
Crystal Keepers Quotes

Crystal Keepers by Brandon Mull

Crystal Keepers Quotes
"The air in front of me opened up, and before I knew what was happening, I got sucked through to here." - Joe
"I was sure I could get her there." - Joe, about his plan to bring Gwen to the Outskirts
"I knew I’d never see Gwen again. I was on probation. I was done with Zeropolis." - Joe
"It was right out of a nightmare. The more I tried to talk, the more I hinted at details I knew about her, the more uncomfortable she became." - Joe, on trying to reconnect with Gwen
"It wasn’t just worried about her thinking I was a villain. I knew in that moment that if I took her, I would be a villain." - Joe
"I convinced myself that if given a choice, Gwen would want to be with me." - Joe
"We could live fulfilling lives, especially if we had each other. What I had with Gwen was epic." - Joe
"I admire your optimism, Cole. I know you really mean to tackle the impossible." - Joe
"We just have to find a way to change how it all works. Somehow we’ll do it." - Cole
"We start by surviving tomorrow. Let’s get some sleep while we can." - Joe
All too well," she said. "I deal with the sloppy results every day.
"He’s marked, of course," Joe said. "But we don’t have papers."
"The fees double without papers," she said.
"I’m waiting for you to do your job," Jace said.
"Thanks, master," Dalton said with some sarcasm.
"I’ve been gone for a while," Joe said. "They change location a lot to stay ahead of the patrolmen."
"Sometimes you two are unbelievably boring," Jace said, turning his back on them.
"It’s okay," Dalton said. "Do you want a drink, Mira? Cole?"
"The monorail is well designed," Joe said. "It floats on a magnetic cushion and is extremely aerodynamic."
"We’re not getting out through the window," Cole said, hoping to jump-start Joe.
"They must have flagged my ID after all, but let me board. That kind of patience isn’t how City Patrol normally works."
"Are you sure you want to go there?" she asked playfully.
"Freebots are illegal," Googol explained, still walking.
"I break all of those rules," Outlaw said with smug relish.
"Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want another Aero either. But to fight a strong enemy, we need strong allies."
"Learned it from the Crystal Keepers," Outlaw said.
"What I lack in size, I make up for in dents," Sidekick said brightly.
"No wonder you’re so good at those games!" Jace cried.
"The rigs aren’t a replacement for skill," Trickster stated adamantly.
"Jumping can be especially useful if you do it creatively."
"This is where we rejoin the city," Trickster said.
"Don’t worry about his personality," Googol said. "He knows how to act like a regular cleaning bot when necessary."
"If you jump hard, you’ll hit the ceiling," Trickster said.
"You can also wreck more spectacularly. And you can give yourself away."
"Cole, you don’t know it yet, but this could be the luckiest day of your life," the Hunter said.
"I converted a lot of energy into something like electricity. Too much for a bot like pretty boy to handle." - Sidekick
"I’m a wingman. I lay low and pay attention. When an ally like you gets in trouble, I sneak up and zap the troublemaker in the back. Effective, if not heroic." - Sidekick
"Think how guilty I’d feel if you thanked me and then we got captured in the tunnels!" - Sidekick
"I thought about making one for Outlaw." - Sidekick
"Don’t toy with me. I’ve always liked the idea of a fan club." - Sidekick
"The wisest course of action with Aero seems to be what they took—cut him off, and leave him alone." - Sidekick
"I’m not a main attraction like that fancy drone, Mr. Tall and Sleek and Ready to Rumble." - Sidekick
"I can adapt and learn. I can make leaps of logic. But although my neural processors can reach out to sort vast amounts of data, the thinking part of me is clearly defined. I like who I am." - Sidekick
"He asked me to shut off my comms system not long after we went underground. Forge got raided." - Sidekick
"Your life depends on it, as does the entire revolution," Nova said.
"Thank you, Cole. This could help us turn the tide," Nova said.
I’ll do it," Cole said. "I won’t let you down.
"I think I’m going to be sick," Cole winced and moaned.
"Do not engage in wordplay with your king, boy. I prefer straight talk," Stafford said.
"How’s this? I’m new here today. I’m not new to beating up little jokes like you," Cole said.
"Just don’t mention me if you get caught," Julian said.
"I’m sorry, but no. The Founding Stone has no influence there," Dandalus said to Cole.
"Time is of the essence. The best we can do is make sure you board right before departure."
"Nobody had stopped him when he left the First Castle with a group of errand boys."
"Was it possible he would get away clean?"
"But what about the Hunter? As soon as Cole presented his ID, the Enforcers must have started scrambling to intercept him."
"The sun rose higher, and the ride remained monotonous."
"I haven’t survived spying on Owandell to get nabbed by a couple of robots."
"We weren’t just brothers, we were good friends, too. We messed around together all the time."
"If you care about me, you must accept that I need your power to survive."
"I thought I was helping the good guys catch bad guys."
"The thought made shame congeal inside of him. He would be such a fool! So pathetically gullible!"
"Let’s be honest, a brain like mine deserves an incredible body."
"The storm cellar right as the tornado strikes."
"It’s either you’re not thinking straight because I’m your brother, or else I tricked you into thinking we’re relatives."
That would be the ideal," Googol said. "If you can get Constance into the glider and take to the sky before Roxie reaches you, the pursuit could possibly lure Roxie outside of town.
Who wouldn’t want to go out like that?" Sidekick asked. "Saving the city in a blaze of glory? Taking out an evil supercomputer? It doesn’t get any better!
"I can’t have dissenters. As a token of goodwill, I will give your rescuers a choice." - Roxie
"Is she gone?" Sidekick asked. "She’s going to fight Aero," Cole said.
"It was a crazy call, little brother," Hunter said. "I’m not sure I would have had the guts to make it. I think you nearly gave Googol a heart attack. But it really did save the kingdom."
"It’s an interesting contest," Constance observed. "Aeronomatron was made by some of the most brilliant minds of Old Zeropolis, and has acquired information for a long time. Roxie has existed for much less time, but has the most modern equipment, made elaborate modifications to herself, and of course has shaping power."
"I want my biggest problem to be homework again." - Cole
"I’m glad I’ll have you with me," Cole said to Hunter. "Me too, little brother."