
Rule Of Wolves Quotes

Rule Of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo

Rule Of Wolves Quotes
"And they were all fools, she thought, her pulse quickening as she read the invitation in her hand. If they hadn’t been fools, I wouldn’t be in this predicament right now."
"Plenty of time for a clever queen to start a war."
"What we want is what our country needs."
"Men who see too much have a way of losing their eyes."
"Queens who trust too little have a way of losing their thrones."
"This invitation feels like a trap."
"Corruption. Heresy. Right here in our capital."
"The Fold is expanding. And we caused it."
"We all live in fear."
"Think of it as throwing a party. When the guests show up, you find out who your real friends are."
"The world is being devoured by nothingness and we have to find a way to stop it."
"The Fold is expanding. It's the power that resides in my bones."
"We're all monsters now, Nikolai."
"I am not powerless. Those stories tell us the only people who matter are kings and queens. They're wrong."
"After so much pain and sacrifice, they should all meet again in this abandoned place."
"I have no queen, no king, and no country."
"There was poison at the heart of Fjerda."
"We’re all monsters now."
"The demon king rules Ravka now and vengeance is coming."
"Let them understand what they’re fighting now. Let them know what’s waiting next time they invade Ravka’s skies."
"Who else could protect the Grisha and Ravka? A reckless boy who liked to play pirate? A vengeful girl too afraid of her own heart to master the tremendous power she’d been granted? They were dangerous. Dangerous to him, to his country, even to themselves. Children."
"You can choose faith or you can choose fear. But only one will bring you what you long for."
"It is Djel you should be worried about, my queen."
"I thought I understood death. I’m not so sure anymore."
"Strong men show strength, but great men show strength tempered by compassion."
"All soldiers kill. And no soldier can say each death is righteous."
"There’s freedom in it. When I wear this coat, my responsibility is the people on this ship. Not an entire nation."
"I want prosperity for Ravka, but for all of Ravka. Not just the nobles in their palaces or the merchants with their fleets of ships."
"This is war. Not parades and boasts but blood and sacrifice."
"Fight for every Grisha, for every soldier, for every child who wishes to see his mother again, for every father who wishes to rest his head at night without fear of what may come tomorrow, for every artist, and carpenter, and stoneworker, and farmer who were meant to do more with their lives than carry a gun in their hands. Fight for all of us."
"Better a queen who knows the cost of battle. I will have a soldier queen."
"We would go on, you and I. You would make a sheltering place for my people. You would march and bleed and crack terrible jokes until you had done all you said you would do. I suppose that’s why I love you."
"All stories begin somewhere. All gods are the same god."
"I forgive you for these scars. I found my way to who I was meant to be through the pain I endured."
"Tell Kaz Brekker the queen of Ravka has a job for him."
"She was a queen and conducted herself accordingly—back erect, body poised, expression composed."
"When she’d taken her sister’s crown, she hadn’t realized how little it would solve."
"If it hadn’t been for the dead, ashy soil that stained the countryside like a blot of spilled ink."
"This is Ravka. It’s always getting worse."
"But kings did what they wished; bastards did what they must."
"You’re afraid you’ll become him. You’re afraid you’ll be the avalanche."
"The woman I am can forgive you for the punishment you dealt me. But for the sake of the child I was, there is no penance you can perform, no apology you can speak that will make me open my heart to you."
"Some hearts beat stronger than others."
"The past lay shattered and bleak, torn by trenches, thick with mines. But the future was rolling hills and untouched forest, an open sea, a fair-weather sky."
"Who might he have been if the world had been kinder?"
"She hadn’t believed she could ever feel safe again."