
We Met In December Quotes

We Met In December by Rosie Curtis

We Met In December Quotes
"Life is for living, Jessica, and this place is all very well, but it’s like God’s waiting room."
"Nothing ventured, lovey – you never know what’s around the corner..."
"I do, because you haven’t given me a key yet."
"I still can’t believe this place is yours."
"I think a serial killer would probably have their own kit, don’t you?"
"Engage your core and strengthen your glutes."
"I want a cinnamon and raisin bagel, and a large bucket of coffee."
"It’s almost as if we’re living in a museum."
"You can’t let him just slip through your fingers."
"I’ve never been a one-night stand sort of guy."
"Everyone should have a grandma like mine."
"Grief is weird like that. But now I feel like – well, I guess I’ve made my peace with it."
"Watching him, it made me realize I’d always wanted to do something that was going to make a difference."
"Only it turned out that unraveling the life I’d made wasn’t as easy as all that."
"Life in London is like joining up a jigsaw puzzle."
"I hadn’t realized how much I missed being by the seaside."
"You're never too old for an ice cream with your nanna."
"Publishing is a lot like being a swan. You look very sleek and posh from the outside, but there’s an awful lot of furious paddling going on underneath."
"It’s nice to have someone showing me London – that’s it."
"I like sharing the nice bits [of life]."
"Properly, straightforwardly happy. It’s a good feeling."
"I feel excited, and glamorous, and I tell myself that this is all very romantic."
"I don’t think I have anything in my life that is under my control."
"I’m just not ready to be in a relationship with anyone."
"It’s weird to think of Alex doing all that."
"I think she’s feeling guilty that my first Tinder date has turned out to be such a nightmare."
"I’m beginning to feel slightly nervous."
"It’s weird, but recently everywhere I’ve looked people seem to be loved up and I’ve felt like a spare part."
"Weird to think of Alex doing all that, isn’t it?"
"It’s all fun until someone drowns in a hideous boating accident."
"I don’t have time for niceties. I’m too busy and important for stuff like that."
"You need to actually like the person you’re with, not just fancy the pants off them."
"Life’s about finding your own way, not just blindly following the path everyone expects you to."
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
"It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
"The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
"Love doesn’t make the world go round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
"Sod it. When Jess gets back, I’m going to ask her if she’ll come on that walk we’ve been planning."
"I spend most of the time half-listening in lectures, doodling in the margins of my notepad, and feeling sick at the thought of seeing Jess."
"‘Bloody hell,’ I say. ‘You’re organised. Unpacking already? I always leave my case shoved under the bed for days after I get back from being away. Weeks, sometime.’"
"‘I’m just glad she’s back to herself. She’s doing really well.’"
"‘Oh my God, that’s the most romantic thing EVER.’"
"‘So what are you taking to wear? Where are you staying? Oh my God, you don’t think he’s going to get down on one knee, do you?’"
"‘You did it the other day, Beck. Can you switch them off, Alex? Thank youuuu x’"
"‘It’s snowing,’ I say, for no reason at all."
"‘I think maybe we should go home,’ I say."