
Master Of The Game Quotes

Master Of The Game by Sidney Sheldon

Master Of The Game Quotes
"By God, this is a real donderstorm!" - Jamie McGregor
"If I had money, I wouldn’t have to go looking for diamonds, would I?"
"You do what you must, Son. I dinna ken if there be diamonds there, but if there be, you’ll find them."
"I’m going to South Africa to find diamonds. I’ll be on my way next week."
"Money was to make your life easy when you were well, and to take care of your needs when you were ailing."
"I’ve got brains and a strong back. I’ll not fail."
"He’s a thief, and I’m gonna see that everybody knows it."
"You were working for me. I outfitted you and sent you to find diamonds for me."
"We’re not finished yet," Jamie assured him.
"It will look better when we get the sail up," Jamie promised.
"Now all we need is a sail. We need it fast. I’d like to get out of here tonight. Constable Mundy’s coming back tomorrow."
"You must be joking. A tin of beef won’t satisfy them. They want us!"
"One day I’m going to tell my grandchildren about this. Do you think they’ll believe me?"
"A hundred men couldn’t live long enough to spend what you can pick up on that beach in four hours."
"That’s where we’ll hide out," Jamie decided.
"Before, when I went looking for diamonds I had a ton of equipment. Now all I’m carrying is a compass. It seems too easy."
"It’s a good thing" - she smiled nervously to herself - "that the minister doesn’t know what I’m thinking about".
"I’m here, Maggie, darling. You’re going to give me a fine son."
"Welcome to Klipdrift. Honey, you got yourself a son."
"He thinks your mother did something bad to him. But you’re his son, and when he sees you, he’s going to love both of us very much."
"You’re a strong little devil, Jamie. You’re going to grow up to be a big—"
"If you want to be with him, you’ll see him here."
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
"You can’t get rid of me like this, you bastard!"
"Bloody hell! That’s the girl who one day is going to run Kruger-Brent, Limited! God help us all!"
"It’s my fate, she thought gloomily, to be in love with a man I hate."
"You were too foolish to know when you held a great love in the palm of your hand."
"She’s going to be a great woman, Margaret thought with pride."
"Because, Kate thought, someday it will belong to me, and you and I will share it."
"I’m wasting my money. She’s never going to change."
"I like him as a human being. I just can’t stand him as a man."
"I wish I could have known him. I’m not going to sell my father’s company."
"Kate is the future. And what a wonderful, bright future it will be!"
"I’ll come back to you with all kinds of medals."
"I love it. It’s really exciting, David."
"We’re the resurrection, Tony. We save lives by the hundreds of thousands."
"Sometimes at night when I can’t sleep, I think about my father and Banda crawling through the sea mis, and I can hear the voices of the guards: Kruger…Brent…"
"I don’t ever want to be away from you again."
"I’m going to be a handful for some man, David thought."
"Your paintings are amateurish, but they show promise. Our committee selected you more for what was not in the paintings than for what was in them. Do you understand?"
"I’ll last that long," Tony promised himself.
Americans are dilettantes, barbarians. Why are you here?" "To learn, maître.
"You will spend the first year learning to draw properly."
"Before the year is over, more than half of you will be eliminated."
"What I see is the outside of an arm. I want to see the inside. Muscles, bones, ligaments. I want to know there is blood flowing underneath."
"Painting gave him a sense of freedom he had never known before. He could create whole worlds with one hand."
"I never mix pleasure with business," Dominique told them.
"It was well worth the lie," Tony decided.
"Andre d’Usseau came to my gallery. My gallery! All Paris will read about it tomorrow."
"I have attended so many exhibitions of talented painters that I had forgotten what truly bad paintings looked like."
"He saved me from making a terrible mistake."
"Tony, darling, listen to me. I can make him print a retraction."
"I’ve had my little fling. I tried it and it didn’t work."
"But long after d’Usseau had gone, Kate sat at her desk, filled with a deep sadness. She loved her son so much."
"Tony worked twice as hard as anyone else at Kruger-Brent, Ltd."
"A successful artist was in hundreds of homes and offices and museums all over the world, bringing pleasure to thousands—sometimes millions of people."
"It’s important for the right people to see your exhibition."
"I wish I’d known about it sooner, I’d have rearranged my schedule."
"Tony, you look absolutely wonderful! The beard is new."
"You should have seen her rope and hog-tie everybody at that White House meetin’."
"Everyone agreed that the Blackwell twins were the most beautiful babies they had ever seen."
"Everything I have done has been for you, my son. All my dreams were for you. How could you not know that?"
"But I am not weak. I can face this. I can face anything. I’m going to live. I’ll survive."
"One day, when I’m old and ready to retire..."
"And the Lord said unto her, Two [nations] are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one [people] shall be stronger than the other [people]; and the elder shall serve the younger."
"With no mother or father, it’s a blessing that they have each other and love each other so much."
"I don’t know how much you make conning silly old ladies into buying stocks and bonds, but I’m sure it’s not enough."
"You will be given a small allowance. From now on, you will live your own life."
"I really appreciate your giving me this opportunity, Mr. Berkley. I know I have a great deal to learn, but I’ll work very hard."
"You can’t rush a learning experience like this. You take all the time you want."
"They may be the best, but they’re certainly not the friendliest."
"You’ve come to the right place, Miss Blackwell. We’re dying to play teacher."
"I’m sure you’ll do well, Alex. If you have any problems, just see Mr. Berkley or Mr. Mathews."
"But I’m going to make you all remember I was here."
"You’ve been a good boy, George. It’s time you got your reward."
"You deserve a feast. You deserve a monument."
"I think you are the one woman who could change all that. Forever."
"When I get married, it will be forever. One woman is enough for me, but it must be the right woman."
"I’ve lost my grandmother. I couldn’t bear to lose my sister."
"Let’s keep your grandmother out of this. I adore her, but don’t you think we should keep our personal affairs personal?"
"If anything should happen to me now, everything I have will belong to you."
"I’m sorry, if my grandmother or sister knew, it would kill them."
"I’m afraid I’m not a very good husband. I’m on emergency call a lot."
"Unfortunately, the world judges people by their looks. I try to help those who were born with physical deficiencies. It can make a big difference in their lives."
"I don’t think you’re going crazy. Have you ever heard of anhedonia?"
"It’s the same one every night. I’m on a boat and it’s windy, and I hear the sea calling. I walk to the rail and I look down and I see myself in the water, drowning…"
"I’ve gone on too long. I’ll be eighty-two. I’m getting old."
"I remember once he and I were in Jamaica together."
"He said he hit his sister-in-law, John, and—"
"I feel ashamed. That’s why I insisted on coming to see you."
"The only problem is that every time Pop and I get together, he keeps trying to talk me into coming back and taking over the family business."
"She wouldn’t let me. She was so concerned you would be worried that she made me swear not to say a word."
"I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to her."