
Against All Enemies Quotes

Against All Enemies by Tom Clancy

Against All Enemies Quotes
"But absence did not make the heart grow fonder—not when you're under thirty."
"The best way to explain it is that there are Taliban within Taliban, the more public figures you are familiar with, and a special group that works as secretively as possible."
"They just handed me a gun and told me to stop the bad guys?"
"You’re an American, and that is okay. It gives me a chance to practice my English."
"Life was good. He was twenty-four years old, a top lieutenant in a major drug cartel, and he’d already made 14 million pesos—more than a million U.S. dollars—himself."
"The burdens you carry are at least as heavy as mine."
"If you sell cookies, he’d told Ansara, you don’t sit around eating all the cookies."
"You like it? My father and I found a new designer in New York. He flew down"
"We could've used a punk with a big mouth."
"A guy like that cannot be trusted. If he mouths off to his boss, you know he’s always thinking about himself first."
"You will never be alone. Ever. If you ever leave your swim buddy, the punishment will be severe."
"Those guys that dropped? I think I know what tipped them over the edge."
"You will lead them. You will bring the jihad back to the United States—and you must use the contacts you’ve made with the Mexicans to do that."
"There’s no way you can quit, because who else is going to do it?"
"Of all the high-tech devices in the world, none can replace old-fashioned boots on the ground gathering Human Intelligence."
"You’re going to cry like a baby, and you are going to tell us everything we want to know."
"All I care about now is helping you to stay alive. Do you understand me, young lady?"
"You cannot abandon your faith. Not at a time like this, when your faith is what will carry you through. You will overcome."
"No need to trust me yet. I told you I will earn it. Will you give me that opportunity?"
"That is fucking beautiful. Who’s the man? You the man, Johnny!"
"Blood might be thicker than water, but as I like to say, lead will always get you dead."
"I don’t give a shit about them. It’s the American I’m worried about."
"We’re just getting started. It’s going to be a very long night."
"It’s just an implant. GPS. So we can keep you safe."
"We are both at the stage in our life where we no longer need to associate with the trade."
"There are a lot of letters in the alphabet, Johnny, and I’m betting as a writer you can figure that out."
"The sad thing was, most of them would ignore him."
"You’re not here. You’re out there somewhere."
"I wish everything in my life had been different."
"I pray to God every day to save our country and save our Federal Police force."
"We are not alone. Mullah Rahmani has taken very good care of us."
"The kid and his girl were going into a three-story hotel, and they would probably be trapped inside."
"We have to get to Mexico first. And when we arrive there, you’ll see."
"I’m hoping you’ll have a lot to talk about."
"I’m tired of playing games. I’ve made a good offer. Let’s get this done."
"But that was bullshit, and he’d fucked up—because he’d let his guard down and forgotten that in this business there were people who wanted to kill you every day."
"Before either of the guys could react, Corrales put a bullet in each of their hearts."
"He fumbled for his cell phone, dialed Miguel, waited. No answer."
"How would he explain this to his boss, Castillo? That one-eyed fool would be outraged, and Corrales’s failure would result in his execution unless he was able to link back up with the boss’s son and the girl."
"If you keep talking, we will put a gag in your mouth," said the driver."
"No, don’t tell him anything. I’ll take care of it. Rest easy now, my friend. Everything will be okay."
"She bit her lip, turned back, then went running toward the nearest hotel-room door and gave it a sharp kick with the bottom of her bare foot."
"I’m saying it’s the kid’s girlfriend, bro. She’s CIA. Recruited in Europe a long time ago."
"Breakdowns between agencies such as the FBI and the CIA were far more common, which made this revelation all the more aggravating."
"But you understand that what happened cannot be changed, no matter how many times you remember it? You understand that your memory will not change the outcome. You can’t reimagine what happened."
"This isn’t just for you," said Salou. "It’s for all the men who’ve deceived us and used us."
"We’ve got some spotters up in Sequoia. The cartel’s getting ready to move one of their biggest harvests ever."
"I’ve done this thousands of times with many, many clients. No one has ever flown like that. Not even me."
"We hope to encourage all citizens of Mexico—and everyone in Latin America, for that matter—to take a more proactive role in their health care."
"I know you are going to cross. I will pay you anything if you will take me."
"How could you stay so calm? I thought I was going to pass out."
"Because we’re not ex-military. We are always military."
"She put a finger to his lips. 'No. You don’t.'"
"The truth is, Laney, it’s all my fault."
"We need to shut them down back in Mexico and break the chain of command."
"Frank died doing what he loved. And he loved you guys. It was his life."
"The snakes were common to the gulf, their venom more toxic than that of the cobra or the krait, paralyzing the victim’s respiratory system."
"You must become one with the machine, grasshopper."
"This was the least Moore and his colleagues could do—a final tribute to one of their brothers."
"I’ve been doing this for too long to let myself get caught. You know that."
"Sometimes a news report would come out that attempted to link Señor Rojas to investment fraud or real estate scams or even vote tampering during several elections."
"They don’t want their enemies taking advantage of all their hard work."
"You are my only son. You are my world. You have to believe in me."
"He should be the one to confess his sins. Miguel should not have to learn from a second party."
"If you hung around him long enough, you’d wind up dead."
"He hadn’t built his empire on tears but on sweat."
"He was already a corpse in a bulletproof suit, sitting in a mansion and feeling sorry for the loss of his soul."
"Good news," he said. "We just hired some Special Forces from the Mexican Navy. Hooyah."
"The dog, as you say, is still asleep, and we will keep him that way."
"I’m not an evil man, he’d told his father. The infidels have brought this upon themselves, and I am Allah’s instrument."
"I’m going to see this through to the end."
"I look forward to hearing from you very soon."
"He wasn’t sure which had woken him up first: the thumping of the helicopter, the vibrating of his phone, or the faint hissing from somewhere outside."
"The fire that would burn their souls forever was already in their hands."
"It was time to start closing out accounts, moving money, emptying drawers, and switching locks."
"They were seconds away from launch, and while others in the lot began to look up from their phones, not a one of them made a move to get out of his or her car."
"I saw what you did," he said. "That got my attention. I just can’t believe it."
"Jesus did his work tonight! And he gave us this great man right here! This hero who saved us from the terrorist on our plane!"
"I just can’t believe that this is the way he would die."
"Praise God, can you believe that?" cried Talwar.
"We’re clear, we’re clear!" someone shouted behind him. "They’re all down!"
"The search is under way for those who are behind these evil acts. I’ve directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them."