
I Know Who You Are Quotes

I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney

I Know Who You Are Quotes
"Lying is what I do for a living. It’s what I’m best at; becoming somebody else."
"Knowing a person’s name is not the same as knowing a person."
"Sometimes it’s the people who love us the most that hurt us the hardest; because they can."
"We’ve made a bad habit of hurting each other; things have to be broken in order to fix them."
"The lies we tell ourselves are always the most dangerous."
"Life remodels relationships like the sea reshapes the sand; eroding dunes of love, building banks of hate."
"Acting is easy; it’s being me that I find difficult."
"I’m not who he married. I’m more than her now, and I think he wanted less."
"Denial is the most destructive form of self-harm."
"Ignorance isn’t bliss; it’s fear postponed to a later date."
"Sometimes we pretend not to understand things that we do."
"Relationship fraud is endemic nowadays."
"You can never predict how you will behave when life goes nonlinear; you don’t know until it happens to you."
"We exchange the currency of our dreams for a reality funded by acceptance as we get older."
"Hiding the truth from ourselves is a similar game to hiding it from others, it just comes with a stricter set of rules."
"We are all programmed to rewrite our past to protect ourselves in the present."
"We all make daily decisions about which secrets to decant, and which to keep for a later date, when they might taste better on our tongues."
"Sometimes it only takes one person to believe in you to change your life forever. Sometimes it only takes one person not believing in you to destroy it."
"Things that are a little bit broken can still be beautiful."
"You have the nicest room in the flat, so try to be grateful, Baby Girl."
"We sell dreams, Baby Girl. Dreams that will never come true."
"I always keep my promises, especially the ones I make to myself."
"We are only and always what we ourselves believe."
"I’m not a medical professional, but I’d guess these injuries were caused by more than just a slap."
"You wouldn’t lie to me, would you? Not after everything I’ve done for you, putting food in your belly and clothes on your back when your daddy didn’t want you anymore?"
"I thought you said you could drink? I wasn’t planning to spend the night."
"You are never to come into the shop when we have customers. You are to stay in the back room."
"We marry our own reflections; someone who is the opposite of ourselves, but who we see as the same."
"I’m not sure I can even remember who that is. I always experience a period of grief when I stop filming."
"I’m a private person and didn’t like the idea of someone snooping around my home, touching my things."
"We are all capable of the most fantastical fiction in the aid of self-preservation."
"Books can be mirrors, too, offering a reflection of our worst selves for appraisal; lessons tucked between pages, just waiting to be learned."
"When life holds up its final mirror, I hope I’ll still be able to look."
"Technology is devolving the human race. Eating up our emotional intelligence, spitting out any remnants of privacy it can’t quite swallow."
"Sometimes I think that every person might be his or her own star, shining at the center of his or her own solar system."
"I always listen to what he says, but most of my efforts are currently focused on trying not to cry or throw up."
"When you plait truth and lies together, they can begin to look and feel the same."
"If you can’t shut the horror out completely, unless you close your eyes."
"It’s never, ever, a good idea to let strangers see the real you."
"I feel as though this can’t possibly be real, and yet it is."
"People are always so jealous of me, but they wouldn’t be if they knew the life I’d had to live to get the one I lead now."
"I’ve reached the conclusion that our ambitions are rarely our own."
"Life is a game that few of us really know how to play, filled with more snakes than ladders."
"I’ve never been great at fitting in, and when I look at the world around me, I’m not sure I even want to."
"I don’t understand how this is happening to me again."
"When you’ve spent your whole life living a lie, it can feel a little late to start telling the truth."
"Sometimes self-preservation means staying away from the people who pretend to care about you."
"I don’t just mean about today, I mean all of it. Most people would have crumbled or just crawled under a rock to hide, but you’re so strong."
"Despite the alcohol, I’m fully aware that the comfort I feel from Jack holding my hand is nothing more than a placebo. It’s not real, but I swallow it down anyway."
"He looks serious all of a sudden. ‘I want you to know that you’re safe with me.’"
"Time is a funny old thing, the way it stretches and folds and bends."
"Her back aches from a day of delivering antiques to shops along Portobello Road, and her hands are blistered from moving the larger items."
"I’m not feeling like myself right now. I’m not feeling shy or anxious. I want this. I want him."
"There’s no secret ladder to reach the stars; you have to learn to build your own, and when you fall, you have to be brave enough to start the climb again."
"The homes of the dead are dusty, neglected treasure troves, and the plunder is there for the taking; the dead don’t miss what is no longer theirs."
"We select which memories to save and which to archive, and like everything else in life, it’s about choices."
"I’ve spent too long equating love and loneliness; it doesn’t have to be that way."
"It’s dark. Completely pitch-black. My hands are tied behind my back and something is stuffed inside my mouth, so that I can’t close it or speak."
"Life is like a game of chess; you just have to play it backwards and work out all the moves you need to make in advance, to get where you need to be."
"I kiss the top of his head. Gentle, tender, loving kisses."