
Futuristic Violence And Fancy Suits Quotes

Futuristic Violence And Fancy Suits by David Wong

Futuristic Violence And Fancy Suits Quotes
"The only human destiny is to succumb to one stronger."
"It's a lot of very stupid people, pumped up on adrenaline, who know their every move is being broadcast to a live audience."
"All of the progressive attitudes in the world wouldn’t change the fact that his head looked exactly like a Whopper."
"It's not like Star Wars, it can’t project you into the middle of the room. You’d need a projector on the floor for that."
"Everything he’s doing makes perfect sense in his own mind."
"The idea has to come across. Everything is under control, there is no money to be made if they interfere."
"All roads lead to Tabula Ra$a, a place that didn’t even exist when she was born."
"Girl, you don’t even know what’s going on, do you?"
"If you are watching this, it means I am already dead." - Arthur Livingston
"Figure out who you can trust, and let them do the work for you." - Arthur Livingston
"I saw all of the fire that made me crazy for your mother all those years ago, and that has made me unable to forget her since." - Arthur Livingston
"One expensive gift sixteen years too late didn’t buy me the right to walk around thinking I had done right by you and your mom." - Zoey Ashe
"I’m sick of it. I don’t know what you are, or how you people can do the things you do. But I’ve been doing nothing but run for the last eight hours. I’m done with that. I don’t run anymore." - Zoey Ashe
"You must understand that in my world, I buy and sell people for the price of nothing more than shiny toys and lavish vacations." - Arthur Livingston
"And then it was silent, and Zoey was alone. She sat there on the golden floor with her cat, bleeding in her dead father’s cavernous palace, which she apparently now owned." - Narrator
"I have always kept it, as a reminder. That coin was always on my person, from that day until the writing of this will." - Arthur Livingston
"I only urge you to make sure you grasp exactly what it is you have been left before deciding what to do with it—the money and the land are trivial in light of the real treasure." - Arthur Livingston
"What you do with your inheritance is up to you." - Arthur Livingston
"Time and time again she mentally resolved to go out, and time and time again, her butt would not leave the bed."
"I’m not staying here, all that stuff is somebody else’s problem."
"I’m sure your needs will be different from his, but I am confident I can adjust, even at my advanced age."
"But as the years pass, those possibilities vanish, one by one, like doors closing in a hallway."
"It’s not that he didn’t want to be a good man. It’s that he didn’t really know how."
"But, behind every great fortune… you know the rest."
"I think he saw a picture of me my mom posted on the Internet, as a kid I was kind of a chuck wagon and I had short hair, and I was holding a football in the picture so I guess he decided that was my thing."
"My suggestion is you just bail out and let them take care of it."
"Don’t ever say that. I never hated that man for one second. He gave me the most beautiful, perfect daughter in the whole wide world."
"Welcome to the world of Tabula Rasa. Or rather, welcome to the world of being wealthy in Tabula Rasa."
"It is not about fairness. It is about building a brand."
"If put in the same shoes as the bullies, we’d be just as bad, or worse."
"Life is full of possibilities. But as the years pass, those possibilities vanish, one by one, like doors closing in a hallway."
"You have the power of life and death. How’s it feel?"
"I think you’d ride the train down to Vegas and just blow it all. Get one of those fancy hotel rooms with the big bubble bath, pick up some handsome boy, make a bunch of mistakes, and then come home and tell me all about it."
"What separates a man from a god? What stops you or I from smashing a boulder with our fists, or turning a building to cinders with our eyes?"
"It’s about the next step in human evolution, Mr. Livingston."
"If you can store and release enough energy, all is possible."
"It is about the next step in human evolution, Mr. Livingston."
"A soldier, in other words, is just a man, doing a job. With Raiden, there is no putting down the gun—the man becomes the gun."
"A clean conscience is expensive, it's the reason most men have to live paycheck to paycheck."
"All them hormones, the dopamine, the adrenaline—the true drugs. You get that high—the real high—when your body knows you did somethin’ to advance survival."
"And the only price was they turned all the men into fat little toothless blobs and the girls into arrogant, squealing little piglets."
"But a human, we can take our crazy imaginations and wear ’em on our sleeve. The only tragedy is not everybody can afford to bring out that natural expression of beauty."
