used to working around your father."
"That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Rebecca Morley. There’s something you should know."
"I love you, Rebecca. And I’m not sorry. I would do it all over again, even knowing the cost of it."
"This is all my fault. I should have been there for my mother, but I wasn’t. I should have died in the canyon, but I didn’t. In a way, this is a new beginning."
"We can’t change the past, but we can shape the future."
"I didn’t want to burden you now, when you’re still recovering."
"Trust me to pick a princess out of everyone in Oden’s Ford."
"Eventually, they leave for good. They don’t care if they leave holes behind."
"My father and the other guards were killed with crossbow bolts and blades. Not Demonai weapons."
"I’ve not yet heard a good explanation for his leaving court."
"I think we can agree that character and bloodlines are more important than training and experience."
"The longer I stay hidden, the more time my enemies have to dig in."
"Hunts Alone has no real stake in this. We do. We haven’t seen anything from the jinxflingers to suggest they’ll contribute at all."
"What you need is some firepower—enough to scare off the Wizard Council so they leave you alone, for a while, anyway."
"Choose sides against a streetlord, and you pay a price."
"It’s taught me that the flaw is in them. Not me."
"I’m not really using this anyway, except for show."
"You’re not serious. You do have a death wish, I believe."
"I will not leave you alone with the princess heir. It’s too much of a risk."
"I’ve decided to accept Fire Dancer’s gift, and that ends the discussion."
"That’s exactly the kind of flap-jawed, ignorant remark that I don’t need while I’m working."
"I owe him a debt of gratitude, not a berth in gaol."
"I don’t care who you are, I will have you before the council."
"Despite that, I plan to return to Fellsmarch Castle tonight, as queen-to-be."
"There are many difficult questions to be asked and answered in the coming days—many decisions to be made."
"Our most valuable servants are those loyal enough to risk telling us the truth—not always what we want to hear, but what we need to hear."
"I have loved and hated Edon Byrne. I have loved him for his clear eye, honest soul, and blunt speech. I have hated him for his clear eye, honest soul, and blunt speech."
"It’s a sad thing when the best a speaker like Jemson can say about you is that you could throw a good party."
"Enemies of the Gray Wolf line had best take notice."
"I was in Oden’s Ford most of the time, attending classes at the academy."
"There is too much business before us to delay."
"I’m not planning on it, not any time soon."
"I am telling you to take very good care, Raisa. Please."
"You always had to work harder than anyone else, whether it was schoolwork or hunting or—or anything. You always had to make everyone else look bad."
"She must have fallen asleep. She woke to a hard rap on the door, and assumed it was supper arriving."
"She likes it well enough, Your Highness," Talia said with studied politeness. "Thank you for asking."
"This isn’t a good time, after all," Raisa said, looking down at bare toes peeking out from under her dressing gown.
"Maybe even the rumor that they were lovers repulsed him."
"You think I’m worried about my bloody reputation?" Han finally turned and looked at her.
"I’m sorry," he breathed, kissing a sensitive place behind her ear. "I didn’t mean to do this. It’s just…really hard to resist when you—"
"You’re the one that demanded a room next to mine," Raisa retorted.
"Don’t you get it? It makes me look a fool that I didn’t even know about it. Like you were gifting a favorite instead of meeting an obligation."
"Sweet Hanalea," she murmured, gripping his lapels, her own heart thudding painfully. "I have missed you so much."
"I answer to the Maker, to the line, and to the people of the Fells."
"It’s not fair, I should be going to parties. I should be kissing lots of boys. I’m too young to be queen."
"I am marrying the Gray Wolf throne—the most jealous of lovers."
"Miracles come to those who work very hard."
"I continue to believe in the people of the Fells."
"I pledge that I will work very hard for you."