
Folly Beach Quotes

Folly Beach by Dorothea Benton Frank

Folly Beach Quotes
"Not the carnal details, please, but some of its other aspects such as the sacrifices we were willing to make and the lengths to which we would go for each other."
"The economy was going down and hemlines were going up. Women were bobbing their hair, throwing away their corsets, and kicking up their heels."
"Charleston was reluctant to embrace the future if it meant deemphasizing the past one tiny iota."
"This is about the magic of a spectacular marriage and how it fueled our creative life and shaped our worldview."
"In public we were both extremely quiet, especially DuBose. In private we laughed about everything and argued loudly over every issue of the day."
"I guess that will have to be me, the spitfire from Ohio who was never afraid of the truth. Or passion."
"DuBose and I may not ever have earned a lot of money at one time, but ah well, such is a writer's lot in life."
"Our life was substantially more modest! I simply reapplied my makeup and cologne, put on a fresh dress, and brushed my hair."
"We were young then, our heads spinning with creativity, and we thought we had plenty, because we were rich in so many other ways."
"Doors close so others can open, you know."
"It’s sort of amazing how quickly you can pack up a life when you’re only taking the things you really wanted."
"Sometimes, when I was on the verge of exhaustion, I wondered why women found managing a household so attractive."
"I don’t like to think about those days. What’s the point?"
"You never got used to losing your parents. You just got used to the pain."
"We were too young to fully comprehend that life goes on and the world doesn’t really care about your personal sorrow."
"I would have a slice every breakfast for the rest of my life."
"The world is changing every day and right before our eyes."
"You’re right, my dear! Here’s to taking a leap, to taking chances with words and in life!"
"Sometimes Fate pushes you to take a chance on something in life and it can make all the difference!"
"The poor people don’t pay their bills because they don’t have the money. But the rich people don’t pay their bills because they don’t want to!"
"The moment I met you, my dear, the whole world stopped spinning and I knew I was meant to be with you."
"This is the twenty-first century and it’s a glass of wine, not room service in a no-tell motel with mirrored ceilings."
"All Catholic girls are sluts. Didn’t your momma ever tell you that?"
"We were so poor I didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of."
"It’s not a black-and-white world. But don’t focus on the dark stuff. It wasn’t all his fault, you know."
"Sometimes a baby seals a marriage. It happens with royalty all the time."
"We’re old enough to do what we want, aren’t we?"
"I was going to be a grandmother! Oh, my God! I’ll learn to knit! I’ll learn to crochet!"
"Life partners. That’s what they were but saying they had a life partner didn’t mean they didn’t need anybody else."
"You’d better call Aunt Daisy. Wait till she hears this!"
"I was a reasonable presence in the kitchen, especially with holiday meals, and I could do some pretty interesting things to a chicken."
"I’m not sure that I agree with what you’re surmising about them but here’s something. I don’t think contemporary historians have ever looked at their marriage and career from her point of view."
"If you don’t get busy and write that play the unseen hand might decide we’re not worth the effort of throwing all these signs our way."
"The world continued to turn and life continued to go on. My son was going to be a father."
"And, lo! Guess what? They gave DuBose credit for cowriting the lyrics! Isn’t that swell? Isn’t that just the grandest thing?"
"I loved his impeccable Southern manners and thought many times that he could have served as the United States ambassador to anywhere in the world."
"It’s better for her to keep quiet with that tube, you know? If everything goes well, I’ll probably send her home in a few days but remember, she’ll need to be in a quiet room with dim light."
"No one was there who didn’t have to be. We were as sorry as we could be to have to say we belonged there."
"You give someone something delicious to eat and they complain because they have no name for it."
"But you should know she always gave herself the best parts. Just once, I wanted to be the princess, just once!"
"I haven’t even seen Patti yet but I’ll say heck yeah for both of us. Give us thirty minutes?"
"That’s just poor manners if you ask me."
"Every woman needs to have her own money."
"Before you get home? Buy her some flowers. And when you get there, tell her she’s beautiful and that you’re sorry. That’s all."
"Life without a great love is no life at all."
"You have no idea how much I love you when you hold your own child."
"What more important contribution can a woman make to a family than a life?"
"I am one of the luckiest women you will ever meet. I had so many spectacular opportunities and I am so grateful for having had each and every one of them."
"You could be eating your own cooking all the time."
"My time with you is coming to an end. After all, it’s late and DuBose is waiting for me in that big cocktail lounge in the sky."