"This is what he wants. This is what they always want. That’s why he told you he was coming. It was all about making you feel like this."
"You can’t take it personal, sometimes the fire just goes out."
"The gene pool so diluted that you can barely recognize these pale blobs as human, all their juice watered down."
"Get rich enough, Zoey thought, and you don’t have to pay for anything."
"No. Screw Molech, and all of the people out there rooting for him. He doesn’t get to run me out of my own party."
"I’m getting something to eat, and then we’ll go. I’m fed up with this victim crap."
"And I’m tired of being led around like a corgi at a dog show. Don’t do that again."
"It’s a gourmet hot dog, like they make them in Denmark. Sweet cinnamon bun, caramelized onions, mustard. Like a party in your mouth."
"All the little people scurrying silently below you while you look down, untouchable. She had to admit—she liked the view."
"If this blade could speak, it would not have asked for a long retirement on my mantel. It met its end in battle, just as it was created for."
"My father has a pacemaker. I will buy you a new katana, but you will have to tell me where to find one."
"Her last thought was 'I’m going to die with a hot dog wrapper in my pocket.'"
"The twenty-first-century consumer doesn’t particularly care how ugly things get on the back end, as long as a beautiful piece of meat winds up on the plate."
"The market is a machine, and these are just the noises the gears make when they turn."
"A woman who stays in that line of work has a life expectancy of thirty-four."
"That was some real good bodyguarding you did there, buddy! You just let somebody push me off a roof!"
"Don’t be embarrassed, this is a very normal reaction when you have had the kind of experience that—"
"The foyer is just ahead. Follow the scent of fresh pine."
"To me, they’re both members of the same religion, because they’re doing the same thing."
"You call him. Tell him the job isn’t done. Tell him Molech is back. Tell him I still trust him."
"I’m not tipping because life is meaningless and we’re all just animals."
"The entire Korean Peninsula at the time was in that proverbial moment in which you realize your nausea is going to turn into a puke and that there is nothing to be done about it."
"You’ll get to see the moment your mother regains control of her limbs, and then the moment she realizes she’s been buried alive."
"You’ll wake up to it, you’ll go to sleep to it, day after day, week after week. You’ll watch her die."
"I’m going to have to ask you to elaborate."
"But why do I get the feeling that your boyfriend is using a little bit of performance enhancement there?"
"But that’s all right, those boys were just there to soften things up for Rodzilla."
"Rod decided to trick out his enhancements a bit—it’s all about presentation, you know."
"How about I repaint it ... with your blood!"
"Man, you have exposed cables all over the back of this thing."
"We have shielding for that! The leg wouldn’t bend right with it on there."
"You don’t have to do anything but take my money and disappear."
"Honey, I’ve spent more than ten million dollars betting on sports I’m not even a fan of."
"Did you even think to keep the gold on you?"
"When the two of you were planning this little powwow, did he even make the effort to convince you to trust him with your one bargaining chip?"
"This, all of this, is what I was trying to avoid."
"Don’t tease me here, Doc. You know I been hurt before."
"I can have it uploaded to a test subject for additional trials within minutes."
"What did he just say? Charlie, what have you gotten yourself wrapped up in?"
"We’re all alphas in Molech’s crew, porkcushion."
"You’re not in a position to allow anything."
"My men are men of iron, you chop off their arms and they’ll punch you with the stumps."
"Heroes aren’t born. You just go out there and grind it out."
"I don’t need it anymore, I’m just curious."
"If you mess any one of them up, it’s over, you understand?"
"I’m going to buy this car for five million dollars."
"The key is that Blake probably assumed I was lying."
"I don’t know how to get it away from him."
"Shut up. You’re not in a position to allow anything."
"I’m eager to examine his gear after we confiscate it."
"I do not trust myself with more power than what the universe has seen fit to grant me."
"There is no ‘chosen one,’ there is no destiny, nobody wakes up one day and finds out they’re amazing at something."
"We could do that. Or, you could zap that code into my implants and turn me into a mythical god."
"That crazy son of a bitch! He’s just railgunning the support beams one by one!"
"The idiots walked the gold right to us."
"I’m going to bet that right about now, your boyfriend is already sprawled out dead somewhere."
"I wonder how they’d look all black and yellow, like those warning signs they had all over the construction stuff on the roof?"
"We’re not going to sit back and let him do it."