
Someone Else's Shoes Quotes

Someone Else's Shoes by Jojo Moyes

Someone Else's Shoes Quotes
"In for six, hold for three, out for seven."
"I am healthy, she recites silently. My family is healthy."
"There are some advantages to being an American woman over forty who no longer has any fucks left on the shelf."
"Chin up, tits out, big smile. You can do it."
"The way you walked in there, like a boss."
"Women smile understandingly at your confidences, then use them against you like weapons."
"Do men hear this constant inner voice, telling them constantly to strive to be better, to be productive, to be useful?"
"How many of the decisions you make each day are because you actually want to do something, and how many are to avoid the consequences of not doing it?"
"I am unstoppable. I am a female force. I am sexy."
"If you cannot change your situation, then you have no choice. You can only change how you think about it."
"I streamlined and smoothed and imbued with as many comforts as much as any human being could."
"Strength—real strength—is not doing what someone asks you, necessarily. Strength is turning up every day to a situation that is intolerable, unbearable even, just to support the people you love."
"Four sessions in she finds she already stands a little taller at work, walks as if her core is somehow stronger. When Simon starts going on at her about some mistake she has apparently made, she nods and accepts it, but inside she imagines raining a series of lead hooks and uppercuts onto his chin—three four five six!"
"You know, the best bit about menopause—just in case you haven’t got there yet—is that you genuinely don’t give a fuck any more when you’re dealing with men like him. And they know it. And when they know you’re not intimidated by them, they somehow lose all their power."
"Time stalls, everything around her disappears so that it’s just his lips, his skin, the heat of his body against hers."
"Sometimes you can put that armor down, you know?"
"You have self-respect. You have friends. You have satisfaction every day, of a job well done. You have agency over your own life. These are not small things."
"I think I have never met a woman who is less afraid of obstacles."
"Marriage doesn’t stay the same year after year."
"Why do you need a man to tell you who you are?"
"It’s fine, she tells herself. Jasmine will be here in a minute. Just breathe."
"Please do not panic. The fire alarm has been triggered. Please make your way to the nearest fire exit."
"You were right. About everything. I’ve made such a mess. I missed you so much. I just got swept up in everything. I’ve wanted to call you so many times. I’m so, so sorry."
"But it’s today. Midday today. And look at me! I’ve been burgled. My house is destroyed. My husband has left me. I’ve barely slept in two days. How the hell can I do an interview today?"
"You’re the woman who can bring an entire hotel to a halt! Power in those hands!"
"You always were stronger than you thought."
"I just know I want to be better. I want my wife back. I want us back."
"It’s the first time she has slept in another man’s bed in almost twenty years."
"The less he appears to need this from her, the more she wants him."
"Because you are a magnificent, magnificent woman."
"You tricked me into signing my own divorce papers?"
"You’ve made me feel like an absolute limp lettuce for weeks."
"I have enough. If I have a roof over my head, my son with me and my friends, then I have enough."
"People decide what they think you’re capable of based on how you look, doubly so if you’re a woman."