
Princess On The Brink Quotes

Princess On The Brink by Meg Cabot

Princess On The Brink Quotes
"You’re Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Princess of Genovia."
"I mean, I’ve described rooms in SPACE—for instance, in my Battlestar Galactica fan fic about Starbuck and Apollo finally Doing It."
"I have to admit, I was kind of startled when they got the clippers out!"
"I think it’s great. You look just like Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday!"
"I can’t believe Tina thinks Lilly and J.P. Did It over the summer. That is just ridiculous."
"The four stone walls press narrowly against one another, glistening with moisture dripping from the low ceiling."
"I don’t care how good an opportunity it is."
"I shouldn’t have done it. I know I shouldn’t have done it."
"I don’t think I’ll ever feel okay again."
"I don’t know where to go or to whom to turn."
"Michael is moving to Japan. For a year. Or more."
"I don’t think I’m going to have time to run the school."
"What’s a medical savior going to want to have to do with ME?"
"I think holding yourself to the standards set by Oskar Schindler and Stevie Wonder is a bit unrealistic."
"Everyone has to learn calculus in order to be a well-rounded individual."
"He said he was going to Japan whether we DID IT or not."
"I don’t understand how the fact that I slept with her two years ago, BEFORE YOU AND I EVER WENT OUT, is a crime."
"I’m sorry about you and Michael. I didn’t know."
"There is NOTHING wrong with waiting to have sex until you can do it with someone you love."
"You’re totally entitled to that belief. But CONDEMNING someone who doesn’t necessarily SHARE that belief? That’s no better than those fundamentalist judges in Iran who condemn women to be buried up to their necks in sand and have rocks thrown at their heads."
"Why don’t you just admit what this whole fight with Michael is REALLY about, Mia?"
"Don’t cry, Mia. I think you’re doing the right thing. Long-distance relationships never work. Better to make a clean break of it, like this."
"Your virginity is the most precious gift you have to give to your one true love. If you waste it on someone you don’t even care about, then you have nothing to give the person you DO care about when the time comes."
"I don’t let people treat me badly! I totally broke Lana’s cell phone that one time…well, you weren’t there. But I did."
"But he could have told her sooner—like way back in May when she first told him that she loved him—instead of stringing her along this whole time."
"What on earth do they TALK to these young boys about? Because it certainly isn’t why their trousers are falling down."
"I’ll tell you how I’m doing. I was doing a lot better before you broke up with my best friend!!!!"
"But now it’s like my whole world has come collapsing down around my ears. And some of it I didn’t have anything to do with—like Michael’s decision to go to Japan."
"Your girls all have significant others. I’m not saying they won’t want to spend time with you, but it’s going to be kind of lonely when they’re all out with their partners and you’re home."
"She was kicked in the head by a cow once."
"Everything was going great. At least, I THOUGHT everything was going great."
"I just don’t understand how he could never have TOLD me."
"I feel bad leaving Lilly in the lurch without a ride, but NO WAY can I face Michael this morning."
"If this is what self-actualization feels like, all I have to say is, I was a lot happier before I became self-actualized."
"The only thing that’s going to help is getting this down in some kind of lucid manner to help me make sense of it."
"I was a lot happier before I became self-actualized."
"You thought I gave you up for some foolish feminist morals."
"Yet you opened up the cage for my headstrong reckless flight."