
Daughter Of The Blood Quotes

Daughter Of The Blood by Anne Bishop

Daughter Of The Blood Quotes
"In the Territory called Pruul, sympathy was a luxury no slave could afford."
"Because they have no honor. Because they don’t remember what it means to be Blood."
"There is good and evil among every kind of people. It’s the evil among us who rule now."
"Sometimes an enemy can wear the mask of a friend until it’s too late to escape."
"We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Just once, I’d like to serve a Queen I could respect, someone I could truly believe in."
"I’ve always thought it’s the discomfort of the Ring of Obedience that’s caused the problem."
"Because, my darling Lady Maris, your so-called intelligence bores me to tears."
"You're a child of mixed blood. Part Hayllian blood. Your mother's people live—what—a hundred, two hundred years? You may see two thousand or more."
"No matter what you do with the flesh, finish the kill. After all, who wants to turn a corner one day and meet up with one of the demon-dead who would like to return the favor?"
"Don’t judge her, Helene. If she’s here and you have some complaint about serving her, then come to me and I’ll do what I can to alleviate the problem. But don’t judge."
"You're not a phase, Lady. I'm her anchor, her sword, and her shield."
"I served you once, and I served you well, but no longer. I’m a Warlord Prince. I understand the Blood Laws that apply when my kind serve, and the first law is not to serve, it’s to protect."
"Do you want to spend those years eating scraps dumped in alleys and sleeping in filthy rooms? There are other ways of doing what you do—for better rooms, better food, better pay."
"Subtlety, Surreal, subtlety is a great weapon. There are other ways to slit a man’s throat than to wash the walls with his blood."
"He’s a double-edged sword capable of cutting the hand that holds him as easily as he cuts the enemy."
"Since he’d arrived that morning, he’d been following a psychic thread that tugged him toward an unknown destination."
"Daemon entered the large park in the center of the city, veered to the footpath leading to the southern end, and slowed his pace."
"Finally he came to a small oval of grass. A lacy iron bench filled the back of the oval."
"Daemon’s smile was gentle and amused. 'Apparently not.'"
"Daemon studied the three white lines on his palm. 'Three.'"
"Tersa’s voice was a singsong croon. 'Father, brother, lover. And the center, the fourth side, the one who rules all three.'"
"Daemon closed his eyes as Tersa raised his hand to his lips."
"Daemon laughed, lighthearted and boyish, and plunked himself gracelessly into one of the kitchen chairs."
"Daemon stared into space. So many questions, and no answers."
"Daemon uncoiled from the chair, clamped one hand around her wrist, and pulled her into the other chair."
"Daemon closed his eyes. Before coming here, he’d gone to that crumbling, abandoned house."
"Daemon slipped his hand over Manny’s and squeezed gently."
"Daemon laughed harshly. 'You’re mistaken, Manny. You must be.'"
"Daemon’s hands shook as he lit a black cigarette."
"As Kartane SaDiablo walked from his suite to the audience rooms, he wondered if he’d fortified himself with one glass of brandy too many."
"Daemon was the cousin whose position within the family had never quite been explained to the child Kartane."
"Daemon, who always had time to talk and, more important, to listen."
"Daemon, who patiently read the same book to him, over and over and over, because it was his favorite."
"But he also knew there was trouble in the court, trouble that swirled around Daemon."
"He began to understand Daemon’s aversion to touching a female unless he was forced to."
"Daemon’s anger was more frightening than Dorothea could ever be."
"He felt the cold as he swung around a corner and skidded to a stop in front of Daemon."
"Daemon glided through the corridors of the SaDiablo mansion."
"Daemon stared out the window as the carriage rolled along the smooth road leading to the Angelline estate."
"Daemon forced himself to show some interest in the place where he would be living."
"Finally he was shown to his room. It was directly below Alexandra’s apartment and next to a back stairway, since he was mostly here for her pleasure."
"Blood Law was nothing to him. The Blood were nothing to him. She would be Blood and yet Other, something alien and yet kindred. She would be terrifyingly magnificent."
"Sweet Darkness, heed the prayer of one of your sons. Now that she’s so close, let her be young enough to want me. Let her be young enough to need me."
"The best even a good Healer could have done was cut it off. So we watched, my daughter, Andrew, and me. Couldn’t see much, the water all bloody like it was."
"You don’t want to get yourself too stuffed during the day, you know. We’re having leg for dinner."
"She’s still Blood. She’s still one of us. She has to be."
"But there is something wrong with your finger, Prince. There is pain there."
