
None Of This Is True Quotes

None Of This Is True by Lisa Jewell

None Of This Is True Quotes
"Everything I did, he controlled, everything I ate, everything I wore. He turned my children against me. He turned my friends against me. My life was so small, like he took it and squeezed every last drop of me out of it."
"It’s a podcast within a documentary, a kind of podumentary, if you will."
"Absolutely spine-chilling stuff, with some shocking glimpses into the darkest corners of humanity: we guarantee you’ll be bingeing the whole thing in a day."
"The energy they give off is effervescent, a swirling, intoxicating aurora borealis of grating, glorious entitlement."
"Death is a clean break."
"They lose children, body parts, autonomy; they are beaten, they are humiliated, they are downtrodden. And then they rise up, each and every one of them, they rise up and find goals they didn’t know they had."
"If I don’t break free of the past now, then when will I? It’s time. It’s time for me to change everything."
"The thought of doing something completely different is stimulating."
"Dogs need to sniff things. It's important."
"A weak man can’t love a strong woman. He won’t know what to do with her."
"Ever since I turned forty-five, even before we started making this podcast, I’ve been feeling different about everything."
"It felt like fate, like destiny. It was a turning point for me, my moment to take control of my narrative, unburden myself, share my truth—change."
"I’ll need a plan. But what I’ve found, Nathan, is that life shows you the way when you forget to make one."
"I’m trying to tell you my story, Alix. My truth. And you seem to be trying to make it into something it isn’t. You either want my story or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways."
"She smiles at him and she can see it there, his resolve, to do better and be better."
"Alix is not a dramatic or a reactive person. She is a person who likes to step away from situations that make her feel bad, to look at them objectively as if they were happening to somebody else, and then make a decision based on how best to keep the peace and maintain the status quo."
"'Please', she says, 'please. I need to see your records. I need to see your CCTV footage. My husband has disappeared, and I don’t know where he is and I can’t take another day like this. I can’t take another day of this not knowing. Please.'"
"The summer has begun, six weeks of innocence and freedom and the beginning of a new stage of her daughter’s life."
"You can be happily married and a feminist."
"You have to be free in order to be in control, Alix. You have to be free. No baggage. A clean break."
"It’s the world that’s wrong—you and I both know that."
"All she has done, in her own way, is take care of the people she loves, try to help people, try to be a good person."
"Today is her forty-fifth birthday. She finds it hard to believe. Once she’d been young and she’d thought forty-five would come slow and impossible. She’d thought forty-five would be another world. But it came fast and it’s not what she thought it would be."
"A life lived in fast-forward and now, apparently, she should peak and crest and then come slowly, contentedly down the other side, but it doesn’t feel as if there ever was a peak, rather an abyss formed of trauma that she keeps circling and circling with a knot of dread in the pit of her stomach."
"That strange wire of connection, that sense that there is something bringing her and Alix Summer together, something in the universe."
"She touches the door with her fingertips and keeps walking. She acknowledges the guilt and lets it pass away like a cloud."
"It’s like they think all women are meant to be built like giraffes."
"I’m forty-five, if I don’t break free of the past now, then when will I?"
"I feel like it signifies the beginning of a journey that could go in absolutely any direction. The very first moment of me colliding with you. The spark, if you like?"
"Fate has brought us together twice now, Alix, once on the day we were born, then again on the night we turned forty-five. Maybe it will find a way to bring us together again."
"The desperate, inglorious, ridiculous normality of it all."
"The big gaping space in her soul that she filled with things that couldn’t hurt her."
"Despite her coarse bravado, Alix senses the soft child beneath, the sixteen-year-old girl living in a toxic environment who just needed someone to nurture her."
"Instead, she is trapped in a Gothic, tick-tocking, slow-burn nightmare."