
Strawberry Shortcake Murder Quotes

Strawberry Shortcake Murder by Joanne Fluke

Strawberry Shortcake Murder Quotes
"The sound of a crash startled Hannah Swensen awake."
"There was no way she was going to cower in the closet, waiting for someone from the sheriff’s department to arrive."
"With a little luck and a better swing than she’d had in Little League, she could bash the intruder over the head before he even knew what had hit him."
"She knew that turning on her bedside lamp would only make her a more visible target."
"What kind of burglar would break into her home and take a break for a late-night snack?"
"Moishe. She should have known better than to leave a pot of catnip out on the kitchen counter."
"There was no sense in reprimanding Moishe. The damage was done, and he’d simply ignore anything she said."
"Moishe was back in her bed, hunkered down on her pillow and purring loudly."
"Coffee was a necessity at this hour of the morning."
"Daybreak wouldn’t come for another hour and a half."
"No one could lose that much blood and live."
"Danielle loves Boyd, in spite of the injuries she’d suffered."
"It’s not right to keep her locked up and isolated from her friends when you haven’t officially charged her with anything."
"Happiness is a Chocolate Chip in Every Bite."
"If you think someone's talking about the murder, just take the carafe of coffee and stand right next to them. People never pay any attention to the people who bring them coffee. It's like we're invisible."
"It's the live people who can hurt you, not the dead ones."
"Everybody has a different trick to get to sleep. My dad used to listen to Wagner. I prefer to read a bad cookbook myself."
"They haven’t arrested anyone yet, have they, Hannah?"
"All I have to do is find out where she keeps it. There’s bound to be things from her other victims there. I can find out who they are..."
"You can't blame him, Hannah. He doesn't know Danielle like we do, and he’s still got that big-city-cop mentality."
"I'm not quite as good at snooping as you are, but I’m learning."
"I know it sounds awful to say it now that Boyd is…is dead, but I think he was all riled up because of the phone call and was looking for a fight."
"That’s true." Hannah frowned slightly, remembering the combination of ginger and brandy. "All the same, I thought you were very kind."
"You would wed me when I cannot remember you?"
"You think pineapple cookies would be really popular, especially if they tasted like pineapple upside-down cake."
"I’m not. Anyone who knows me won’t believe it. And anyone who doesn’t know me doesn’t matter."
"There was a sheaf of hundred-dollar bills inside."
"It's just too expensive. Lucy probably loaded her camera with black-and-white so that she could develop it in Rod’s darkroom."
"It was a mistake on my part. I should have said that we were going upstairs to develop a roll of film."
"Do you think Lucy’s really going to send Silver Wolf her picture?"
"That’s just one of the advantages of being tall."
"You can’t get fat if I eat your dessert."
"High-school basketball is a serious sport in Lake Eden."
"It’s a lot of tape for a couple of minutes."
"We always shoot more than we need. That way the editor can pick and choose."
"In real estate, a small room is cozy, a large room is spacious, and a kitchen is a gourmet’s dream."
"It’s not exactly definite. The time frame fits, but they’re so dark, it’s impossible to tell for sure."
"I wasn’t working with them before. I just happened to overhear something that helped."
"Investigating is a process of elimination. You have to explore all the possibilities, and whatever’s left, no matter how implausible, has got to be it."
"If you want to know what a daughter will look like, all you have to do is meet her mother."
"There are some really good people out there. You’re at a disadvantage because you’re a cop. You don’t get to deal with the good ones very often."
"They might have been hurt enough, and we know that none of them killed her."
"I know you don’t have much time, so I’ll make it fast," Delores promised.
That’s very generous." Hannah thought about it for a moment, then she began to frown. "Why would Mason do something like that?
"It’s no laughing matter," Delores chided her.
"I don’t go around looking for murder victims on purpose." Hannah realized she sounded defensive and she tried to moderate her tone.
"If chocolate were a mandatory part of breakfast, people wouldn’t be so grouchy in the morning."
"Just write down things to jog your memory."
"That’s because you don’t know anything about their personal lives. Coleridge got disowned by his family for fighting in the French Revolution, Wordsworth said that he wrote his best poetry when he was stoned, and Southey went crazy and died insane. That’s not boring, is it?"
I’ll tell you later." Hannah jammed the gun against Mason’s head a little harder. "Just cuff him and get him out of my sight before I do something illegal, will you?
"There was nothing like a cup of coffee when you woke up in the morning, even if the morning was actually afternoon."