
Web Of Dreams Quotes

Web Of Dreams by V.C. Andrews

Web Of Dreams Quotes
"Memories are more precious than jewels." - Daddy
"Never let a man take you for granted." - Momma
"People with histories, with houses that have histories, really do name their homes." - Momma
"Women can never be as promiscuous as men. Never." - Momma
"It's good to practice keeping a man waiting for you." - Momma
"The ocean can be so finicky... just like a woman." - Tony
"The luxury of breakfast in bed... games or just loafing on the broad decks... time to refresh... and plan for a busy schedule after arrival." - Advertisement Copy
"It was as if she were about to be crowned queen herself and I was to be one of her ladies in waiting." - Leigh
"You don’t know, you can’t imagine what it’s been like for me these last few years. Whenever your father takes me on one of his cruises it’s been because he wanted to make an impression… to use me for his own advantage. I’ve felt like a caged bird, encased in a gilded cage, yes, but nevertheless, imprisoned."
"Love can be like that, you know, like a blast of sunlight reflecting off the water. You can’t look directly into it; you’ve got to shade your eyes or close them altogether, and when you do that, you see only what you want to see."
"You see, Leigh, a man has to have a deeper reason for working, for striving and building all this. His ego is not enough. He has to believe he is building it all for a more substantial reason."
"I mean I don’t mean to pull you away from all the things girls love. Your mother thinks I’m always trying to make you into a son instead of a daughter, but I just want you to be capable of owning all this and overseeing it."
"You pay people to understand things for you. That’s the point in being the owner."
"I told you how the sea air affects me, but you don’t care about me; you care only about your precious ship and your business. You would sacrifice me to it, endanger my beauty, my looks and health, just to use me as some sort of public relations person."
"The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work," she rambled on. "But not your father."
"Whenever your father takes me on one of his cruises it’s been because he wanted to make an impression… to use me for his own advantage. I’ve felt like a caged bird, encased in a gilded cage, yes, but nevertheless, imprisoned."
"The first time I set eyes on Tony and he set eyes on me, it was as if the clouds were swept off the blue sky. Everything became more vivid, more alive around me. Colors brightened, birds sang, and the breeze, no matter how cool, was refreshing and soft. I couldn’t wait to awaken every morning and get myself to Farthy, just so I would be around him, hear his voice, and feel his eyes on me."
"I tried to break it. I suffered so on that trip to Jamaica, but love will not be denied, when it is as real and sincere as it is between Tony and myself."
"Will you try to understand? It could happen to you someday and you might need someone, someone you love and who loves you, to understand."
"Love will not be denied, when it is as real and sincere as it is between Tony and myself."
"But love will not be denied, when it is as real and sincere as it is between Tony and myself."
"I know, Leigh. I appreciate what you’re going through, but I’m going to need you to help me, too."
"Nothing will happen to him, Leigh. Believe me."
"You’ll see him and he’ll see you just as much as you do now, which isn’t all that much."
"As I sat there it slowly dawned on me, sank like water into concrete, that this was all Tony’s fault."
"To think of Tony made my stomach butterflies flutter a bit, stir from their restless sleep."
"Why should they know these things?" Momma said, her voice weakening.
"Remember this, Leigh: nice girls don’t go all the way. Not until they’re married. Promise you won’t forget that."
"No man is a match for either of you, I’m afraid," he added, not sounding bitter so much as he sounded resigned to his fate.
"It’s a meeting with the high priestess and one of her long lectures about decorum and the need for discipline and order. Ugh."
"She was a very pretty, very sweet girl ... almost angelic, I thought. She was never unhappy, but she had so much compassion and love in her that she cried if she heard a mouse had been caught in a trap."
"You have to earn the respect of your teachers and your classmates."
"But how could she leave Tony alone in the hospital, no matter how tired she was?"
"You’re sitting with the best group of girls in the junior high wing."
"She’s not canceling her party," I told Jennifer. "They don’t want to associate with me because my parents are divorced."
"I’m tired of ignoring things that make me unhappy. If I am going to attend this school, I am going to be accepted for who and what I am, and none of these snooty girls are going to make me suffer."
"It’s not going to be that much longer before Tony is finished and hopefully on to other things that will consume his energies just as much."
"Their money blinds them, keeps them protected and away from reality, permits them to live their illusions."
"You’re the bravest girl I know and I’m so happy you’re my roommate. Welcome to Winterhaven, Leigh."
"I’m sure no one here is perfect or has a perfect past."
"I hate hypocrites," I declared and something proud sprung into my spine.
"I’m sure Tony was only being polite when you asked him. He would much rather have you all to himself, at least for a while."
"You can’t begin to understand how much easier this has made my life. Please, don’t be angry," she cajoled.
"It’s a work of art. That’s the point. Think of it as a miniature statue, only made like a child’s doll."
"I’ll keep writing you letters, of course," he said quickly, "and hope you’ll keep writing letters to me."
"I felt confused, torn between a yearning for something I couldn’t describe and a desire to get away from the cottage and never return there."
"You don’t know what kind of a gossip that woman is."
"Thank Heaven. Now there will be someone to listen to me and help me."
"You look older and more beautiful than ever."
"It’s not his fault. He becomes a puppet and you become the puppeteer."
"My friends can’t come here and I can’t go to see them until Momma returns. What will I tell Joshua when he calls?"
"The world welcomed me, encouraged me to come out of the dark, enchanted kingdom called Farthinggale."
"I wouldn’t cry again in this evil place. I hated this place, hated what happened here, hated what it had turned me into."
"Home? Had she just referred to Farthinggale Manor as home? Hell was the better word!"
"The twisted and dark world of Farthy would follow my baby forever."
"The only person you have to blame is yourself."
"The moonlight flowed into my room, turning my furniture into ghostlike silhouettes."
"I felt icicles dripping down my neck and for a moment, I couldn’t move."
"It’s a beautiful night, a romantic night, a night lovers dream of having."
"It’s not just a doll; it’s a special doll, a collector’s doll. It’s a work of art and it’s called a portrait doll."
"I’m not holding on to it for dear life," I snapped. He laughed again. When he smiled, his eyes brightened warmly.
"It ain’t how far you’ve traveled, it’s how rough was the road."
"You make me feel important, just as important as anyone else."
"It’s what I like about them—their code of ethics. Much better than the world outside."
"You both have such beautiful hair," he said, stroking Angel’s hair tenderly.
"You’re probably right about this, too," he said raising the cup of beer. "I won’t drink any more today."
"I never knew such unselfishness. Why couldn’t my daddy have had half Luke’s love for me?"
"Your money is all magic money," he said. "It’s not fair. As soon as you give it to the vendors, it will disappear in their hands."
"She raised six of us and it took its toll on her, I’m afraid."
"As long as I have you, too, Angel. Don’t go to your grandmother’s."
"If a sweet and lovely person like you wanted to run away, it has to be for a good reason."
"I want to take you to a world where no one evil can reach you, a world in which you will be surrounded only by soft, happy and natural things."
"You’re my angel and angels come from Heaven."
"I don’t care if they give me a ticket," he said. "Come on."
"I want to take care of you from now on, protect you, love you."