
The White Dragon Quotes

The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey

The White Dragon Quotes
"I am the Lord of this Hold. I am Ruth’s rider. He is unmistakably a dragon."
"You're twice the dragon the others are. Twice! You're better at everything! Everything!"
"You have to be a lot of people. That is hard."
"We talk, we think everything to death. We never do anything."
"No man can change that. Be what you are. I am."
"I don’t think anyone noticed our arrival. And they’ll certainly not question N’ton."
"It is, as I’ve said, a very beautiful spot, but I was glad to leave it for a while."
"Would he ever be old enough to be considered on equal terms?"
"‘Hey, Jaxom, dump that,’ F’lessan grabbed his sleeve. ‘Got something to show you.’"
"‘There can’t be that many fire-lizards looking to those inside,’ he said to Menolly."
"‘A fair gathers like that wherever Ruth and I go,’ Jaxom said a bit sourly."
"‘Does Ruth mind?’ ‘No,’ Jaxom grinned tolerantly, ‘I think he rather enjoys it.'"
"‘I’ll tell you something, Jaxom,’ Menolly dropped her voice, ‘F’lessan was right. Something is going on down South.'"
"‘Don’t worry, Jaxom. Robinton squashed the idea. He wouldn’t do you a disservice there.'"
"‘The one thing I don’t want just now is a wife.’"
"‘I want us to be proper dragon and rider, and fight Thread, me on your back, you flaming.'"
"‘You just missed my wing tip. I’m Ruth! They apologized', the white dragon added in a calmer tone to his rider."
"‘Dragon against dragon.’ He shuddered violently."
"‘What’s the matter, Jaxom?’ ‘Nothing.’ Jaxom pulled Menolly’s hands from his arm and all but pushed her toward the Ground. ‘The eggs. The eggs!’"
"‘The egg is back safely,’ Robinton said, trying to calm her."
"‘By the First Shell, they’ve a lot of gall, trying to steal one of Ramoth’s eggs.’"
"‘I have the right to revenge that insult to me, to my queen, and to my Weyr!’"
"‘If the egg hadn’t been returned,’ Robinton said implacably, ‘dragon would have fought dragon!’"
"‘I would like to see sense prevail as regards them, too.’"
"‘I think Lord Groghe fancies you for that beast-bosomed third daughter of his.’"
"‘I should have spoken out months ago, Jaxom thought as he entered his own quarters.'"
"‘Then we will do it,’ Ruth said with unshakable faith. ‘I am a dragon, you are my rider. Why does this become a problem?’"
"‘I wouldn’t take Ramoth’s egg. I know I didn’t take Ramoth’s egg. I was there by the lake all the time with you. I remember that. You remember that. They know where I was. But somehow they remember that I took Ramoth’s egg too.’"
"The most important act, returning the queen egg, was in process. And dragon had not fought dragon—not yet."
"They didn’t know who brought the egg back that day. There weren’t any in the Hatching Ground, so they don’t know what they haven’t seen."
"Even in the hot desert plains of Keroon there was some noise: infinitesimal rustlings of insect life, hot breezes riffling through dead grasses, snakes burrowing in the sand, the distant rush of water on the beach."
"The cessation of such sounds can be as remarkable as a thunderclap, and so it was the utter stillness and a minute change of air pressure that roused Jaxom and Ruth from somnolence to alarm."
"A ribbon of fire sliced Jaxom’s cheek, his right shoulder through the wherhide tunic, his forearm, his thigh."
"You are cold and hungry and sore. My leg hurts. Let’s go home."
"It was no surprise to Jaxom that Ruth came out of between above the little mountain lake."
"The cool lake water was taking the sting from the Threadscores."
"Jaxom knew that was the wisest course; he had to get numbweed on Ruth’s leg and on his own injuries."
"Looking ahead is far more constructive than looking behind."
"I am the white dragon. You are my rider. We are together."
"You enjoy it so much. It is good for you. I like it to be good for you."
"Just because he let you gorge yourself on his killing ground, you like him."
"It was your rendering of the mountain is accurate? It must surely be the largest volcano on Pern!"
