
The ​Crown Of Gilded Bones Quotes

The ​Crown Of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The ​Crown Of Gilded Bones Quotes
"Lower your swords and bow before the last descendant of the most ancient ones."
"My first. My guard. My friend. My betrayer. My partner. My husband. My heartmate. My everything."
"All it takes is a drop of god’s blood."
"A move against my wife is a proclamation of war against me."
"With the last Chosen blood spilled, the great conspirator birthed from the flesh and fire of the Primals will awaken as the Harbinger and the Bringer of Death and Destruction to the lands gifted by the gods. Beware, for the end will come from the west to destroy the east and lay waste to all which lies between."
"Growing up among the Royals and other Ascended, I learned from a very young age that every friendship and acquaintance, every party or dinner a person was invited to or hosted, and every marriage ordained by the King and Queen were all power moves."
"You are the foundation that helps me stand. You are my home."
"I love you more than all the stars in the sky."
"I would do anything for you, Cas. Anything—"
"You’re not a monster. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not an eternity from now, if that is the case."
"Let’s go with flattered."
"I can’t even begin to imagine all the things that must be racing through your mind right now."
"I am relieved to see you here, Your Highness."
"Because she is my everything."
"I was wrong before. Some don’t deserve the honor of a quick death."
"You did nothing wrong, Poppy. None of this is on you. You understand that? Believe that?"
"Meyaah Liessa. It means: my Queen."
"Welcome to the land of hot water at your fingertips."
"The scars are what everyone seems to see first when they look upon me."
"It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be vulnerable."
"Unrest and unease are two very powerful destabilizers of any society."
"Your need to defend yourself is greater than my fear."
"Understanding and acceptance is far more important than forgiving someone."
"I am not the sum of the blood that courses through my veins."
"Ruling a kingdom can be learned."
"I want you to take the Crown because you love Atlantia, because you love her people and her land."
"The villain is always the hero in their story, aren't they?"
"The heart doesn't care how long you may have with someone. It just cares that you have the person for as long as you can."
"Every time he smiles at you, I want to rip his lips from his face."
"I would like the arrow and sword to be crossed equally over one another so that neither is longer than the other. I believe that Casteel and I are of equal strength."
"You will bow before your Queen. Or you will bleed before her. It is your choice."
"We want to stop a war before one starts."
"The best kind of adventures always carry a hint of danger."
"One’s instinct should always be trusted."
"What is written in bone is different, and what is not believed should not be ignored."
"Bravery is a fleeting beast, isn't it? Always there to get you into trouble, but quick to disappear once you're where you want to be."
"You are the Queen of Flesh and Fire, due more than one Crown, one kingdom. What you seek, you already have. You always had the power in you."
"The next best thing to a good conversation while enjoying dinner is reading a good book."
"May the gods be watching over you."
"When deities Ascend a mortal, they do not become a vampry. They become something without the pesky limitations the Ascended have."
"That has always been one of your greatest weaknesses, Penellaphe. Your doubt in what you see with your own eyes and what you know with your heart."
"I was vengeance and wrath given form, and in the moment, I was exactly what Alastir and the Unseen feared."
"Sometimes, war cannot be prevented."
"The ground trembled and gave a low rumble. Nektas faced me. 'From this moment to the last moment, they are yours, Queen of Flesh and Fire.'"
"'I'll get him back,' I promised. 'We will get him back. I swear.'"