
The Good Sister Quotes

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth

The Good Sister Quotes
"Like so many things in the adult world, it’s all a bit grey."
"The problems between Owen and me are 100 percent, unequivocally, entirely, my fault."
"Apparently, the people-pleaser in me dies hard."
"She was like a completely different person."
"Before I could ask what was going on, something rose to the surface of the water beside her – a sliver of pale, unmoving flesh."
"There are an infinite number of reasons."
"Rose says people enjoy making themselves useful in these small ways."
"Sometimes the people in this library can be surprisingly dense."
"You should have snapped it in between the covers of that hardback."
"A better education than school will ever give you."
"It wasn’t Mum who spent time reading to us."
"Sometimes I wonder if, like those choose-your-own-adventure books that we used to devour, the two of us were living parallel, alternate lives."
"We always had a roof over our heads though, and Mum was very proud of that."
"I enjoy this view until we make it to Wally’s laptop when, again, I’m instantly bored."
"I am an avid book enthusiast, but even I can admit that when it comes to research, you’d be hard-pressed to find a tool more useful than the internet."
"And if you need me to set you up with a library card, I’d be happy to do that."
"To earn it, we had to perform like we were in a concert."
"Whatever mood she was in, I was terrified."
"A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
"You know what they say: a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
"Because Fern can afford to eat what she wants, she has my metabolism."
"Mum's mood was always buoyed by the cake-making."
"Thank her profusely and ask a million questions about how she did it."
"The relief was so great I went weak with it."
"It was just a joke. Why can't you take a joke, Rose?"
"I'm a bad mother now, am I? After I've spent weeks planning this cake for you?"
"Shhh. Mummy's here now. Everything is going to be all right."
"It's one thing deciding not to go, but it's quite another being told you can't."
"Working is important to a person's mental health."
"You only care about Mum! I’m the one who has looked after you all your damn life!"
"It’s like she doesn’t know where she ends and you begin. It’s like she thinks you belong to her or something."
"If you do name him, he will be required to consent to the adoption, which will be a little bit awkward as he doesn’t know the baby exists."
"No-one but a mother could love something that strange-looking."
"It’s just about doing what’s right for the baby."
"Like he was a character in a book I read, rather than an actual person in my life."
"The way I can be mad at Rose but still want to please her. Be terrified of her and also want to run to her. Hate her and love her, both at the same time."
"It doesn’t feel like much – barely anything at all. Like someone is tapping me from the inside."
"I find the front desk is no longer the fearsome place it once was."
"Confabulation is the spontaneous production of false memories which never occurred."
"Sisterly relationships are so strange in this way."
"Maybe when it comes to sisters, boundaries are always a little bit blurry."
"Time passes. It’s one of the few things in life that I can rely on."
"I can’t imagine having anyone in the world but Rose do this for me."
"Every time I open my eyes, there’s someone different in my room."
"Sunshine and guts. Lollipops and blood. Good and bad."
"I’ve never been a big taker of painkillers, but after a few of these pills, I have to admit, I’m wondering why."
"But it does feel like you’ve spent your life trying to make me prove I love you."
"Rose hasn’t been back since the last time I told her it wasn’t convenient, and I’d thought she’d got the message."
"The ache of being away from her is nearly overwhelming."
"It’s torture. I’m not in any trouble for taking Willow, Detective Brookes stressed."
"He holds her like one might hold hot tea in a fine china cup and looks at her the way one might admire a favourite painting or sculpture."
"You have to admit, I’m not the ideal mother."
"Well, no, not really. Pregnancies are actually biologically quite straightforward."
"I’m beginning to think Wally was right when he said I was normal and everyone else were the weirdos."
"It’s been three months since I was remanded in custody, awaiting trial. Now, there’s a sentence I never expected to write."
"I smile. I hope she’s enjoying her time with my baby. Because once this journal is in circulation, she won’t have her long."