"You owe your life to Ruth, you know. F’nor says Ruth has more sense than most people."
"He’s Ruathan-blooded, like yourself. Just keep your hide and Ruth’s intact."
"I did not wish to. You are upset again. I have upset you."
"If you ever attempt to fight Thread again when you’re ill, I’ll throw you to Lessa’s mercies."
"He’s a sound lad, Lessa, stop glowering. If he’s singed himself once, he’s less likely to risk doing so again."
"No one could have known you were coming down with fire-head."
"Her fingers massaged his forehead, descended to his neck, gently smoothing the tension, all the while her voice encouraged him to rest, to sleep."
"‘Jaxom?’ Twisting around, he saw Sharra’s tall figure swing from the hammock, noticed the length of dark hair streaming about her shoulders, obscuring her face."
"‘I know you may not agree but I think you’re beautiful!’"
"‘You must be aware that you have a beautiful speaking voice.’"
"‘No, you’re neither good nor a boy. You’ve been a very sick man and it’s my job to make you well again.’"
"‘Those pesky creatures,’ Lessa said, her eyes sparkling with annoyance."
"‘I wish you would,’ Lessa said. ‘And if there are any from the Southern Weyr …’"
"‘I’m sorry, Lord Lytol, but Jaxom tires easily.’"
"‘I told you to. And you are much stronger now. You will get stronger every day and we will swim and sun and it will be good.’"
"‘The mountain is just as you sketched it.’"
"‘I would never make a error of counting eggs this soon, my Lord Warbret,’ the Harper said."
"‘I’ve been waiting to see what you looked like.’"
"We do not leave the Harper alone, we are with him."
"I wouldn’t eat him, he’s small and not very plump."
"I’ve seen more of this planet than any living thing… including dragons!"
"You know as much as we know, as much as Ruth knows."
"I’ve taught my queen, Farli, to pace her flight."
"If it hadn’t been for Farli keeping her eye on him, I never would have caught up with the stupid idiot!"
"I’d have thought you’d have given it one go."
"That’s the trouble with you dragonfliers. You’ve no respect for ground distances!"
"You’ll amuse your Master then, with the full and properly embroidered tale of your travels."
"You see, about three Turns back, Toric started trading North with some fine samples of iron ore, copper and tin."
"You don’t just possibly happen to have any of Bendarek’s leaves down here, do you?"
"You haven’t been wasting your time here, have you?"
"It’s one thing, my Lord Jaxom, to soar serenely over land, seeing all from an exalted height. Quite another, I assure you, to stomp on it, through it, under it, around it. You know where you’ve been then!"
"Honest, Jaxom, I hadn’t expected such a response. And how could I tell ’em they couldn’t come?"
"Nothing could dent, scratch, or mar the pit supports we found in that mine."
"The scope is daunting, but what a triumph when we find the place."
"I want to impress on you both that though this is a joint effort, Piemur is far more experienced, Jaxom, and you will please bear this in mind when problems occur."
"He’s not fooling Master Oldive. Not one fingertip is he fooling the Healer."
"That’s a relief. Otherwise the Harper’ll be coming with us."
"Master Robinton will be all right, won’t he, Master Oldive?"
"He must learn to pace himself, conserve his energy and ration his strength or he will bring on another attack."
"The heat makes the Harper drowsy midday and forces him to rest."
"They are round metallic objects. Manmade objects. Those are not stars, Wansor, those are things!"
"You have now found traces of our ancestors in the South, Master Robinton."
"I would do anything for you, Jaxom, anything for you and Ruth!"
"What men have once learned to do, can be relearned. It will take time and experimentation but..."
"The past is a fit occupation for two old men..."
"I don’t see how I can stop you. One must never underestimate a dragonrider, especially a Northern dragonrider."
"You do realize, don’t you, that her son, F’lessan, is a Ruathan half-blood. That’s more than I am."
"What’s your opinion of Toric, Lord Lytol?"
"I’d give anything to watch Dorse in the open in Threadfall without a dragonrider in sight."
"The purist would argue that, as the Oldtimers have not indeed all passed between, Toric may continue to extend his Holding."