
Unlucky 13 Quotes

Unlucky 13 by James Patterson

Unlucky 13 Quotes
"Essentially we had zip, zero, nothing to go on that hadn’t been evident when we stood on the bridge a week ago."
"I remember that Joe got up for the baby twice. I did it three times, and suddenly it was eight and I was late."
"I called out, 'Sergeant Mommy is home,' but there was no clicking of doggy toenails on hardwood, no 'Hey, sweetie.'"
"It was way too quiet. Where was everyone?"
"I love how I think about you and you just materialize."
"If I was any more with you, I’d be sitting in your lap."
"Love, love, love coming home. Just love it."
"He and Yuki are getting married. Swear to God."
"He wants kids. She wants a career. First."
"We have nothing to hide from the police."
"She’s always hating on him. She’s always threatening to shoot him, and my dad, he always says, 'She’s just talking.'"
"I love my dad so much. Please don’t let him die."
"You can’t imagine what a good time I’m having."
"Holly Restrepo rolled her crazy-twitchy eyes and said, 'Do I seem like I’m in my right mind?'"
"This is your orientation session. In a few minutes you’ll know everything you need to know in order to survive."
"You’re crazy sending pictures. And crazy has to pay."
"I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’ve got you."
"We cracked some off-color jokes about just-married sex rocking the boat and we toasted my boss and Yuki, our good friends who’d fallen in love."
"I thought that I was looking through Yuki’s eyes."
"She loved him so much. They had to survive this. They just had to."
"Brave. Unflinching. Determined. I’d watched him risk his life to save a child."
"I don’t pray every day, but I was praying every minute now. Please God, let them get off that ship alive and well."
"You can’t bring guns onto a cruise ship. No one. Not passengers. Not crew. Not FBI agents on vacation or cops."
"Running up the steps to the Hall, I shouted at the messenger, my poor husband."
"Watching a million hours of surveillance tape was probably the perfect antidote to my upcoming nervous breakdown."
"I’m looking for something to jump out at us. Preferably someone wearing a sign reading, ‘I’m the Bomber.’"
"A Coast Guard vessel is about a mile away, keeping in contact with the head guy, trying to talk them down."
"I don’t mind blowing up people. Why should I?"
"I’ll be home tonight, baby girl. I will."
"I don’t see that they’ve got a viable exit plan whether they’re paid or not. At some point, they might realize that. There’s no telling what they’ll do."
"The dude I relieved told me to pass something on to you. He didn’t want it going over the radio."
"I’m sorry, Brian. There’s no other way."
"The crew is now armed. Lie flat. Keep your head down."
"It’s not over. Counting Jackhammer, that’s thirteen men down. The other six…they could be retrenching."
"I’d happily kill you, you son of a bitch. But you have to answer for all of this."
"I’m never letting Brady plan another vacation as long as we live."
"Sooner or later, the bomber is going to take credit."
"I’ll see you later. You’re my hero. And I love you."
"You think we give a damn about your baby?"