"She said some strange words to the dog, and he let go of Lucy right away and slunk out of the tackroom, his tail between his legs."
"I’ll be along in a minute," Daemon said quietly.
"Daemon extinguished the candle-light and stood in the musty, comforting dark for a few minutes before going to his room. His secret was in her hands now."
"Jaenelle gave him a distracted smile and took his hand."
"Jaenelle considered the snake tooth for a while. 'Your finger isn’t hot. What does it mean if your finger gets hot?'"
"Saetan’s amusement fled. So this wasn’t idle curiosity after all. 'It means trouble, witch-child.'"
"Usually Black Widows milk the sac right before their moontime so that during those days when they must rest, their bodies, stimulated by a few drops of their own venom, will slowly refill the sac with no discomfort."
"Daemon had given his strength to help Jaenelle when she needed it."
"Daemon sat on the edge of his bed, his right hand cradled in his lap."
"Jaenelle touched his shoulder. Her fingers unerringly followed the line of pain from shoulder to elbow, elbow to wrist, wrist to finger."
"When Jaenelle began to speak, Daemon’s head cleared enough to listen and understand."
"Jaenelle stood in front of him, solemn and still."
"Jaenelle’s eyes didn’t follow the book as he’d expected. She focused on his right hand, her forehead puckered in concentration while she fluffed her hair."
"He watched her explore his hand, turning it this way and that, until her fingers finally came to rest on his ring-finger nail."
"He caught her wrists, holding her off with an ease that made her scream."
"Jaenelle’s eyes met his and held them. He fell into those sapphire pools, and he knew she saw what he didn’t want to admit."
"Daemon poured another cup of coffee and shrugged in response to Philip’s suggestion. 'I don’t mind not riding this morning,' he said in his bored court voice."
"Daemon looked at his perfectly tailored black suit and white silk shirt, completely taken aback. 'What’s wrong with the way I dress?'"
"Daemon started coughing and thumped his chest to give himself time to swallow the laughter. 'I have some riding clothes,' he wheezed."
"Daemon’s forehead wrinkled. 'Ambitious?'"
"Daemon’s eyes narrowed. 'Is there a reason for this jumpiness?'"
"Daemon smiled at her and gave her braid a gentle, playful tug. 'Yes, I would like to come.'"
"Daemon’s body felt like jelly. He slid out of the chair, landed with a thump on the floor, pitched over on his side, and howled."
"Daemon studied his cold reflection one last time to make sure nothing was out of place, then joined the family for dinner."
"Jaenelle clasped her hands in front of her and smiled happily at Surreal. 'I have a message for you.'"
"Daemon toyed with the wineglass. 'You have excellent taste in wine, Lady.'"
"Daemon raised her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly."
"He laughed softly, but there was a brutality to the sound that made Cassandra shiver."
"Cassandra opened the cupboard where she kept the wineglasses, she felt the dark male presence at the kitchen door, that unmistakable scent of the Black."
"Daemon leaned against the door frame, his hands in his trouser pockets."
"Daemon glanced at her, amused. 'You thought—that’s wicked!'"
"Daemon kept moving toward her, smiling as she edged around the table to keep it between them. It was a seducer’s smile, soft and almost gentle, except it was carved from ice."
"I frighten you. Since the day I returned with the Black, I’ve frightened you."
"Because he’s stronger than me, Cassandra."
"Sometimes I ask lots of people the same question."
"What do you do if you don’t get the same answer?"
"How am I supposed to learn anything if people won’t tell me?"
"It’s a good thing we’re all different or Hell would be a dreadfully boring place."
"Hope you’re obliging enough to answer it for me."
"I mean, how am I supposed to learn anything if people won’t tell me?"
"She’s serving her family, Cassandra. He’s living in the same house."
"It’s not something a man discusses with a young girl."
"Everyone knows I’m different. It just doesn’t matter to some—and it matters a lot to others."
"You were entrusted to look after the girls for a few short hours."
"Did the Priest suggest you go to Arachna?"
"She’s magic. I’m only a Warlord Prince. You can’t expect me to explain magic."
"Sometimes you make it hard for me to remember why I loved you so much for so long."
"If his manners leave something to be desired, Lady, I’ll thank you to remember whose court trained him."
"But I’ll allow no one, no one, to condemn him for what he’s become because of it."
"I’d never guessed how much of you is in Lucivar. Or how much of you is in me."
"Having expected to see them, Saetan found Daemon’s long nails less disconcerting than his ringless fingers."
"Daemon frowned at the empty wine bottle, found a full one in the cupboard, and refilled both glasses."