
The Lawyer Quotes

The Lawyer by Marni Mann

The Lawyer Quotes
"It's been a hell of a run for us so far, and we're only getting started."
"Say I can have you. Or walk away. You have ten seconds to decide."
"You’ve got that right, my friend. Wait until I tell you about this new actress I just scouted and how much money she’s going to earn us…"
"I could almost feel her in my hands, as though her body were lying beneath mine, slowly caressing her smooth, naked skin, warming the areas that my mouth was soon going to devour."
"My God, that man was all muscle and masculinity and sex."
"Your little tirade back there was to make me feel bad for you. To make me cower, like I always do when it comes to you. Well, no more. I’m done."
"You’re that fucking greedy for stardom?"
"I don’t need your help. In fact, that’s the last thing I need."
"Like now, as I visually fucked her in that navy dress."
"She doesn’t want me doing this. She thinks we’ll be compared and that the viewers will like me more and she’ll lose everything."
"I like the way I feel when I’m with you, Dominick."
"I’m trying to win you over with something other than my pussy."
"It all seems pretty straightforward. Attend filming, be on time, post when they need me to."
"I thought you were my person. But the knife you stabbed me with just cut off the big red bow that sat on top of my new Benz."
"Hell no." I glanced at Jenner. "The ginger is not my type, and the other is an old client."
"You know, I’ve seen my fair share of women like Daisy, and you’re right about everything. The only sensible option is to focus on you. Whether it’s showing the world how much of a sweetheart you are or raising awareness on volunteering and art therapy, you’re going to find your voice, and you’re going to make a difference in your own way."
"The girls and I took several while we were in the limo and a bunch more while we were inside the club."
"My time and attention make you smile the biggest."
"You know what I like? The thought of you in my kitchen."
"I've been thinking about your lips all day."
"You’re more than welcome to show up naked. No need to get dressed for me."
"That's because you're so fucking tight."
"My face isn’t the only thing that likes to breathe."
"I’m not playing, Daisy. Leave her the fuck alone."
"You know I love you more than anything."
"You say that now, but does that excuse what you’ve done to me?"
"I’m her lawyer, and she’s getting verbally assaulted. I would like you to show me where in her contract it states that she can’t leave for her own safety and comfort."
"I shouldn’t have been surprised. But I was."
"I get it; you just prefer to do your dirty work behind the scenes."
"My heart was pounding, aching. My body still trembling."
"She’s losing everything, and she’s desperate to get it back."