
The Last Widow Quotes

The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter

The Last Widow Quotes
"It's better to be without logic than without feeling." - Cathy
"The only thing worse than losing someone you loved was never knowing whether or not that person was truly gone." - Sara
"You think of every stupid thing a sixteen-year-old boy would do to impress a sixteen-year-old girl and I know how to do it." - Will
"Think of every stupid thing a sixteen-year-old boy would do to impress a sixteen-year-old girl and I know how to do it." - Will
"We just blew up dozens, maybe hundreds of people. Do you think I give a shit about having your blood on my hands?" - Hank
"What's your father going to say when he hears about who you really are?" - Michelle Spivey
"You can't stay in the field forever." - Amanda
"So, why did this particular car accident feel different?" - Will
"I don’t have my wallet. My badge number is 398. A woman was—"
"I need you to get my medical bag out of the glove compartment of the car."
"I heard two more gunshots in rapid succession."
"I won’t go with you. I won’t help you. You’ll have to shoot me."
"My son-in-law would’ve never let this happen."
"I’m not going to end up like Michelle Spivey—alive, but not alive."
"You can’t pretend it’s not happening. I’m telling you now."
"Violence never worked in the service of women."
"Human rights are women's rights. This is how we level the playing field."
"The hatred of women was as much of an indicator of future criminal behavior as animal torture and bed wetting."
"The only way she was going to make it through the forest."
"You can question it all you want, but that's what happened. That's what I'll put in my sworn statement."
"Abuse is always with you. It's in the DNA of your shadow."
"Sara told me she was raped because she trusts me."
"She told me she was raped because she trusts me."
"I think someone was taken into the adjacent room. The bedspread shows blood transfer, not active bleeding."
"There are some bloody shoeprints on the bathroom floor. Looks like a man’s size seven, maybe a woman’s nine."
"The toilet’s not flushed, but the seat is down. It’s weird. These guys don’t strike me as the type who sit down to take a piss."
"We are families who’ve decided to live off the land."
"I’m helping people, lady. The government has failed us. Left sick people to die in the street. Abandoned our soldiers. Closed our factories. Stolen food from our mouths."
"We are not fighting against, Dr. Earnshaw. We are fighting for."
"We will blow the trumpet from the mountain, ‘I form the light and bring darkness. I make peace and deliver evil.’ So saith the Lord."
"The Lord was kind enough to send us a pediatrician."
"Deaths were up to twenty-one as of a few minutes ago."
"This was not the irradiated produce from her local grocery store. Sara had forgotten what a real apple was supposed to taste like."
"I’m not the snake, though you could certainly make a case for being Eve in that attire."
"The problem with auburn hair was that it came with skin that lent itself to self-immolation."
"Everyone is happier when they know what’s expected of them. Men do the work of men and women do the work of women."
"Don’t mess with the US Government. They won two wars and can print their own money."
"She should be proud. Graduating from nursing school is quite an accomplishment."
"That’s what we’ve set up here, Dr. Earnshaw. We are some of us Puritans, some of us settlers, others of us adventurers and tradesmen, but we are bound together by the belief in the same laws and regulations."
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
"Sometimes you have to cut back a rosebush to make a beautiful flower."
"There’s no glory in taking another human being’s life."
"When you kill somebody, you kill a part of yourself."
"His only hope had been that eventually, possibly, he would end up like that stray piece of a jigsaw puzzle that no one could find a place for, but no one could bring themselves to throw away."
"The white man is being pushed aside. Our benevolence, our generosity, is leading us to the brink of extinction."
"The races fall into a pyramid. The white man is always at the top, then as his subordinate you will find the white woman, who need only serve one master."
"We cannot allow ourselves to become relegated to second- or even third-class citizens."
"Running was an option, but Sara was not going to run right now."
"Sara knew what a cigarette burn looked like."
"The entire left side of Michelle’s body was such a dark, reddish purple..."
"Michelle Spivey had survived unspeakable horrors."
"I’m sorry you’re upset. She was a flawed woman, but she redeemed herself in the end."
"One muffin, he’s looking around the oven, and he says, ‘Wow, it is really, really hot in here.’"
"The first two shots were going to stop Dash’s heart."
"The fact that Faith had only been here for fifteen minutes was no excuse for not noticing that they were all wearing the springy earbuds that FBI agents favored."
"Whatever information exchange Amanda had going on with the FBI was not something she was choosing to share."
"Faith knew better than to ask a direct question."
"It reminds me of my son when he was a little boy. All kids do this, really. They get to this point in their lives where they realize that things are unfair. It pisses them the hell off."
"Faith didn’t ask how it was familiar. She was more concerned with her brown-skinned daughter and how armed groups like the IPA might get away with hurting her."
"I’m sick of things only being fair for some people. It’s not right. It’s not American."
"I cheat at Chutes and Ladders. I have sacrificed my own son’s life to win at Fortnite."
"Faith silently returned to her original question, the one that Van wasn’t going to answer."