
In Bed With The Devil Quotes

In Bed With The Devil by Lorraine Heath

In Bed With The Devil Quotes
"It was common knowledge that one never spoke of the devil for fear that in so doing one would attract his ardent attention."
"She’d neither flinched nor looked away—although she’d dearly wanted to do both—but she’d held his gaze with all the innocent audacity that a young lady of seventeen could muster."
"Few believed him to be the rightful heir, but none dared question his status."
"The price you pay for waltzing with the devil is residing in hell."
"It’s the least I can do. You’re letting me host the ball with you, at your lovely home, since Father’s ill and it wouldn’t be proper to have a ball in mine."
"‘Always ’old yer tongue,’ Feagan had advised us on the matter of being arrested. ‘No matter wot ye tell ’em, truth or lie, they’ll twist it around to suit their own purposes.’"
"I’m not doing anything for her that I’ve not done for her before."
"She’s a beauty. She’d make a dead man sit up in his coffin."
"I spend a good deal of my day contemplating various tantalizing aspects of women, not to mention all the various exciting things I could do with them."
"You can have only one woman, Luke, and you have claimed Frannie. I will do with Catherine as I please."
As you wish," Jack said. "For now. Because you are my friend. But never make the mistake of thinking that you are my master.
"I base my opinion solely on his character."
"The kidsman who managed our little band of child thieves, taught us our craft."
"You intrigue him, and like me, he would ruin you without remorse."
He was one of Feagan’s lads," Claybourne said. "As was I.
"Do you miss it? What? Living on the streets? Being filthy, cold, and hungry? No. Never."
"I gave him what all of us want and few of us acquire: our deepest desires."
"The love he gave you was yours. Even if he thought you were another, what he felt for you came about because he came to care for you."
"I think as a wife you will be a challenge to any man."
"Sometimes having the dream makes you more content than having the reality."
"I’m a man with many enemies, Catherine."
"I’ll have one of those if you don’t mind."
"I don’t care about her father or her brother. Concentrate on the girl. She’s all I care about."
"One didn’t ask an angel to destroy the devil. One asked another devil."
"His gaze, as though he had the power to peer into her heart."
"I’m very fond of cheese. Why do you think I tried to steal some?"
"Children don't realize they're breaking the law."
"It's not easy to run with a block of cheese. Lesson learned: steal smaller items."
"We lived and slept in a single room, spooning around each other for warmth."
"The first time I walked into Feagan’s was a very different experience from the first time I walked into a ballroom."
"You’re a charming conversationalist during meals. I do hope this isn’t what you’re teaching Frannie."
"It stands to reason that my body would react to your nearness."
"As long as you cower, as long as you hide and run..."
"I have an inordinate amount of confidence in my ability to win them over."
"I should think if I was that child, I would not soon forget watching the horror of my parents being killed."
"He wrapped it around himself like a finely tailored cloak in order to protect the core of his being."
"I remember everything about you that night. You wore pink ribbons in your hair and pearls against your throat."
"No one has ever challenged me as you do, Catherine."
"I credit myself for knowing what you deserve from a woman."
"There is nothing you can tell me that will make me think less of you."
"You see his face when you close your eyes to sleep—and there are times you won’t sleep because you don’t want to see his face."
"It could have been worse. I’ll see that Marcus Langdon has the funds to rebuild all this to its former glory."
"You may not be the true Earl of Claybourne, but it’s obvious you care about this place."
"I think you found the cure for my head pains. Send the ache elsewhere."
"He threaded his fingers through her damp hair and brought her nearer."
"In his eyes she saw appreciation and pleasure."
"Reaching for the soap, she imitated his actions, enjoying the feel of silkiness on velvet."
"If this water weren’t so filthy, I’d take you right here," he said.
"Stay," he ordered as he stepped out of the tub.
"Don’t talk," she murmured as she kissed his temples.
"There was nothing frenzied about their joining. Rather it was simply an appreciation."
"Scared." "Shh. Don’t be frightened, darling. Shh. Mummy will never let anything bad happen."
""Why couldn’t I remember any of it?" "Why would you want to? It sounds horrendous."
"He forged his mouth to hers as though she had the power to return to him the innocence he had lost."
"I’ll not let you give up the last bit of your soul."
""I’ve longed to know the truth of my past, and now I want nothing more than to forget it."
"Nothing was more frightening than knowing that someone...could stand by laughing while others murdered his family."
""You’re not a murderer." "I killed my uncle. Let there be no doubt."
""So Oliver found a home. I’m glad of it."
"If I’d known you were going to leave, I’d have not left you to take that final step alone."
"I never questioned for a moment that you wouldn’t."
""You can’t always tell from looking at a person what he’s really like."
""I don’t think you’re like your father."
"But you love Catherine," Frannie said quietly.
""I’ve asked Lady Catherine Mabry to become my wife. She’s consented to granting me the honor of being her husband."
""To Feagan, who taught us how to survive the streets."
""I do love you, Catherine Langdon, Countess of Claybourne, with all my heart and what remains of my soul."
"I’ve a good mind to put you over my knee for not telling me you were with child as soon as you realized the truth of your situation."
"Now," she gasped. "Now. I need you now."